Quota 41 is a case of real "smuggling" of social security reforms and making this requirement the cornerstone of pension guidance is wrong for three reasons. The new scenario from 2025 and the lines of a reformed system
A joint study by Inps and Upb reveals that requests for Quota 100 received by 2021 were 380 thousand, but by 2025 they could still rise to over 450 thousand
The young Italians who enter the world of work will be the oldest pensioners in the entire OECD area - Worse than us, only Denmark - Public spending at 15,4% of GDP due to the numerous exceptions to the Fornero reform…
Despite the failure of Quota 100, the public debate still focuses on the advance of pensions, continuing to ignore the stone guest: the generation of thirty and forty year olds, who will be entitled to hunger checks. What happened to the idea of…
At the end of the EU Council, the prime minister spoke of the need "to immediately prepare integrated storage with strategic stocks" - "Quota 100 will not be renewed" and on Poland: "The Union treaty has been questioned" - Europe does not will finance…
To pass Quota 100, the government is studying various options that would allow you to retire four years earlier than the requirement for old-age treatment
In 2021, GDP will grow by 5,9%, but reforms and investments are needed for structural growth - No to the renewal of the 100 quota - Digital literacy in Italy below the EU average
The Government has not yet defined the line it will take on social security, but from the recent meeting with the unions two possible hypotheses can be glimpsed for when Quota 100 will end at the end of the year
From Quota 41 to a contribution review of Quota 100, passing through the pension advance and the strengthening of the Ape sociale and measures for strenuous work: here are the proposals on the table for the 2021 mini-reform of pensions
To replace Quota 100, the Mef is thinking of a slide for strenuous work, while the unions are asking for much more, including a Quota 41 for everyone which the League also likes - Different positions of Pd, M5S and…
Final touches to the Recovery Plan, which will renew the 2023 building bonus only in maneuver but not the pension advance wanted by the League - Green light from the Council of Ministers after a clarifying phone call between Draghi and Von der Leyen in which…
In the Government there is a truce on the pension front, but the problem will arise after the summer when we begin to think about how to get out of Quota 100 - The fear of a new staircase risks fueling proposals that tend to…
More than Quota 100, ordinary early retirements are causing the number of pension benefits to rise - The tables of Pension itineraries by Alberto Brambilla make you think
The INPS surveys on 2019 and on the first nine months of 2020 confirm that, after last year's peak, early pensions linked to Quota 100 decrease, also due to the effect of smart working induced by the pandemic
To overcome Quota 100, the government plans to launch a new pension reform together with the 2021 Budget law - There are different hypotheses: some very expensive for the State, others penalizing for workers
Among the reforms that Europe is asking of Italy in exchange for the money from the Recovery Fund, that of pensions is one of the most important - Criticisms focus in particular on Quota 100, already targeted by the OECD
Public service in great difficulty. According to a research presented at the "Forum Pa 2020 - Digital Resilience", the average age of Italian civil servants is over 50 and investments in training have dropped to 48 euros per person
For now, early retirements due to a wrong and demagogic provision have been less than expected but in Healthcare they risk favoring the exodus of doctors and nurses in a dramatic moment for the Coronavirus.
In his book "At what price" the labor lawyer Martone raises the problem of the unsustainability of increasingly low Italian wages and argues that only with a new balance between the reform of bargaining, enhancement of second-level wages and the minimum wage…
According to the INPS monitoring of the first nine months of the year, early retirements are a prerogative above all of employed male workers residing in the North - Prevalence of working women instead in old-age pensions
An employee who advances his pension with Quota 100 costs the social security system an average of 2 gross per month, i.e. 48 (52 for women) in relation to the average duration of the advance
New Council of Ministers tonight - Renzi calls for the abolition of Quota 100 but Di Maio defends it staunchly and Conte confirms it - The premier excludes VAT remodulations
Approval of the budget law postponed by a week - Open clash between Renzi and Di Maio on the 100 share and between the Five Stars and the Democratic Party on the prison for tax evaders
After tonight's summit, today the Council of Ministers approves the maneuver - Clash between Di Maio and Renzi on pensions - Wedge cut a little higher - 3 billion still missing
The new Government is oriented towards maintaining Quota 100 until the expiry, whose adhesions have been significantly lower than expected
Pd and M5S discuss the fate of the flagship measure of the League: it could be canceled a year in advance or reach expiry without being extended
In August, over 10 PA employees will retire with Quota 100. The following month, 17 teachers will leave school - Healthcare in the balance
The number one of the social security institute, presenting the annual report, also proposed reducing the working hours of Italians to fight unemployment
Three years have passed since the Buona Scuola was hired, many teachers can now request a transfer and have done so above all from the North to the South. Pietro Ichino's proposal to stem the phenomenon
In all, the correction is worth 7,6 billion: in addition to the 6,1 billion budget adjustment, surprisingly the Executive also passed a decree that cuts spending on basic income and the 100 share by 1,5 billion but Salvini and Di…
By the end of the month, the six-month window within which state workers must submit an application and notice to retire with a 100 quota expires - Here is all the information
The minister tries to reassure Brussels, promising welfare cuts in the three-year period 2020-2022, but Di Maio freezes him: "Citizenship income and Quota 100 will not suffer cuts" - And in the end, the cuts remain outside the letter to the EU
The exits will be completed by June 2021 and will concern those who have been excluded from the old agreements - Expected from the second half of 2021 150 people hired with permanent contracts
The latest Istat data are a wake-up call - The hiring-termination dynamics are significantly negative and measures such as the 100 quota and basic income will not help at all: on the contrary, they risk increasing the number of unemployed and causing the number of employed to fall
This was stated by Alberto Brambilla, president of Itinerari Previdenziali and economic consultant of the government until last January: "The costs of assistance have already risen by almost 60% between 2008 and 2018"
According to the OECD, the Italian economy is heading towards recession. The forecasts for 2019 for our country contained in the Italy Report do not leave much hope and according to the OECD, the Italian GDP will fall below zero this year, settling at -0,2%. But the…
In its latest forecast report, the study center estimates that this year the Italian GDP will close at +0,1% - Citizenship income and quota 100 will have an expansive effect of +0,2% - Confindustria resets GDP growth estimates 2019…
According to the CGIL, CISL and UIL, the countermeasures developed by the Government will not be enough to prevent the wave of exits from the public sector from creating disservices to citizens - Tens of thousands of outgoing workers, especially in health and schools…
The European Commission points the finger at the 100 quota and basic income on the very day in which the Senate approves the decree (with some modifications), passing the text to the Chamber. Italy remains under observation due to the high debt, the slowdown…
Race for early retirement - INPS has already received 50 applications in twenty days, especially from Rome, Naples and Milan - Men lead the way - A thrilling increase for public finances - Who will replace Boeri at INPS?
From today, Italians can request to retire with Quota 100, electronically and not only - The Institute has published a message and two circulars explaining how to do it
What are the requirements to retire with quota 100? How long do we have to wait? What changes for the state? Does anyone who takes advantage of this possibility receive a lower check? The answers to these and other questions in the video tutorial by…
The Government has approved the decree on the symbolic measures of the 5 Star Movement and the Lega but the perplexities on the coverage remain and every two months the General Accounting Office of the State will monitor the expenditure trend - HERE IS THE DRAFT OF THE DECREE
After months of waiting, the decree on basic income and quota 100 is not yet there but the political message that the Lega-Cinque Stelle government wanted to give is devastating and deceives people that basic income is…
State employees who retire with the 100 quota will risk waiting up to 7 years to receive the severance pay - To avoid this wait, Minister Bongiorno spoke of a bank financing system: the problem is that…
To circumvent the obstacle of 62 years for "ancien regime" retirees, the Government has blocked the ex Fornero rules for early retirement at the values envisaged in 2018, suspending the automatic adjustment to life expectancy trends with penalizing effects on female workers...
The Lega's pension expert says he considers his experience as an economic consultant to the Government "concluded" - And on the incoming decree he says: "Those who know the machine know that it is impossible to please everyone right away"
Requirements, waiting times, penalties and limits: here are, in brief, the rules of the new channel for early retirement
The deputy prime minister values the maneuver at 30-33 billion and confirms 7 billion for the basic income. But he announces heavier cuts on the so-called golden pensions, over 4 euros: "We will also deny them the adjustment to inflation"-Tria treats to the bitter end in…
The reverse announced by the government brings the 2019 GDP deficit from 2,4 to 2,04% - The cut is worth a total of 6,48 billion: of these, 4,2 will come from spending reductions for the two flagship measures, which are destined to change. -…
Brussels expects the 2019 Italian GDP deficit to remain below the 2% wall, but Conte is currently unable to convince the deputy prime ministers to drop below 2,1% - Around 4 billion is needed to bridge the gap, which…
According to the Kuliscioff Foundation, the symbolic measures of the Lega-Cinque Stelle government will not be able to stimulate internal demand and therefore the GDP: for these reasons - VIDEO.
To defuse the infringement procedure, the European Commission asks to transform the 100 quota into an annual measure and to introduce new barriers for accessing the basic income - The negotiation is going ahead on a narrow ground, but by now the…
To make the pension counter-reform compatible with the tightening imposed by the EU, the Government plans to raise the early retirement threshold to 104, restricting the exit from work to individuals who have already met the necessary requirements by 2018
To find the 4 billion needed to defuse the European procedure, the government must reduce the funds allocated for the maneuver for the two flagship measures - The operation is simpler on the social security side, but a check is also underway...
The pension package, which will be examined by the Chamber next week, has been revised once again: in the two-year period 2022-2023 it will go to 41 years of contributions - Women's option and social Ape extended for one year only - The…
To save money, the government is trying to discourage the use of the 100 quota: those who take advantage of the new channel for early retirement will not be able to collect other payments until they turn 67 - News for civil servants on…
Summit at Palazzo Chigi, but in the face of Europe's severity both the League and the Five Stars now seem willing to lower the deficit by postponing the basic income and the 100 quota for a few months, but the amendments to the maneuver are…
According to calculations by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the cut in the amount can vary from a minimum of 5,06% in the event of retirement just one year in advance of the Fornero Law, up to a maximum of 34,17% in the case of…
President Sergio Mattarella, in giving the go-ahead for the presentation of the budget law to the Chamber, wrote to Prime Minister Conte: "Constructive dialogue with the EU is appropriate" - After a long incubation, the maneuver is extended to 108 articles.…
The pension platform presented by CGIL, CISL and UIL is even more adventurous than that of the Government with measures, completely regardless of their costs, aimed at completely demolishing the Fornero law
From next year it will be possible to retire early with the 100 quota, which however in some cases will be transformed into 101, 102, 103 or 104 quota - Danger escaped for the higher checks: the cut will only concern the indexing -…
According to INPS number one, the government's pension promises will increase the social security debt by 100 billion - Young people will pay the highest price, who will have to pay without really benefiting from new hires - Salvini…
Allowing all people who reach 100 with the sum of age and contributions to retire would be too expensive, so the government is thinking of introducing a series of limits - We are not talking about the 41 quota...
The general rules on the 100 quota now seem to be certain - 7 billion will be available in the maneuver, but the limits set for access are very stringent - Here is the news
The government plans to allow people to leave work before the age of 67, but foresees penalties to reduce the costs of the reform - There is talk of a temporary cut of 1-1,5% or a permanent reduction of 0,5- 1% - Alternatively,…
What would happen if the so-called "quota 2019" for early retirement came into force as early as 100? Much depends on the combination of the various calculation systems, but according to INPS the costs would still travel between 4 and 14 billion…
The proposals of the League's social security ideologue, Alberto Brambilla, to introduce the famous 100 quota as the sum of age and contributions to retire earlier risk bringing retirement a little earlier but generally reducing benefits...