Undersecretary Baretta to Corriere della Sera: "The Government plans to extend the 65% bonus on the energy requalification of buildings to condominiums and the seismic safety of homes"
The final bill of the new Stability law should fluctuate between 23 and 26 billion euros, of which, however, more than half will have to be used to avoid the increase in VAT - The numbers of the Note will be decisive…
The Premier assures that the Stability law will not contain any tax increases, not even on cigarettes - Growth lower than expected, however, reduces spending margins and the safeguard clauses need to be defused: 15 billion are needed for…
INTERVIEW WITH SALVATORE ROSSI, General Manager of the Bank of Italy - "First grow and then distribute" - "The perfect Italian-style bicameralism is a system that needs to be corrected" - "Reducing headcount is unavoidable but banks must rethink their business models "-…
After the discount launched last year, the government is studying further tax relief on the returns of pension funds and social security funds that support businesses in Italy. The measure could enter the 2017 Budget Law
The government plans not only to cancel the increases envisaged for the contribution rate of the VAT numbers registered in the separate INPS management, but also to reduce the threshold from 27 to 25% - For project collaborators, the…
From the Revenue Agency comes a guide to the new furniture bonus reserved for couples under 35 - To access the facilitation, 3 requirements must be met - The deduction is valid only on some furniture and cannot be combined with the old (and…
Here comes the model that companies can use to benefit from the tax credit for the purchase of new capital goods in the South – But be careful: various sectors are excluded from the tax credit.
From maternity benefits, from contributions to smartworking, here are the new measures in favor of self-employed workers that will arrive in the Council of Ministers on Thursday - The executive is also preparing an anti-poverty plan worth 800 million in 2016, a sum that will be distributed…
From the abolition of Tasi on the main house to that of the IMU on agricultural and bolted land, from the restructuring bonus to the eco-bonus, passing through the purchase of the first house under leasing and the tax breaks on the purchase of furniture and systems for safety: here's the news...
The new ceiling of 3 for cash payments that came into force on 2016 January with the XNUMX Stability law provides for some exceptions - Here's what changes and what remains the same in terms of pensions, rents, taxes,…
In the new Stability law that came into force on January 18st, there are various interventions aimed at supporting families: from the news on the house to the card for large families, from the bonus for XNUMX year olds to parental leave and the…
With the last go-ahead from the Senate, the maneuver becomes law - News arriving on many fronts: Imu, Tasi, tax relief for new hires, super-subscription, cash ceiling, Rai license fee, plan for the South, culture, safety, pensions, healthcare, electronic payments, games, consultancy…
Definitive approval of the budget maneuver that abolishes the tax on first homes, raises the ceiling on cash to 3.000 euros and provides for interventions in favor of families, businesses and investments.
Definitive approval expected at Palazzo Madama by Wednesday 23rd, last day before the Christmas break - Probable recourse to trust by the government.
Green light during the night from Deputies to the Stability Law, which is now worth 35,4 billion compared to the initial 29,6 - Now the text passes to the Senate - The novelty of the card with discounts for families "with at least three children…
Tomorrow the Stability law in the Chamber in the Chamber - Among the latest amendments approved in the commission there are news on the installments to pay the tax bills and the stop to the cash ceiling for the compensation paid by the PA (including…
Established the single register of financial advisors - Consob arbitration on saver-intermediary disputes - Sterilized the IRES cut for banks - Skip the IRES cut in 2016, plus deficit for safety and culture - No tax brought forward to next year…
The government amendment to the maneuver provides that the single tax levy on machines with cash winnings will rise by 2,5 percentage points, to 17,5% - At the same time, however, the payout will drop from 74 to 70% - Advertising prohibited of gambling…
An amendment to the Stability Law filed by the Government in the Budget Committee in the Chamber provides for two measures for the South: a tax credit broken down into three brackets, each with a spending ceiling, and a one-year extension of the tax relief…
The idea of increasing the use of credit cards and electronic payments in our country with dirigiste interventions such as those that Parliament is discussing in the Stability Law - Convenience for operations under… is completely illusory and misleading.
The government plans to immediately resort to an increase in flexibility to finance security expenditure without waiting for the European Commission, which will publish its assessment of the Italian budget in the spring.
Brussels has already imposed 4 sanctions on Italy for violating the obligations of belonging to the EU but there are others in sight - This is why the Stability Law, currently under examination by Parliament, introduces changes in terms of retaliation and…
The Democratic Party proposes to set up an ad hoc fund to draw on to compensate those who have been penalized by the bank resolution - The plan for the South should include the increase in tax relief for new permanent hires and…
The most likely solution (but not the only one) is an automatic tax credit of 10% for companies investing in the South - There is a lack of resources to restore chapters such as government and pensions - Possible treasure coming from…
To give the country security against terrorism and reassure the Bataclan generation, the 500 bonus for culture is perplexing: both because it finances current spending in deficit by aggravating the debt but above all because it helps…
The tax exemptions for the benefit of the employer providing the benefits are extended to various sectors: education, training, social assistance and health.
The Senate approved the maxi-amendment which again modifies the rules in force since 2016 for the payment of the Rai license fee. The methods of payment in installments, the presumption of possession, the exemptions, the destination of the revenue change. - Here are the latest…
The government obtained 164 votes in favor and 116 against in the Senate. Few changes to the manoeuvre: cap on cash at 1000 euros on money transfers, no Tasi for apartments on loan for use by children, Rai license fee in the bill but…
The hall of Palazzo Madama votes today on the confidence placed by the Government on a maxi-amendment which incorporates the changes made to the text by the Senate Budget Commission - After the vote of the senators, the measure will pass next week to the examination of the Chamber,…
The Stability Law lands in the classroom at Palazzo Madama - Green light expected for Saturday, trust almost certain - News on Imu for rents, Tasi for loan for use and installments of the Rai license fee approved in the committee...
Green light in the Senate Budget Committee for a series of amendments to the Stability Law - 25% discount on the Imu for owners who rent their second home at an agreed rent - The Rai rent will be paid in ten…
Several modification proposals are being discussed in the Senate Budget Committee: from the ceiling to the rates for houses rented at an agreed fee to the Tasi-Imu exemption for those given on loan for use to children or former spouses, from installments…
In the assessment published today on the draft of the Maneuver, the European Commission defines the Italian Stability Law as "at risk of non-compliance", but the door to flexibility remains open, especially as regards the investment clause - The final decision is…
"The flexibility clauses that Italy has asked for were not invented by Italy but are in line with the rules established by the EU itself", specified the prime minister speaking from Malta on Brussels' doubts about the Stability Law -…
According to MEF technicians, the amount of the average contribution relief of the bonus for new hires "is higher than the approximately 1.700 indicated by the Senate offices" - The invariance of resources for the Municipalities confirmed despite the stop at the Tasi in…
This is foreseen by one of the amendments to the Stability law under discussion in the Senate - Another proposed modification would cancel Tasi and Imu on houses on loan to children or inhabited by separated spouses - Possible news also on dry coupon,…
The Stability law abolishes the obligation to pay the fee by check or debit card, because the provision "has proved to be of little effectiveness, also due to the objective difficulty of applying it (among other things, no sanctions are envisaged), while it has created inconvenience…
The minister in a hearing in the Senate: "It is crucial not to weaken the structure of the social security system" - "The privatization plan, the fight against tax evasion and the spending review will continue" - From the spending review 7,3 billion in 2016
In the parliamentary hearing on the 2016 Stability Law, the deputy director of Via Nazionale Federico Signorini drew the attention of the Government and Parliament to the centrality of the public debt, not sparing critical remarks on the measures on cash, on the abolition of the tax on…
The Stability law provides for the commissioning of the National School of Administration to reduce costs by 10% - In the last year, however, the Sna has been the subject of a reorganization that has made it possible to save 12 million: save one more and…
From the technical report to the Stability law it emerges that the government intends to further reduce the indexation to inflation of pensions above four times the minimum in the two-year period 2017-2018 - The savings will be used to finance the other measures envisaged by the maneuver in…
Mattarella signed the text yesterday - The document will be sent for a preliminary opinion to the Budget commission, which will meet tomorrow morning.
The stability law has a positive effect on GDP "both for the quality of some measures implemented - explains the CsC in Congiuntura flash issued today - and for the size of the financing deficit".
The Premier at eight and a half: "I respect Cantone but I don't agree with him" - "On pensions we want to avoid another exodus case" - "I have never changed my mind on the Imu for luxury homes" - "It will not be allowed to no…
The Premier on Facebook: "It's true, Berlusconi did too. The rule is the same as then, with only two differences: 1) we won't change our minds like he did in 2011, when he voted to put the ICI back on by changing only the …
From next year, the Rai license fee will arrive in the electricity bill and will be paid in 6 installments of 16,66 euros each - In order not to pay, you will need a self-certification stating that you do not have a TV or an internet connection -…
According to the Economy Minister, "with this maneuver the tax burden will drop from 44,2% to 42,4% and it will be a permanent reduction" - "The deficit is also down" - Spending review: "It was a political choice not to include the cut…
According to what the news agencies reported today, in Brussels there is the feeling that Italy is "more solid" than in 2014 and that "there will be no postponement" of the Stability Law to the sender within the week - Padoan: "Reduced deficits…
In Italy, the reduction of public spending seems impossible: spending is halved from the new budget - The technicians make the proposals but the politicians reject them because they fear losing consensus - But the cases of Portugal, the Gran…
The extension of the no-tax area for pensioners will start in 2017. The advance to 2016 depends on the flexibility that Europe will grant us. Minister Poletti said so - In the 2016 Stability Law also measures on redundancies, the women's option and…
The Stability Law will be accompanied by the Jobs Act of the Self-employed, a bill that aims to expand the rights and protections of self-employed workers. Greater deductibility, maternity leave, incentives, that's what will change in 2016.
The prime minister, interviewed by Radio 24, declares that Europe "is not entitled to enter into the merits of the measures" and adds that the EU "can make suggestions but not enter into individual measures"
The Council of Ministers has approved the new maneuver - Goodbye Tasi on first homes - Gone too Imu and agricultural Irap - The ceiling for cash rises - Measures for pensioners, but the increase in output flexibility…
The CDM has given the green light to a maneuver that will fluctuate between 27 and 30 billion euros - Renzi: "Ires advance cut and school building depends on the EU. Migration costs are worth 0,2%…
Part time paid by companies for workers over 63 - Via Tasi and Imu from the first home - The budget maneuver will be approved today in the Council of Ministers - The cash crux
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announces his intention to raise the limit on cash payments from 1.000 to 3.000 euros in order to help consumption and harmonize the threshold with the EU average - "Through information technology you recover much more tax evasion…
The ceiling on cash rises from 1.000 to 3.000 euros, via taxes on first homes and new reliefs for businesses, interventions on VAT numbers, the plan for the South and aid against poverty, as well as 500 new professors…
The Government could include the measure in the Stability law or in an immediately subsequent provision
The government is studying the possibility of making companies pay the pension loan: workers would receive around 800 euros a month in the last few years before retirement, but then they would have to repay the credit with a reduction in the social security allowance.
Retirement is the hottest topic of the 2016 Stability Law. While the government is thinking about how to introduce greater flexibility into the Italian pension system, it is useful to recall the "tricks" that can cut the time needed to achieve…
In the new 27 billion maneuver announced yesterday by Renzi there should be space for a plan for the South (with interventions on Ires, work and investments) and at least two innovations for VAT numbers on the subject of personal income tax and separate management...
The Premier to the Pd senators: "The tax cut operation that began with the 80 euro and continued with the cut of the Irap, will continue with the Imu, then with the Ires and the Irpef".
In Southern Italy, invalidity pensions account for 22,96% of total pensions, against 11,36% of invalidity pensions paid in the North. The approval of the Def is expected for tonight with interventions for greater control over social security spending. The…
The Treasury sells 5,7% of Enel for 2,2 billion euros and slows down the Mediaset takeover bid on Rai Way - Brussels promotes Italy: ok to the Stability Law but reduce the debt - Today auction of XNUMX-year BTPs after the …
However, the document on public finances presented by the EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, does not lack a warning: "Specific political actions and monitoring are necessary".
The Stability Law which dictates the economic and fiscal lines of the Government for 2015 has been definitively approved by the Chamber: among the main changes is the extension of the 80 euro bonus and the advance of the severance indemnity - Frozen Tasi and…
In the evening, the Executive will present a maxi-amendment and will ask the Senate for confidence in the maneuver - Very tight deadlines to close in the Chamber by 24 December.
While awaiting the latest modification proposals on the Regions and Provinces, which will arrive in the next few hours, the government has filed around twenty amendments to the Stability Law in the Budget Committee of the Senate - Various issues addressed: from the sale…
An amendment to the Stability Law suspends the disbursement of 110 new million in Rome following the scandals. The sales of the subsidiaries Ama and Atac must begin within six months. By the end of July 2015, the awarding of public services to tender
According to the Finance commission of Palazzo Madama, the measure "risks being penalised" for those who have already joined these supplementary pension instruments - Furthermore, starting from 2014, the increase "is made in derogation from the principle of non-retroactivity of…
The increase in the National Health Fund of 2 billion which had been outlined in the text of the Health Pact signed this summer has almost been cancelled.
The text is the same as released by the Budget Commission and there will be three votes on confidence, one for each of the articles into which the maneuver is divided.
A Pd amendment to the Stability law corrects the Fornero reform, canceling the penalty for those who, with 42 years and one month of contributions, choose to retire despite not meeting the age requirements.
The intention to reduce and simplify the payment is confirmed, but there is no technical time to include the measure in the Stability law - We are moving towards an ad hoc decree.
On Saturday, or perhaps Sunday, the examination of the maneuver should conclude with the voting on the agendas and the final vote - But other changes will arrive in the Senate.
The result was expected by the government, especially after the meeting between Renzi and Juncker at the G-20 in Brisbane - France was also promoted, but in March a new examination for both.
Reduced from 90 thousand euros of income to 25 thousand of Isee the ceiling beyond which one is not entitled to the contribution - Another 400 million for social safety nets - More flexibility for the Municipalities, but the cuts remain -…
The government plans to link the fee to ISEE and include it in the electricity bill - 400 million are being sought to cancel or reduce the incoming tax increase for pension funds and severance pay - The baby bonus is being remodulated - To be continued…
Green light from the Labor commission of the Chamber to the new text of the Jobs Act: the majority accelerates - Sparks instead on the Stability law, where the assault of the Pd minority is triggered with a rain of amendments that tests the…
The resources managed by the Electricity Sector Equalization Fund, an autonomous entity financed with bills, will end up in the Treasury - This is provided for by an amendment to the Stability Law - The electricity sector fears losing an important autonomy, because…
On social security, the tax increases envisaged by the maneuver and the negative revaluation of the contribution amounts are about to be reduced.
CRICOLO REF RESEARCH - "The horizon of fiscal policy becomes more uncertain starting from 2016. The objectives on balances have been formally reaffirmed, which means that in 2016 the fiscal policy would be highly restrictive. Our…
The insurance companies are also asking the Government to "make the option expressed by the employee revocable at the end of each year" on the advance of the severance pay.
The Maastricht rules (deficit at 3% and debt at 60%) were conceived in a different context and need to be updated but compliance with the structural budget and growth are not alternatives: the former can help the latter by avoiding…
The substitute tax rate rises from 5 to 15%, but the number of beneficiaries should expand - All turnover limits and coefficients for the various professional categories - There are two fundamental requirements to keep in mind - What…
LETTER ATTACHED IN PDF - 3,3 billion will come from the tax reduction fund, the rest will come from EU co-financing (0,5 billion) and an extension of the VAT reverse charge (0,73 billion) - The minister writes in Brussels: "A…
About a billion will be needed to add to the 3,4 set aside by the Treasury - Renzi: "It seems to me that the compromise will hold up, but let's be careful of everything..."
The hypothesis is put forward of establishing "an increasing percentage of the severance pay flow" in the payroll "in proportion to the size of the company".
The Commission also asks France for clarifications - The Katainen hawk throws water on the fire, but the Barroso-Renzi controversy continues.
The maneuver promoted: "The Government's choices appear justified given the exceptional duration and depth of the recession".
The last-minute changes to the Stability law concern the methods of disbursement of the baby bonus and the payment date of the INPS-INPDAP double pensions.
Safeguard clause from 2016 if Italy does not save as much as expected - Here is the insurance that Rome offers Brussels.
Government's about-face on the rule that appeared yesterday in the maneuver - Postponement only for 800 thousand pensioners: save another 15 million - But the unions want more.
The novelty is contained in the version of the maneuver arrived today at the Quirinale, which in any case is not definitive - The Codacons intends to promote collective action to distrust INPS from applying the provision - The unions: "It is unacceptable".
Retroactivity also applies to banking foundations - For annuities received from non-commercial entities, the taxable base rises from 5 to 77,74% - As for pension funds, the rate on returns will rise from 11,5 to 20%.
Renzi's economic advisor, Yoram Gutgeld, reveals to Corriere that in the final text of the Stability law, the annual ceiling for tax relief on new permanent contracts will rise from 6.200 to 8.060 euros - The threshold will work…
STABILITY LAW - The advance of the severance pay will be taxed at the Irpef rate, no longer at the facilitated one, but for those who earn up to 29 thousand euros nothing will change - Above this threshold, however, the tax increase can exceed 500…
Chiamparino: "If Irap goes up, I'll resign" - Zingaretti: "It's easy to lower taxes with other people's money" - Marini: "The cuts will weigh on transport and health care" - Renzi: "Don't kid ourselves, cut the waste".
DRAFT STABILITY LAW - According to a non-definitive version of the text, the maneuver makes the "cost for employees with permanent contracts" fully deductible, but repeals the rate cut decided six months ago which was valid...