Embraco and more: let's ask ourselves why companies relocate

From the InPiù website - Companies relocate because it is increasingly difficult for us to work not only because of the cost of labor but because of laws that are confused by unpredictable application, because of the difficulty of collecting credits, because of the environmental hostility towards the enterprise
Europe, the wind is changing: Italy, take up the challenge

On the occasion of the presentation of the book "Europe challenges Italy" by Dassù, Micossi, Perissich, published by Luiss University press, the general manager of Assonime, Stefano Micossi gave a speech yesterday in the Sala Zuccari of Palazzo Giustiniani in Rome…
Micossi: "Banks do not risk systemic crises"

INTERVIEW WITH STEFANO MICOSSI, General Manager of Assonime - "The crisis of some banks does not erase the evidence that the Italian banking system is solid overall and can be tackled with market solutions or with a public parachute" - "The…
Brexit is bad for everyone

If in the referendum of 23 June the British decide to leave the European Union, the costs for London would be very high because the United Kingdom would be excluded from all trade agreements and perhaps from the internal market and the effects on…