The HUB LEADER and dance

STRATEGIZING by Emanuele Sacerdote. I believe that the era of supermanagers – army corps generals, authoritarian and uncontested – is definitively over for a new managerial style that favors a new boss with a new managerial imprint of HUB Leader. Having started…
Impact Investing at the service of the Recovery Fund

STRATEGIZING by Emanuele Sacerdote After learning that the Interministerial Committee for European Affairs (CIAE) has collected 600 projects to spend the money from the Recovery Fund, I had the feeling that an important first step was missing, but I could be wrong. At the base of my…
Business strategy: the culture of reputation and reliability

STRATEGIZING column by Emanuele Sacerdote One might think that in the health and economic emergency situation we are experiencing, the issue of consolidated reputational assets is a secondary and non-strategic topic in the corporate culture. Instead, reputational heritage is one of the cornerstones that…

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2020 2021