The fifth installment of the scrapping quater undergoes yet another extension, with the deadline now moved to September 15, 2024 and a forbearance that extends the deadline until September 20 without penalties. Here are the details
Countdown to the deadline, set for October 31st, of the first or only installment of the quater scrapping. Here is the guide to avoid mistakes
The payment of the first (or only) installment must be made by 31 October 2023, but with the five-day grace period you have until Monday 6 November: here are all the details
There is little time left to submit the request for the facilitated definition of folders envisaged by the new Scrapping quater: here's everything you need to know
The Mef has anticipated that within the Bollette decree there will also be an extension of the deadlines for the quater scrapping. Here are all the new dates
Time until April 30 to submit the application for scrapping quater. The Revenue Agency recommends avoiding the last few days due to possible slowdowns in computer systems. Here's what to do
The Municipalities that have decided to decide not to accept the excerpt of the files up to 1.000 euros of local taxes such as Imu and Tari are increasing. Here is the updated (but not definitive) list
Applications are underway to access the new version of the scrapping of files (quater) and pay only the taxes due without penalties or interest - Here is everything you need to know and the instructions from the Revenue Agency
With the tax truce contained in the 2023 Budget Law, important news arrives on tax records. Different rules based on amounts and deadlines, here's everything you need to know
The files would be those until 2015. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Economy Maurizio Leo who also spoke of a revision of the sanctioning system
The structure of this new fiscal peace will be different starting from the interested parties up to new amounts for the balance and excerpt. This is how the expected quater scrapping of fines, taxes and contributions works
Lega, Forza Italia and M5S want the terms of the scrapping ter to be postponed and Salvini goes so far as to ask for scrapping quater, while Pd and Leu oppose - Without a compromise, he risks skipping even the general agreement on…
The Finance and Labor Commissions of the Senate have approved a series of amendments to the Tax-Labour decree which establish the extension of numerous deadlines. Here are all the referrals.
From 1 September, arrears, suspended due to the Covid pandemic, will have to be paid - News on Scrapping ter and Balance and excerpt
The deadline should be moved from March XNUMXst to the end of April - The extension will be contained in the Ristori decree, expected for the weekend
The third installment of the scrap ter expires on February 28 - Those who comply with a delay of more than five days lose all the benefits - Here's how and how much to pay
By 31 October, the Revenue Collection Agency will send just under 700 communications with responses to taxpayers who have asked to adhere to the two "fiscal peace" measures - Here's what's in the letters and how to pay
Those who adhered to the procedure by 30 April have until Wednesday to pay the first installment of the "fiscal peace" operation on tax bills - Here's how/how much you pay and what happens in case of delay or…
As established by the Growth decree, taxpayers who missed the April 30 deadline have until July 31 to ask to settle their tax debts in a facilitated form - Here's how to apply
From Salva Roma to the many tax news on Ires, Imu, Inail, ecobonus and scrapping folders: here are the news coming with the summer maxi-provision on which the Chamber of the Chamber has given the green light to trust
As of last April 18, the Revenue-Collection Agency had almost 865 applications, the forecast is that a million total applications may be reached in the last few hours - The novelty of the "balance and excerpt".
From 21 December it is possible to submit the application to join the scrapping of tax bills online - Here's how
From total amnesty on fines and stamp duties to maxi discounts on tax disputes, passing through the third scrapping of tax bills - The big news, however, is the cleanup on income evaded and disclosed through a supplementary declaration…
The first act of the reform is expected with the tax decree and should include the strengthening of the amnesty on pending disputes and the third scrapping of tax bills - The next step is more laborious, which will concern the flat tax on…
Monday XNUMXst October is the last day to pay the fifth and last installment of the first scrapping, but also the second installment of the bis scrapping - Here are all the ways to pay
Countdown to the scrapping bis: the first or only installment relating to debts entrusted to collection from January 31st to September 30th 2017 must be paid by XNUMXst July - Here's what you pay, how to pay and…
You have until May 15th to join the encore scrapping, but be careful: rules and deadlines change according to the recipient and the folder he wants to scrap - There are three possibilities: folders from the period 2000-2016, folders from 2017 and…
The Revenue-Collection Agency also publishes a guide with all the news on scrapping introduced by the tax decree recently approved by the Government.
The 2018 maneuver, like last year, will be accompanied by a tax decree which will contain part of the coverage and which will most likely be approved by the Council of Ministers to be held in the morning.
Today, October 2, the deadline to pay the second installment expires - Meanwhile, the government plans to reopen the terms and launch a real scrapping encore with the 2018 maneuver
One of the hypotheses on the table of the 2018 maneuver focuses on the reopening of the terms of the facilitated definition for the benefit of the 400 thousand taxpayers who were excluded from the first edition due to formal errors or non-payment of installments.
The deadline for paying the first or only installment expires on July 31st: no extension has (yet) arrived, so those who miss the deadline will find themselves paying a heavy bill. Interest and dates for those who have chosen to pay…
The collection agency is sending thousands of communications to taxpayers who have joined the procedure for scrapping tax bills - Here's what they contain and how to pay.
Taxpayers who have adhered to the procedure will receive a communication from Equitalia: here is what information the letter will contain - You can choose between different payment methods - Those who have decided to pay in installments must be careful
The last day to join is Friday 21 April - Through the scrapping, taxpayers can extinguish their debt with Equitalia, taking advantage of a discount on the sums owed.
With Equipay it will also be possible to pay for the scrapping of Equitalia folders with a debit card: here's how.
The boom in the scrapping of tax records has led Equitalia to keep its branches open to the public even in the afternoon until 21 April - Here is the list of open branches
In the last two months, requests have increased by 246% and an extension of the deadline from 31 March to 21 February could soon arrive - Here are the clarifications from the Revenue Agency on how the scrapping of Equitalia folders works