Financial education at school: the proposal in the Senate

Teaching children and young people the basics of economics and finance - This is what the proposal being examined by the Culture Commission of the Senate provides for, which establishes the introduction of financial education in schools in order to allow citizens to…
Del Turco pension, the Senate reverses

In the wake of an appeal presented by the former president of Lombardy, Formigoni, the Senate reconsiders and restores Ottaviano Del Turco's pension after the uprising of a large part of the political forces and public opinion, despite the always populist opinion...
Lawyer Agnelli and the duties of the ruling class

I remember the last meeting with Avvocato Agnelli, whose birth centenary is March 12 - From the leadership of Fiat to senator for life, he was a sure point of reference for the country, respected even by those who opposed him…
Referendum, NO cross wave rises

According to Cinque Stelle and Lega, the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians was supposed to be a piece of cake, but the adhesions to the NO front are increasing day by day and are gaining transversal consensus both on the right and on the left; that's who it is...
Senate, 38 for 60 seats

Exactly 38.016 applications have been received by the Senate for 60 seats of parliamentary coadjutor: watch out for the terms of the competition in the Official Gazette of 14 January next
Lobby, the proposal for a register of "stakeholders" in the Senate

At Palazzo Madama, the former member of the government Riccardo Nencini presented a proposal for the regulation of the activity of the lobbies: for registration in the register it is necessary not to have been convicted in the last decade for crimes against the public administration nor to have held in the last 12 …
Conte: "Europe is our home, but we have to change"

The Prime Minister in his programmatic statements to the Senate: "We confirm the alliance with the USA, but we open up to Russia" - "The Italian public debt is sustainable, but it must be reduced by focusing on growth" - From health care to the taxman through justice and…
Senate: skip the center-right, Lega-M5S axis

Salvini breaks the center-right alliance in the Senate by voting Berlusconi's Bernini for the presidency against the official line of Forza Italia which supports Romani and sending Berlusconi into a rage who considers the leader of the League "a traitor" ready to…

The text now passes to the examination of the Chamber where the Deputies Budget commission is already oriented to close the examination by December XNUMXst - Among the main innovations, the fair compensation for all professionals, the tightening on the crime of stalking ...