Tari: +72% in 7 years, but waste decreases

According to the Confcommercio Observatory, in 2017 the Tari reached a total of 9,3 billion euros, 3,9 billion more than in 2011, even if in the same period the separate waste collection grew by 20% and the total production of waste decreased :…
Tari, how to get an 80% discount

The law provides that if waste is not collected or if the service is performed incorrectly, citizens have the right to pay only 20% of the tariff - However, there are some conditions
Tari Rome 2016: how and when you pay

In addition to the political chaos around Ama and the difficult conditions of the Roman roads, where collection is inefficient, there is also the confusion prevailing on the Tari which complicates the situation of the Roman waste - Here is a brief guide to payment…