These days we are all wondering about the consequences of Le Pen's possible success in the French elections, but the economist Veronica De Romanis pushes us to reflect on the harmful effects of Italy's failure to approve the ESM
To be considered a liberal and moderate force, Forza Italia must firmly oppose the Calderoli law on differentiated autonomy and all the extreme initiatives of the League that represent a threat to Italy. Will he be able to do it?
The European right is trying to form a common front in Europe. Salvini and Le Pen sign a pact that closes with the left with a majority. Marion, niece of Marine Le Pen, expelled from her party. But the real French novelty is…
Sensational announcement by the historic founder of the League, Umberto Bossi: "My League has been betrayed. I vote Forza Italia". It is a real torpedo to the current leader Matteo Salvini who has moved the League to the far right and transferred the center of gravity from the North...
Here are the elections for the European Parliament and the EU is at the crossroads: it is time to distinguish between empty promises and concrete policies. From the lesson of the Normandy landings, we learn that integration is crucial to avoid future conflicts. And the…
Vannacci, Borghi, Castiello: the Lega's electoral campaign is a festival of idiocies, one bigger than the other. But how do you vote for people like that?
Nine months after the Asset Decree, a new taxi license has still not been granted. Harsh Antitrust j'accuse for 5 cities
The Five Star leader's proposal to make ministers and parliamentarians ineligible for membership in the European Parliament is correct in substance but it comes when the horses have already escaped from the stable and for this reason it has the flavor of a hoax
There is an Italy that sees its future in a renewed and stronger Europe and there is an Italy that does not really believe in Europe or, worse, that dreams of a Europe on its knees before Putin
Macron shows his muscles to Russia but does not lose sight of the path of diplomatic negotiation to silence the branches in Ukraine. Quite the opposite of what Salvini and Conte are doing in Italy with their pro-Putin outbursts
Compared to the results achieved in the Abruzzo regional elections five years ago, Salvini and Conte's performance on Sunday was terrible. Has the decline begun for extreme populism?
Gian Carlo Blangiardo, supported by the League, will not be able to participate in the tender for the renewal of the top management of Istat. In the meantime, AIFA is in the hands of the regent Francesco Fera, a friend of Meloni
Not even Navalny's assassination pushes Salvini to abandon his ambiguity and closeness with Putin's Russia. But can such a person remain deputy prime minister in a European and Atlanticist country?
Tug of war between Meloni and Salvini over the third mandate for governors and mayors with political consequences that go far beyond future regional elections and can reopen many games
Both the leader of the League Salvini and the leader of the Five Star Movement Conte do not hide their sympathy for Trump and are rooting for his return to the White House but Trump brings with him the alliance with Putin, with good…
Giorgetti recognizes in the Chamber that "the ESM would have been useful to us" but glosses over the crucial point: after the rejection of the ESM wanted by Salvini and Meloni, Italy is no longer reliable on a European level and is more alone
Salvini and the Brothers of Italy try to justify the rejection of the ESM by trampling on reality but unfortunately our country will pay the price
In the economy, as in justice, schools and healthcare, the Meloni Government has done little or nothing and in foreign policy it has been Atlanticist but fluctuating on Europe - Without real reforms the experience of the right in Government will be...
The failure of the ESM will cost Italy dearly and the populist triad Salvini, Meloni and Conte will bear all the responsibility - Who knows if the Democratic Party will understand that chasing the Five Stars is madness and that being alongside them in the battle...
The Minister of Transport has ordered the strike again, but the independent unions do not intend to respect the order, as an organisation, and have confirmed the stop for the whole day: here's what's happening now
The Government is once again postponing the parliamentary approval of the ESM, irritating its European partners and giving a blow to the credibility of our country. But the showdown with Brussels is near and the meeting on the 18th on the Pact of…
Even if instrumentally and belatedly disowned by Beppe Grillo, the season of Vaffa alla casta has produced impressive failures in the decision-making centers of the country which Giuseppe De Rita lucidly highlights - Today rebuilding a culture of government is...
Incomprehensible and inconceivable the No of the Democratic Party Schlein's tendency towards the liberalization of electricity which Europe considers a "milestone" - A move of pure populism which in this case brings the Democratic Party dangerously close to Salvini's demagogic theses
The strike was initially called for Monday 27 November for 24 hours, but Salvini imposed the injunction with a reduction to 4 hours. For the unions the problem has now become political
The agitation of the basic public transport unions on Monday 27 November was reduced from 24 to 4 hours after the new precept from Minister Salvini
The muscularity of the Northern League leader ended up relaunching a purely routine strike which ultimately became a defense of the union's rights
For transport, the strike on Friday is reduced to 4 hours, from 9am to 13pm, as a result of Salvini's injunction. The secretaries of CGIL and UIL confirmed this in the press conference. Here's who's going on strike on Friday
Too many strikes inflate and obscure the civil and political value of the strike and Friday transport strikes offend users, who are usually the less well-off citizens. Labor law expert and former left-wing parliamentarian Pietro Ichino is right...
Tusk's electoral victory in Poland gives hope to pro-Europeans and is a bad blow for the populist, sovereignist and nationalist right. What will Meloni do now? She will find the strength to break with the past and become a…
What's happening to Meloni? She is no longer the pro-Draghi prime minister of the first months at Palazzo Chigi but why? It is the ghosts of the past and the competition on Salvini's right that push her towards shores that risk isolating her...
The harsh reality of the endless landings of migrants shatters the demagoguery of the right and Meloni must begin to open his eyes while Salvini and Le Pen continue the waltz of demagogy, racism and populism
The EU's recognition of Draghi and Letta means only one thing: that Brussels appreciates their idea of Europe and not the sovereignist and populist one of Salvini and even a bit of Meloni
Faced with the fibrillations of the taxi drivers' lobby, Minister Salvini does not seem able to support the Piave line of 20% double licenses and citizens will be condemned to the usual long queues before getting on a…
Salvini is the deputy prime minister and the leader of the second government party and his invitation to Pontida to Le Pen is an insult not only to the reputation of the Meloni government but of Italy itself
Faced with the escalation of the madness of General Vannacci, Salvini and Lollobrigida, the intervention of President Mattarella in Rimini has restored dignity and hope to a country disoriented even by the cynical and fearful silences of Meloni
After the slap received on the extra tax on banks, the Northern League minister of the Economy finally raises his head on the budget maneuver: goodbye to the electoral dreams of the right on pensions and the flat tax. But he will hold up Giorgetti's realism to the test of…
Beyond the criticisms coming from the ECB, the populist and bizarre move by the Government on the banks stems from a completely incorrect analysis and risks causing damage not only to banks but to families, businesses and savers - Because…
Faced with the blustering of Musk and Zuckerberg about an epic martial arts clash in Italy, it would have been enough for the Minister of Culture, Sangiuliano, to have asked them: "But, instead of thinking about goliardic events, why don't you pay taxes to…
The government's surprising blitz on the banks will cause savers to lose money but above all it will cause Italy to lose credibility in the eyes of the world
The Government announces a tax on the extra profits of the banks but is frightened by the threats of a strike by the powerful taxi driver lobby and limits the granting of new licenses. After so many announcements only hot cloths
The Council adopts the first measures on taxis and planes but, at first glance, they look like warm cloths
In spite of the anti-migrant barricades advocated by Salvini, the courageous Northern League governor of Veneto and the region's centre-left mayors are experimenting with a bipartisan protocol of widespread reception of migrants to be sent to work to fill the growing shortage…
A year has passed since the fall of the Draghi government due to the political crime signed by Conte, Salvini and Forza Italia but SuperMario's legacy has not been completely lost: both in economic policy and in support for Ukraine. AND…
"Hands off current accounts" Matteo Renzi shouts in the Senate against a provision of the fiscal delegation which introduces a tax levy on citizens' current accounts for taxes and fines" - Next week he will present a suppressive amendment to put…
The desperate search for electoral consensus has once again led Salvini astray with his tirade on the "fiscal peace" which recalls the times of Papeete: will it end in a new boomerang?
In front of Prime Minister Meloni, the President of Assolombarda, Alessandro Spada sent a very clear message of pride in the strength and successes of regional and national industry to the assembly on 3 July, but also of a clear distancing from…
Who doesn't remember Meloni and Salvini's fierce criticisms of General Figliuolo during Covid amidst the applause of the No Vax? But to block Bonaccini's way now even Figliuolo is good on the right: luckily the General ...
Seven years after the British referendum, the numbers mercilessly nail Brexit to the most blatant of failures. Other than more wealth, Brexit has brought less growth, more inflation and more poverty to the British. But where have the leaders gone…
The populist ghosts of the last electoral campaign present the bill and the prime minister must find a way to exorcise them in order to sign the Mes without losing face. But it's sure to happen. It's just a matter of image and time.…
The centre-right, like previous governments, has largely parceled out Rai but who pays if the ratings of new programs drop?
There is an almost unanimous chorus calling for the appointment of Governor Bonaccini as Commissioner of reconstruction in Romagna who did very well at the time of the 2012 earthquake but the pettiness of the League and in part of FdI risk burning his…
Final touches to public appointments and Council of Ministers for the launch of the Def scheduled for the Government today - The games are done but Meloni must tame Salvini's concern
The spring of appointments at the top of large public groups is in full swing. White smoke is expected around Easter. Here's what lies ahead for Eni, Enel, Terna, Poste Italiane and Leonardo but also for Enav, Trenitalia and Rfi
The candidacies of Scaroni for the presidency of Enel and of Rinaldi for that of ENI, put forward by Berlusconi and Salvini, make many turn up their noses and Meloni does not like them. For this reason, someone suggests the Sapelli hypothesis for the presidency of ENI, a…
Without migrants, working Italy cannot go ahead. 4 out of 10 workers are missing. Melon dribbles Salvini and thinks of a new decree opening up to migrants
At the Aiscat assembly, the concessionaires announce investments over the next 15 years that will help modernize the motorway network. The discussions between the various ministries and the relationship with the Superintendencies. The unfinished works to be completed
Before thinking about attributing new powers to the Regions, we should ask ourselves what effects their current management has had on citizens - But the premier responds to Salvini's regionalist push in an equally wrong way with a confused presidentialism that…
The nomination season has already started but the highlight will be in the spring. Berlusconi and Salvini have told Meloni that they want Leonardo with Cattaneo at the helm but it is not certain that the prime minister will support them. That's why Perfume is…
Based on Quota 103 envisaged by the Meloni government for early retirement, it is not easy to choose whether to leave work early or stay there: here are all the aspects to evaluate
INTERVIEW WITH MARCO FOLLINI, former parliamentarian of the center and former Vice President of the Council: "No prejudice towards the Meloni government but to evaluate it you have to try it" - Relations with Salvini and Berlusconi and the path of the oppositions - Today Aldo Moro…
With the yes of Palazzo Madama, the Meloni government is fully in the saddle, even if some signs of concern emerge from the ranks of the League
The new government is certainly not the high-profile government that Meloni dreamed of, but the presence of institutional figures in key seats is a guarantee: it will be its relationship with Europe that will define its true nature and the encounter…
A white-hot clash between Meloni and Berlusconi, but without the votes of Forza Italia there is no center-right majority and Meloni herself has her loyalists say that she is ready to go back to voting. What's he going to do…
A summit between Meloni, Berlusconi and Salvini will seek agreement on the presidencies of the Senate and the Chamber while the candidacy of the moderate Northern League is advancing for the leadership of the MEF Giancarlo Giorgetti
The president of Confindustria breaks up the Lega's proposals on flat taxes and early retirements, facilitating the drafting of Meloni's new government program
Meloni would like a high-profile government and does not rule out nominating technicians even for key seats, but Salvini and Berlusconi have their political candidates for the Interior Ministry and the Farnesina. How will it end?
The threats launched during the electoral campaign towards the EU are worrying: it is to be hoped that the impact with reality will lead Meloni to forget the electoral promises of his allies
Enrico Letta of the Pd and Matteo Salvini are the two great losers of the political elections of 25 September: the internal showdown and the very concrete risk of losing their seats are being prepared for them
The prime minister rules out a second mandate at Palazzo Chigi but strictly dismisses Salvini for his pro-Russian ambiguity, Meloni for her attacks on the EU and the France-Germany axis, and Conte for his somersaults on sending arms to Ukraine
According to US intelligence, Moscow has spent 300 million dollars since 2014 to influence the political processes of other countries - The news comes like a bombshell on the Italian electoral campaign
At the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio, Salvini breaks the delay and openly criticizes the anti-Putin sanctions but Meloni and Tajani do not follow him
Seeing Salvini and Berlusconi kneeling by Draghi to solve the gas emergency after having him shot in Parliament is simply pathetic, no less than the nostalgic gasps of the populist wing of the Democratic Party towards the Five Stars
The falling birth rate causes incoming generations to be unable to compensate for those leaving work: the problems of the pension system arise from here and the increase in the retirement age is increasingly a necessity
The embrace until the end with the grillini and the renunciation of fighting for a proportional electoral law were two unforgivable mistakes of the Democratic Party - Now, to avoid giving Italy to the right, an electoral agreement with the Center is essential…
Whoever signed the end of the Draghi government made Putin smile but did incalculable damage to Italy and its international reputation, which we hope the voters will remember in the next vote
Salvini and Conte are the losers of the municipal elections. Meloni wins in the center right. The Democratic Party is confirmed as the first party, but the 5 Star flop brings it closer to the reformist area
Salvini's trip to Poland ends in humiliation: a mayor gives him a shirt with Putin's face, the same one the Northern League leader wore a few years ago
The war on the land registry of centre-right parties risks creating a government crisis in real wartime and causing Italy to lose billions and credibility: comedy or tragedy?
Mattarella's reappointment to the Presidency of the Republic is not enough to erase the poor performance of the political class but the merits and demerits are not the same for everyone - Here are the votes for the six main leaders: the rejected outnumber…
Revolt of Forza Italia, Italia Viva, Leu and half Pd against the Salvini-Conte axis to nominate Belloni for the Presidency of the Republic - Two votes today
A few days after the start of voting for the President of the Republic, the games are all open but Renzi's stop and Salvini's braking almost completely extinguish Berlusconi's dreams, while the Draghi hypothesis makes its way,…
The shipwreck on the Zan bill and the anathemas launched against Renzi and Forza Italia are gathering menacing clouds over the Democratic Party in view of the election of the President of the Republic and the political elections: this is why
Salvini tries to hide the electoral defeat by raising his voice against the land registry reform and against Draghi but the premier replies in kind: "The government does not follow the electoral calendar"
The latest book by Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Brothers of Italy, presents a completely distorted vision of reality, seasoned with wise historical omissions to make ends meet with an autarkic and demagogically anti-European conception. Between conspiracies and contradictions, pay attention to the recipes…
The scandal of the regional company Aria demonstrates the managerial incapacity of the Northern League's ruling class. And Piedmont and Veneto are no exception either. And federalism comes out deeply bruised by the health emergency entrusted to small demagogues
The Northern League leader was indicted by the Palermo prosecutor's office for having denied the safe haven to the Spanish NGO in August 2019: he will answer for kidnapping and refusal of official documents.
The government crisis, courageously provoked by Renzi, had the great merit of paving the way for the Draghi government which marks a clear discontinuity with respect to the Conte governments - But now we need a major renewal of politics with an eye,…
Until 15 days ago a Draghi government seemed like a chimera but luckily the dream came true. And not by chance. Here are the report cards of the crisis: who won and who lost, who got promoted…
Conte will try to mend with Renzi and lay the foundations for his third government, but in the event of failure, Palazzo Chigi will change tenants: early elections remain highly unlikely - Renzi sets the deadline for December 28: either…
Parliament's unanimous vote on the budget variance - Conte and Pd thank the leader of Forza Italia who displaced the entire right by leading them to vote in favor of the government
It was time for the Conte 2 Government to correct the Salvini decrees on security on the basis of values typical of the reformist left but it is also good to shed light on asylum requests by dismantling the sovereign propaganda: of all those received by the European Union…
The attempts of the League to hide the clear defeat remedied in the elections in Emilia-Romagna are pathetic: Salvini has begun to lose - The attempt to delegitimize the Sardines is also dishonest
The Prime Minister replies in the Chamber to the opposition's accusations: "No one has yet signed the EU treaty, much less secretly: it is clearly false news" - As for the Mes, "it is an advantage for everyone" - Coldness between Conte and Di …
Di Maio does not want the Government to sign the reform of the Mes and asks for it to be postponed - Harsh reply from the Democratic Party: thus we risk isolation in Europe and the rejection of the markets - Today Conte illustrates the Government's line…
Salvini accuses Conte of treason, who defends himself: "He attended all the meetings" - Gualtieri and Bank of Italy explain that there is no exchange between financial aid from the Mes and debt restructuring - But at the December summit Italy will ask…
The collapse of the Five Star-Pd axis in Umbria will not cause the Conte 2 crisis but it is an abrupt halt to attempts to transform a temporary government alliance into a common Pd-Cinque Stelle home without a project and without a soul. That,…
Today we vote in the regional elections of Umbria: is it just a local test or a test which, while not questioning the Conte government, measures the feasibility of the Pd-Cinque Stelle common house? This is why Renzi quickly unmarked himself
Ok from the Senate to trust - Yet another very hard question and answer between Conte and Salvini. The Premier: "Arrogance from those who asked for full powers". Salvini: "You are the minority of the country"!
Despite the ungenerous attacks on Teresa Bellanova, a minister who grew up in the school of the union, Matteo Salvini's incredible own goals have already changed Italy which from sovereignty has finally returned to being a pro-European.
The Conte 2 government is at the starting line, profoundly different from the yellow-green executive. As in all self-respecting battles, there is no shortage of winners and losers. Who I am? We have identified 8 of them. Here are our report cards.