Quota 41 is a case of real "smuggling" of social security reforms and making this requirement the cornerstone of pension guidance is wrong for three reasons. The new scenario from 2025 and the lines of a reformed system
Far from overcoming the Fornero law, the centre-right's electoral promises on pensions are destined to vanish in the face of reality, while social security is used only to raise cash
According to the Observatory on Italian public accounts, the universal extension of the flat tax would cost 58 billion euros - Astronomical bill even for the 41 share
A clear message emerges from the accounts of the General State Accounting Office: changing the Fornero law substantially risks bringing chaos back to the pension budget
Allowing all people who reach 100 with the sum of age and contributions to retire would be too expensive, so the government is thinking of introducing a series of limits - We are not talking about the 41 quota...
The deadline for submitting the application has expired and the applications have exceeded the foreseen ceiling: here is in which world and when the INPS will inform the applicants if and from when they will be entitled to collect the treatment.
11 applications exceeded in a few days - North dominates among the regions with the most requests, but Sicily is in the top 4
This was assured by the economic adviser of Palazzo Chigi, Marco Leonardi, after the controversies opened by the unions for the new delay - The measures were signed by Gentiloni three weeks ago - Meanwhile, the time to present…