Quota 100: the 4 hypotheses to overcome it

From Quota 41 to a contribution review of Quota 100, passing through the pension advance and the strengthening of the Ape sociale and measures for strenuous work: here are the proposals on the table for the 2021 mini-reform of pensions
Pensions: who is afraid of the staircase

In the Government there is a truce on the pension front, but the problem will arise after the summer when we begin to think about how to get out of Quota 100 - The fear of a new staircase risks fueling proposals that tend to…
Health emergency and Quota 100 breakdowns

For now, early retirements due to a wrong and demagogic provision have been less than expected but in Healthcare they risk favoring the exodus of doctors and nurses in a dramatic moment for the Coronavirus.
Pensions, Quota 100 favors men and the North

According to the INPS monitoring of the first nine months of the year, early retirements are a prerogative above all of employed male workers residing in the North - Prevalence of working women instead in old-age pensions
Work, Italy towards a Caporetto: that's why

The latest Istat data are a wake-up call - The hiring-termination dynamics are significantly negative and measures such as the 100 quota and basic income will not help at all: on the contrary, they risk increasing the number of unemployed and causing the number of employed to fall
Quota 100 pensions: all the news – VIDEO TUTORIAL

What are the requirements to retire with quota 100? How long do we have to wait? What changes for the state? Does anyone who takes advantage of this possibility receive a lower check? The answers to these and other questions in the video tutorial by…
Citizenship income remains an insoluble puzzle

After months of waiting, the decree on basic income and quota 100 is not yet there but the political message that the Lega-Cinque Stelle government wanted to give is devastating and deceives people that basic income is…
Pensions, Quota 100 is a boomerang: that's why

To circumvent the obstacle of 62 years for "ancien regime" retirees, the Government has blocked the ex Fornero rules for early retirement at the values ​​envisaged in 2018, suspending the automatic adjustment to life expectancy trends with penalizing effects on female workers...
Pensions, will 100 become 104 with the old staircase?

To make the pension counter-reform compatible with the tightening imposed by the EU, the Government plans to raise the early retirement threshold to 104, restricting the exit from work to individuals who have already met the necessary requirements by 2018
Maneuver, referral for pensions and basic income

President Sergio Mattarella, in giving the go-ahead for the presentation of the budget law to the Chamber, wrote to Prime Minister Conte: "Constructive dialogue with the EU is appropriate" - After a long incubation, the maneuver is extended to 108 articles.…