A slowdown had already been recorded in the second half of 2023 but in this first half of 2024 the situation seems to have worsened with 75% of companies recording declines in turnover. And there are those who have recorded contractions exceeding 20%
The roadshow promoted by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Ministry of University and Research has started, making 1,2 billion euros available for the creation of 60.000 new student beds by 2026
Interview with Gregorio De Felice, Chief Economist of Intesa Sanpaolo. The first Italian bank remains among the few large companies to boast a highly relevant studies and research office which is increasingly involved in the life of…
The University of Pisa gives companies and state structures the opportunity to participate in cascade projects towards strategic objectives. For them over three million euros
Italian research programs revolve around the activities of the Italian Space Agency. From Turin more collaboration with NASA
The call is a first tranche of a multi-year programme. Companies encouraged to participate for greater competitiveness.
The President of the Mario Negri Institute explains what are the scientific reasons that make cultivated meat appreciated and hopes that the Government will reconsider by dropping its bans
Leonardo has been awarded 70% of EDF research and development funding: electronics, cyber and space are the sectors involved
The company led by Richard Branson debuts the first commercial spaceflight. On board Galactic 01 three Italians: Walter Villadei and Lieutenant Colonel Angelo Landolfi, Air Force officers and Pantaleone Carlucci of CNR Italy. Mission Goal…
A new book by Emanuele Pappalardo offers a different way of teaching music in which children, even young ones, are more aware and involved
Young people leave Italy. Two million in ten years. Why? What are the conditions to return? How do those who remained evaluate the living conditions in the Bel Paese? The research of the North East Foundation is underway which, with…
The collaboration between Snam and covers various fields including security, energy transition, innovation and training
The research project on Alzheimer's "DTA" involves researchers from ENEA and the Santa Lucia Foundation using funds provided by the Lazio Region, allocated by the European Union. At the halfway point, one of the main objectives can be said to have already been achieved: the quantification of…
Received IEEE's prestigious honor, bestowed only on a very limited number of members who have made significant contributions to advancement or applications in engineering, science, and technology
Analgesic, antiseptic, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, stomachic and tonic, also useful for driving away ants now enters the food beverage industry in a big way
Terna participates in the "Stanford Energy Corporate Affiliates" program promoted by Stanford University, to develop solutions capable of enabling the decarbonisation of the electricity sector
The project of the biologist Camilla Bertolini aims to restart the sustainable cultivation of a valuable quality that disappeared in the 800th century. Project of great environmental but also socio-economic value for local aquaculture. Latest news: found in Lio Piccolo oyster shells from the…
Not even Pnrr funds are enough to bridge the gap with Berlin and Paris in terms of R&D investments - And our country is also lagging behind in the field of patents
INTERVIEW WITH GENETIST BRUNO DALLAPICCOLA, Scientific Director of Bambin Gesù - After the recent discovery of the last stretch of the genome, studies are now focusing on the most common complex diseases, from diabetes to allergies, from cancer to psychiatric diseases. But…
Only those who have already distinguished themselves in the competitions of the "European Research Council" can participate - Each of the 15 projects that will be selected will receive 90 thousand euros
INTERVIEW WITH LAURA MERCOLINI of the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology of the University of Bologna - "We have developed a simpler and more reliable anti-doping method" already tested at the last Winter Olympics
In addition to the projects, the Italian research body and the industrial giant will also exchange personnel. Experiments on hydrogen and the capture of CO2 are strategic points. Fincantieri has invested 160 million euros.
After almost seven years at the helm of the research and innovation body, the professor from Verona and former Pd deputy resigned "for personal reasons". The letter to the employees also reveals the difficulty of carrying out the renewal. The…
In the report "100 Italian Life Sciences Stories", Simbola and Enel use 100 stories that symbolize innovation to explore a system that employs 1,8 million people and has a production of 225 billion - Lombardy at the top followed…
INTERVIEW with MARIAPIA ABBRACCHIO, pharmacologist and Deputy Pro-Rector of the State University of Milan: "The checks are important but it makes no sense to definitively suspend AZ: to eradicate the virus we need all the weapons". "Herd immunity in 2022, but to return…
The appointment came today through a decree signed by the Minister of the University of Research, Maria Cristina Messa
The race for vaccines has highlighted the clear supremacy of the American pharmaceutical industry over the European one. But where does the weakness of our industry come from? There are at least three reasons for the gap
The school has a central place in the strategy of the new government but the main novelty is the premier's intention to bet on higher technical institutes on the German and French model which can offer concrete job opportunities for young people
The new financial instrument launched by the Golinelli Foundation and the Sardinia Foundation is the first to support companies and projects in the Life Sciences sector: robots, drugs, devices and diagnostic tools that improve people's lives in the treatment of diseases
Intervention by the governor of Bank of Italy: "GDP will not return to pre-Covid levels before the second half of 2023" . We need to make up for the serious digital delay and the undersizing of businesses. Next Generation Eu is an opportunity not to be missed to come back…
As part of Bookcity, the results of the research "Italian cultural consumption in the time of Covid-19: old and new habits" and "Effettofestival 2020: cultural in-depth festivals in the time of Covid-19" were presented, commissioned by Intesa Sanpaolo, which…
Since last March, since the first days of the lockdown, the Artificial Intelligence laboratory of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center has been providing professional support and technologies to the Infectious Diseases Laboratory of the State University of Milan at the Sacco Hospital for genomic sequencing and…
The donation from the Venetian bank will support the work of the Foundation for Advanced Biomedical Research Onlus of Padua.
The researcher Enea Marialaura Di Somma stands out in the researchers category of the 40 most influential Italian talents under 40 of Fortune Italia - An example for the gender disparity in the STEM field where the female component is still…
The government has promised funds of 1,4 billion for the next two years, a figure never seen before - Will it be an occasional measure or a first step towards a structural change in education?
The new environmental regulations increase the costs for chemistry, while the pharmaceutical industry moves more and more to India and China – But Made in Italy resists: the 3,6 billion turnover represents 9% of the world market…
The new MIUR minister is asking for 3 billion for his ministry and after so many cuts there would be valid reasons to invest more in schools, universities and research, but first of all we need a strategy and a…
The CNR and the Institute of Nuclear Physics in the prestigious ranking are first in Europe. The new government devotes attention and resources to state institutions.
According to the former Premier, the EU must focus on two driving forces for development: "A vigorous research policy and a great project of welfare policies put in difficulty by the economic crisis". The model is CERN, the large participatory laboratory…
In the area of the right to university study and higher education, the Intesa Sanpaolo Onlus Foundation has promoted 74 initiatives in its ten years of activity. More than 1900 young people from 42 universities throughout the country benefited from it, for…
The funds will be used for a new research laboratory for food and medical gases - The project is the result of an agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Lombardy Region
The press conference at the National Research Council reveals the real causes that are leading the institute to draw on the funds destined for research to meet the fixed costs for the functioning of the institution
The research body is going through a serious financial crisis: to save it, the 100 directors of the scientific institutes wrote a manifesto which was sent to the Head of State, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Education
The co-founder of the San Patrignano Foundation and president of E4Impact received recognition in New York for her long and important philanthropic activity at the American Italian Cancer Foundation. The immunologist and scientific director of Humanitas, Alberto Mantovani, was also awarded
Change at the top of the Golinelli Foundation and which wants to give itself the push within the next three years to become one of the cultural centers of reference at European level through the Opus 2065 project
Salerno, Turin, Milan, Rome Tor Vergata and La Sapienza are the public universities that won the tender and will give enrolled students the opportunity to conduct their own research in the humanities for the enhancement of Italian art and culture
Among the 127 competing, the Italian company Vetrya won the award for the best company that applies and promotes practices that encourage innovation, the adoption of cutting-edge tools and procedures
Omar Yaghi (Berkley), Zhong Lin Wang (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Sang Yup Lee (Korea) awarded in the senior category. Two young researchers from Congo and South Africa awarded for the Young Talents of Africa section. While young researcher of the year is Michele…
Investments with a high technological content, not yet completed, are eligible in the 12 specialization areas indicated by the National Smart Specialization Strategy (aerospace, agrifood, blue growth, green chemistry, design, creativity and made in Italy, energy, smart factory, sustainable mobility , Health,…
A research center opens in the capital to develop the most modern technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and digital information and communication technology.
INTERVIEW with ANTONIO DANIELI, Director General of the Golinelli Foundation: "In just two years, our factory has expanded its range of action and brought together in a single ecosystem the entire supply chain which includes education, training, research, innovation, new entrepreneurship and finance…
The "Joint Labs", worth over 1,5 million, is aimed at the development of innovative materials and technologies for increasingly sustainable mobility.
He will begin his new role on November 17 -
Here are the innovations provided for by the Budget Law for civil servants - Important changes also in the school sector, with the commitment relating to the seniority increases of university teachers and that of harmonizing the salaries of school managers with the other…
According to the agency led by Federico Testa, EU projects have risen from 31 to 55 (+80%) with a success rate of 20%, double the European average
The agreement reached provides for a total investment in research and development of over 150 million euros, most of which allocated by FCA. Resources that will be used to support the competitiveness of the Italian automotive sector.
The update of the Revenue Agency in collaboration with the MiSE provides for the concession of an additional year for investments and the opening up to resident companies that carry out activities on behalf of non-resident clients.
MacroGeo was born last September and is already starting to think big. The research company that aims to combine macro-financial and geopolitical analysis has announced the appointment of Nouriel Roubini as chief economic advisor - De…
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the non-profit charitable foundation that Facebook's number one launched together with his wife Priscilla Chan, will invest more than 3 billion dollars in order to develop technologies to speed up medical research.
From the Technology Review, Italian edition - The widespread fear in the United Kingdom scientific community is that, without European funds, research runs the risk of being underfunded - The lack of international character of research is also worrying...
The award has arrived at the XV edition. Here are the studies awarded today in Montecitorio: from the exoskeleton that helps children with movement disorders to walk to new polymers for batteries and solar cells, from highly performing curved crystals to…
A Bocconi study on the industrial research sector indicates that women are underrepresented and have lower wages, also considering differences in role, children and other characteristics. It is necessary to intervene in the first years of training to stimulate…
Prizes of the Acri, which brings together the banking foundations and is chaired by Giuseppe Guzzetti, to deserving researchers from the European and non-European area
On the sidelines of the visit to the HiTech laboratory in Pomezia which managed to isolate the Ebola virus, the Premier announces the imminent arrival of a 2,5 billion euro plan for research. - Renzi: "Finally we'll go back to investing"
Partnership in research and innovation between the Bologna Foundation and the Italian Institute of Technology - A database will make it possible to select scientific communication for companies, schools and universities - Zanotti: "From October 29 thousand presence in the Golinelli Opificio and 15 thousand…
The Government is ready to invest 150 million a year for 10 years for the construction in the Expo area of a world center for studies on genomics, big data, nutrition, food and sustainability which, when fully operational, should employ around 1.600 researchers.
The implementing decree relating to the tax deductions for research and development introduced with the destination Italy decree and redefined with the 2015 stability law has been published. Here are the beneficiaries, time frame, tax credit, eligible costs, concessions, methods of use and…
In the United States, thanks to new technologies, a different approach to higher education is developing which has found a new expression in Udacity founded by Sebastian Thrun, creator of Google Street View and pioneer of the driverless car: it is a platform…
Mermec, an Apulian company specializing in technology applied to the monitoring and diagnostics of railway infrastructures, will take care of the flow control of the Shinkasen, the Japanese super train.
Public research and private high-tech industry allied to produce world's first superconducting coils - Project Tokamak challenge
The Minister of Development signed the decrees. They will work alongside commissioner Federico Testa appointed in August to replace Giovanni Lelli. Fanelli was a member of the Energy Authority under the Ortis presidency and a former Undersecretary for the Environment. Corazza temporarily leaves the position of…
The crucial move to relaunch the industrial system is not to dust off old forms of subsidies but the truly innovative one, favoring the transfer of technological knowledge from public research centers to especially small companies: from University-company collaboration…
Unicredit and the Scuola Normale Superiore set up the "Dynamics and Information Research Insititute" to promote and support scientific and technological research projects with an eye to the potential industrial effects - The bank will support the research activity with grants…
According to what emerges from a survey conducted by the Bank of Italy, our country invests less than the European average in the public research sector - The motivation can be traced to a certain resistance of Italian public research to adopting new models…
According to the data disclosed by the Emblema Foundation during the research grant, the value of the research projects financed so far with the 54 crowdfunding platforms present in Italy exceeds 30 million euros -…
The Premier specified that the plan provides for "incentives for the use of researchers with technical-scientific profiles": an incentive is envisaged for "a thousand innovative doctorates" and "various other measures" including "one graduate for each company, a boost especially for SMEs”.
Studies on the work of the American artist continue. The Alchemy masterpiece at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure for conservation interventions.
EIB, SACE and FIAT have finalized a 400 million agreement to support their R&D in the period 2013-16 by improving know-how and the search for innovative solutions, looking at the energy efficiency objectives set by the EU.
The whole of Italy must thank Marino Golinelli, the ninety-year-old enlightened patron of Alfa Wassermann who is celebrating the first 25 years of his Foundation these days, which supports research and the dissemination of scientific culture - "Up to now I have invested…
The automaker leads the EU study rankings for the first time and is somewhat surprisingly the only German company in the top ten - Just today VW announced that 84 billion euros will be invested in…
Over the next 7 years, the EU will invest more than 22 billion to encourage innovation in industry. Five sectors are most interested: innovative medicines, aeronautics, bio-industries, fuel cells and hydrogen and electronics. Technology initiatives are open to a wide range of industries…
They are the result of the work of public research bodies and universities in Italy, a heritage largely unknown to companies, especially smaller ones, but which a joint initiative by Unioncamere, Cotec and Cnr is now trying to…
The Minister of Education and Research has closed the proceedings of the Technology Forum 2013, organized by Ambrosetti - The European House in Castelbrando: "The community's proposals are valid but an actor is missing: young researchers" - On the strategies of…
The journey of First Arte begins inside the Italian Foundations and Archives which represent the history of our country and which today invest in research, innovation and exclusivity in an integrated system of "Business and Culture": creative knowledge for…
Intesa Sanpaolo CEO Enrico Cucchiani has been appointed new president of the Research & Entrepreneurship Foundation which supports the development and innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and spin-offs - Industry, finance and universities underpin…
Hydrogen sulphide is the name of the gas that emanates from rotten eggs and also from certain sulphurous spas - Now entire congresses are dedicated to studying its properties - Research, in China and elsewhere, has led to…
Mussels stick to rocks and plants and are able to support, thanks to the adhesive that binds them to the host material, tremendous currents - American researchers have reproduced the adhesive proteins of mussels in the laboratory - The new adhesive,…
The report "Italy Multinational 2012" emphasizes the structural and strategic deficiencies that limit the degree of attraction of FDI and competitiveness abroad: few investments, low productivity and reduced innovative capacity.
The industrial applications of superconductivity are a 'Sacred Chalice' of research: the possibility of making electric current flow without encountering any resistance would lead to efficiency gains capable of creating a new industrial revolution - In Japan there are…
The European subsidiary of the Japanese multinational Hitachi has announced the opening of its European Rail Research Center in London.
The University of Bologna is the leader of a European project, in which a Chinese university also participates, in the search for superbugs - Seven small and medium-sized enterprises involved throughout Europe.
The Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild Europe and the University of Parma have launched a partnership to analyze the financial investments of real estate funds under Italian law - The aim is to create new indices capable of monitoring the sector.
Startups and spin-offs are not always really such and only existing companies can facilitate the take-off of technological startups - Collaboration between universities, research centers and companies is certainly desirable but the goal must be higher…
Enel and Cnr signed an agreement today - The new project will study the energy sector in its entirety: from the intelligent use of energy, to the development of the grid, up to research to improve renewable energies
Two Australian researchers, David Johnson and Wang Sheng Lee, have researched the duration of post-promotion motivation at work. Interviewed more than 1000 workers before and after the promotion and 11 criteria in the list. In Italy, no cadre wants…
FIRST TECHNOLOGY FORUM in Castelbrando (Tv) - The seven proposals of the Ambrosetti community to face the challenge of the future: research, innovation and competitiveness - The theme of "technology transfer" - The central role of universities - The collaboration of…
Alessandro Fusacchia, coordinator of the task force for innovative startups and adviser to the Minister of Economic Development Corrado Passera, spoke at the Ambrosetti Technology Forum: "Growth is not only work and capital, but above all research" - Incentives are in the works from…
INTERVIEW WITH VENDEMIANO SARTOR - "Veneto and the North-East have a transversal productive fabric of the highest excellence: they represent a unique opportunity for research and innovation, but the game is played entirely on the network with the universities, which must adapt and …
Technology Forum Ambrosetti in Castelbrando (TV) - The speech by Lee Burton, professor at Stanford: "Silicon Valley is a model for Europe" - Crowdfunding is exploding in the USA thanks to a law by the Obama government - Italy bringing up the rear for …
An application for smartphones developed by an Australian researcher could revolutionize the world of mobile telephony - It's called Serval and allows calls from mobile phones without using a SIM card, i.e. without having to subscribe to any operator - Thanks to the…