Reporting science, why can't all journalists do it?

The current scenario of scientific communication sees, on the one hand, a public eager to obtain detailed explanations on the most disparate topics, on the other researchers and institutions who struggle to find language, channel and methods to get the right messages...
City of Science: friendship with China and defense of the climate

After the complicated days of the lockdown, without suspension of activities, "Futuro Remoto" dedicated to climate change is organized in the Neapolitan structure. China at Città della Scienza in Naples, because culture and internationalization must not experience setbacks. Not even in the darkest moments, when it is necessary, instead, to have the ability to relate knowledge, the…
The taste of the food? It's a matter of smell

Contrary to what our brain leads us to believe, a good part of the pleasure we experience from eating or drinking does not come from the palate but from the nose: between 75 and 90% of the taste is olfactory, according to science.
Global Warming Destroys Art: Here's How

Ice Music Festival Norway ended on February 16th, in Finse, Norway, a few steps from the imposing Hardangerjøkulen glacier: the ice structures of the Festival melted due to the absurd temperatures and the event risked…
Naples, appointment with "Remote Future"

The cultural event closes today 11 November. 22nd edition dedicated to regeneration in a city tormented by environmental disasters. Exhibitions and interactive qualities for the benefit of young people, researchers and enthusiasts.
Asi, firing Battiston means scrapping science

The removal of a scientist of Roberto Battiston's esteem from the leadership of the Italian Space Agency is unacceptable for at least three reasons and calls into question the autonomy of research and the Plan for the Space Economy
Ebook, the Aladino lamps series will be presented in Milan

The Central Municipal Library of Milan will host the presentation of the ebook dedicated to themes related to the countryside, art, museums, science, cities and the environment by the authors Anna Finocchi, Agnese Visconti and Giovanna Fazio. Alessandra Mottola Molfino is the director…
Cern, here is the Xi particle

Thanks to her, scientists will have the opportunity to study the "glue" that holds matter together - The discovery took place through the largest accelerator in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).
Golinelli Foundation: little scientists grow up

Videos, cartoons, apps: science can also be explained in this way and this is how 600 children from 85 Italian schools who attended the Foundation's Summer School carried out biotechnology, biochemistry and molecular biology experiments in cutting-edge laboratories…
Art and science to understand the masterpieces

Tomorrow at the Lincei the international maxi-research that examined and studied 27 paintings with the help of chemists, physicists, historians, artists, archaeologists will be presented - 79 institutions involved including the Metropolitan in NY and the Opificio Pietre dure in Florence
Genetic affinities between friends

According to a study, friends share 1% of genes with each other, much more than strangers - They are therefore related as people who share the same "great-grandparent", at the level of fourth cousins.