The closure of Italia Sicura for the prevention of environmental breakdowns decided by the Conte 1 government out of spite against the Renzi government that had established it is unforgivable
Green light from the Council of State to the reform of cooperative banks which obliges Popolare di Sondrio to transform itself into a joint stock company - Unipol has already risen to 9% of the Valtellinese bank which could participate in the creation of the third large group…
After the demagogic inebriation of Lega and Cinque Stelle, Italy needs to resume the path of reforms, correcting the errors and delays of the past, as Marco Leonardi explains in his book "The halved reforms"
Why in Italy is it never possible to carry out radical reforms that modernize the country but are also understood and supported by the citizens? This is what is asked in the new book, "The country of half-reforms", from today in the bookstore, the ex…
The League convinced the Five Stars to dismantle the Renzi reform of the Bccs by canceling the obligation for cooperative credit banks to join national groups with an amendment to the tax decree, as requested by the small banks of the North...
The new book by Marco Leonardi, "The halved reforms" (Bocconi University Editore) is out today in bookstores - The former economic adviser to the Presidency of the Council in the Renzi and Gentiloni governments recounts how the reforms of the last center-left governments were born, but…
The sentence of the Constitutional Court overturned the decree of the Renzi government, which had started authorization procedures without the involvement of the territories: the principle that placed everything in the hands of the central government was rejected.
The question has always been more political than financial to tell the truth and as long as there was a Premier at Palazzo Chigi who was making reforms and ensuring the country's stability, Europe thought it right to let him work. But now the…
There is a lot of information that you need to know before going to vote in the referendum on the constitutional reform of 4 December - Here is a video guide that, in just two minutes, explains the most important changes that will come into force in…
The vote of 4 December is a unique opportunity to renew Italy - The contents of the reform, the train of change that passes every twenty years, the stability of the Government and the international scenario in which the Italian referendum takes place push…
We publish the full text of the letter sent by the general secretary of the CISL metalworkers, Marco Bentivogli, to all Fim members in view of the referendum: "Autonomy from parties is not indifference. We are not interested in being for or against…
There are 6.200 cases in progress and a further thousand taken over - These are the numbers that summarize the trend of the flat-rate compensation operations in favor of the savers of Banca Etruria, Banca Marche, Carichieti and Cariferrara, the four…
Since 2001, the Regions have forced the State to cancel or modify the main initiatives in the field of social policies: from the Nursery Fund to housing measures for families, from the baby bonus to funds for the disabled and…
From Vouchers to the Extraordinary Redundancy Fund, through Solidarity Contracts and Disability, the Jobs Act Changes Again After the Council of Ministers' OK to the Corrective Decree - Here are all the expected changes
The constitutional referendum will be held on the same day as the Austrian presidential election. December 4 will therefore be a key day for the future of Europe.
This morning, the new Airbus 340-500 leased by Etihad by the Prime Minister for state trips and official transfers of Prime Ministers and Authorities took off for Cuba
M5S and Lega ask for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior for a judicial matter that touches him indirectly but in which he is not under investigation: the Pd for now locks him down but the real loose cannon is the threat of 8 senators…
Tomorrow afternoon's Council of Ministers will have on the agenda the decree containing the rules on repayments to be allocated to the bondholders of the four banks under resolution - August 2013 will be the watershed: whoever subscribed first will automatically receive the…
Downward revision of GDP growth estimates, Deficit-GDP ratio to 2,4%, sterilization of safeguard clauses, reduction of public debt - these are the central arguments of the Def that the Council of Ministers will approve today.
THE WEEKEND INTERVIEWS - Giovanni Bossi, CEO of Banca Ifis speaks, which is growing by 20% a year without branches and has a stock market track record of 2002% since 700: "Our success has 3 drivers: liquidity control, …
When the restructuring plan is completed, there will be 70 fewer employees in the banking sector, while the number of branches continues to fall: from 57,1 per 100 inhabitants in 2008 to 51 in 2014 - Unions: "Reforming the banking system…
Last year, 841.781 employment relationships were terminated due to a layoff, down by 8,14% compared to 2014 - In the last quarter of 2015, great success on the hiring front: +7,2% compared to the same period of the previous year.
It seems that the government has chosen to lengthen the time to make the final touches to the guarantee scheme on the securitization of non-performing loans.
To rationalize and reduce public investee companies, one of the government decrees implementing the reform of the PA finally provides for sanctions for those who hinder the change but forget to clarify who will have to pay and how much - The provision…
From the deductibility of training expenses to abusive clauses, from maternity leave to parental leave, passing through the new rules in the event of pregnancy, illness or injury: this is what the bill approved by the Council of Ministers provides -…
The Hall of Palazzo Madama rejected the two motions of the opposition by a wide margin (one presented by M5S and one by Forza Italia and Lega) - Renzi denies Minister Boschi's conflict of interest and claims the decree on cooperative banks…
From maternity benefits, from contributions to smartworking, here are the new measures in favor of self-employed workers that will arrive in the Council of Ministers on Thursday - The executive is also preparing an anti-poverty plan worth 800 million in 2016, a sum that will be distributed…
In these hours the decisive technical meeting - The Italian Executive wants non-performing loans to be moved to private vehicles created by the banks themselves together with private investors - Non-performing loans will be transformed into securities on which bad banks will be able…
To stem the migrant emergency, many European countries have already restored internal border controls, and the hypothesis of a two-year suspension of the Treaty is strengthened - Reintroducing customs would have a negative economic impact of around 28 billion…
After the approval of the reform of the competition classes by the Council of Ministers, Premier Renzi announces the ban - Reduced the number and created 11 new classes. Now all that is missing is the ok from the Public Education Council (Cspi).
On the table of the next Council of Ministers comes the implementing decree to quickly remove the state absentees in the event of overwhelming evidence - Other measures concern the tightening on subsidiaries and the absorption of the Forestry Department into the Carabinieri.
The CDM has approved the decriminalization package. Even obscene acts and the abuse of popular credulity are classified as administrative offenses - But beware: they will be punished with new pecuniary sanctions that are much heavier than in the past - The government also approves decrees…
The Executive intends to adopt a "single legislative decree" by 18 April which contains the transposition of three European directives and the reorganization of the Procurement Code - The enabling law provides for more transparency and publicity in tenders, more controls with…
Reduction of the number of subsidiaries, sole administrator, merger of local spa districts, absorption of Forestry into the Carabinieri, Single Pin for citizens. These are just some of the measures envisaged by the 11 implementing decrees of the reform of the Public Administration which…
Letter-appeal to the premier of a group of Pd parliamentarians, anticipated by "Il Foglio", for a new turning point in Italy based on 5 priority reforms: revolutionizing public spending, linking wages to company productivity, civil and criminal justice, more competition, reward…
The package of decrees implementing the public administration reform that the Council of Ministers will approve on 15 January includes the one on Spid, the new login system that will allow citizens and businesses to access with a single identity…
The ten implementing decrees of the public administration reform are on the way, including the one that provides for a crackdown on investee companies, national and above all local, excluding companies listed on the stock exchange. Incoming pay cuts for…
The Government's 2016 privatization plan is made up of six chapters: the main one is the one concerning the State Railways for which, however, a formula has yet to be found that combines the sale of 40% with…
The Council of Ministers approved, as every year, the Milleproroghe decree - The deadlines for an infinite number of rules are thus postponed: from Equitalia to waste, from the ban on cross-printing with TV to the regulation of NCCs, from the fight against illegal taxis…
Harsh controversy between the Renzi government and the European Commission over bank bailouts. Palazzo Chigi explains that he would have liked to save the 4 banks with the interbank deposit protection fund but the EU regarded it as state aid…
With the last go-ahead from the Senate, the maneuver becomes law - News arriving on many fronts: Imu, Tasi, tax relief for new hires, super-subscription, cash ceiling, Rai license fee, plan for the South, culture, safety, pensions, healthcare, electronic payments, games, consultancy…
INTERVIEW WITH GIACOMO VACIAGO, economist and professor emeritus of Cattolica - "The Government should have noticed the banking crisis beforehand but the solution found by Renzi with the bad bank for the 4 institutions in crisis is the least worst…
With a large majority, 373 votes against and 129 in favour, the Chamber rejected the motion of no confidence presented by M5s against the Minister for Reforms. In the morning Boschi defended herself decisively, answering point by point…
The president of the Democratic Center in the debate in the Chamber on the no-confidence motion against Boschia raised the problem of the adequacy of Banca Popolare dell'Etruria and Lazio in the reform of the Popolari: “The institute was close to receivership. Government was…
The provision could be included on the agenda of the last day of the Council of Ministers to be held before the end of the year.
The Montecitorio hall will vote today on the motion of no confidence of the M5S to the minister Maria Elena Boschi in relation to the bank-saving provision - In January, however, the motion of no confidence in the entire government will be voted presented, amid a thousand internal controversies, by Forza…
Brunetta announces a motion from the entire center-right against the government - The 5 Star Movement has already presented a motion of no confidence in Boschi - The Minister of Reforms: "We'll see who has the majority"
Overall, only 2.500 savers out of the more than 10 involved could receive compensation from the new solidarity fund - Padoan: "It is still too early to talk about thresholds" - The unknown remains to be resolved by Brussels, which could evaluate the intervention of the…
In his speech at the Leopolda Franco Bassanini, president of Astrid and adviser to the Prime Minister, took stock of the changes that are emerging in Europe on an Italian initiative: budget flexibility, golden rule for investments, migrants and…
This is foreseen by a government amendment to the Stability Law - The initial dowry is 80 million, 40 guaranteed by the State and the same by the banking world - Consob will assess the damages suffered on a case-by-case basis and decide who…
The government amendment to the maneuver provides that the single tax levy on machines with cash winnings will rise by 2,5 percentage points, to 17,5% - At the same time, however, the payout will drop from 74 to 70% - Advertising prohibited of gambling…
According to the minister, daughter of the former vice president of Banca Etruria, "there is no discomfort because our government intervened to prevent four banks from closing" - "We are investigating further intervention in the Stability law to meet bondholders…
An amendment to the Stability Law filed by the Government in the Budget Committee in the Chamber provides for two measures for the South: a tax credit broken down into three brackets, each with a spending ceiling, and a one-year extension of the tax relief…
The president of the Ferrovie dello Stato, Marcello Messori, the CEO Michele Mario Elia and the entire board of directors resigned a little while ago following the expressions of no confidence recently expressed by Prime Minister Renzi over the delays in the privatization process…
The Senate approved the maxi-amendment which again modifies the rules in force since 2016 for the payment of the Rai license fee. The methods of payment in installments, the presumption of possession, the exemptions, the destination of the revenue change. - Here are the latest…
The hall of Palazzo Madama votes today on the confidence placed by the Government on a maxi-amendment which incorporates the changes made to the text by the Senate Budget Commission - After the vote of the senators, the measure will pass next week to the examination of the Chamber,…
The Government is ready to invest 150 million a year for 10 years for the construction in the Expo area of a world center for studies on genomics, big data, nutrition, food and sustainability which, when fully operational, should employ around 1.600 researchers.
Undersecretary De Vincenti: "The measure makes it possible to completely regularize the situation" - Regions involved in plans to reduce maxi-deficits will not receive additional resources, but will be able to spread the debt over 30 years - The two decrees also approved…
The provision will solve an accounting problem - The agreement on the Stability law is approaching, in particular as regards the funds for Healthcare - Confident Chiamparino and Lorenzin, critical Maroni, Toti and Zaia.
The premier continues to defend the 2016 Stability Law, accusing the Regions of making controversies based on lies related to cuts to health care. At Palazzo Chigi the meeting between Renzi and the Presidents of the Regions for days on the foot of…
INTERVIEW WITH ALESSANDRO PROFUMO, former top banker and now entrepreneur-manager of Equita Sim - "The recovery is palpable and affects the renewed attention of international investors towards Italy: there are many reasons but we must recognize the merits of…
The Stability law provides for the commissioning of the National School of Administration to reduce costs by 10% - In the last year, however, the Sna has been the subject of a reorganization that has made it possible to save 12 million: save one more and…
The Government aims to obtain the definitive green light from the Senate by November - The super-CEO, the new Board of Directors and the "guarantee" president are arriving - The salaries above 200 thousand euros will be published, but not those of the…
The Stability Law will be accompanied by the Jobs Act of the Self-employed, a bill that aims to expand the rights and protections of self-employed workers. Greater deductibility, maternity leave, incentives, that's what will change in 2016.
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi announces his intention to raise the limit on cash payments from 1.000 to 3.000 euros in order to help consumption and harmonize the threshold with the EU average - "Through information technology you recover much more tax evasion…
"We have not yet found the solution to allow people to retire a couple of years earlier: changing the pension system is only possible on the basis of clear numbers," Prime Minister Renzi said yesterday.
The Government could include the measure in the Stability law or in an immediately subsequent provision
The government is studying the possibility of making companies pay the pension loan: workers would receive around 800 euros a month in the last few years before retirement, but then they would have to repay the credit with a reduction in the social security allowance.
The most eagerly awaited change is the easing of the requirements for early retirement: there is a hypothesis in the field, but the penalty mechanism is still being discussed - New arrivals also for the Women's Option - Possible corrections to severance pay in payroll :…
The Government is evaluating various solutions to increase outgoing flexibility and not compromise public finances: from early retirement with a reduced allowance for unemployed elderly people to the extension of the women's option, from pension loans to solidarity agreements, passing through…
After the closure of the Colosseum and Forum for a trade union meeting, the government yesterday evening approved a decree-law with a single article which equates museums and places of art with public services. In the event of strikes or union meetings, the…
This is the first contribution to self-education envisaged by the latest school reform - For this year it will be credited directly to the salary, but from 2016 there will be a teacher's card.
The new European bail-in legislation implemented by the government will impose a contribution on the shareholders and bondholders of institutions close to bankruptcy - If this were not enough, the forced withdrawal on current accounts will also be possible, but only on…
The last 4 implementing decrees of the Jobs act are expected on Friday, in the context of the Council of Ministers scheduled for tomorrow morning. The missing pieces in the labor reform concern new active policies, the reorganization of social safety nets, the simplification of…
Franco Debenedetti and Gianfranco Fabi question the future of cooperative banks after the abolition of per capita voting in a new essay, published by Guerini and associates: "Popolari addio? no" created by…
Infrastructure Minister Delrio openly rejects the line of the CEO of the State Railways, Elia: no to privatization en bloc, the railway network must remain public - "The FS cannot make decisions that are up to the Government" - Even the…
The Government changes the management of Italian museums: the Uffizi will be entrusted to the leadership of a German, Brera to a British - In total, the top management of 20 Italian museums will change and 7 will be directed by prestigious foreign experts…
The main objective of the Government is to ensure that those who want to retire from work early can do so, but with a penalty - It is possible that there will be a 3% cut in the social security allowance for each year of…
Renzi explained that the project for total coverage of the country with ultra-broadband is worth a total of 12 billion, 5 private and 7 public, of which 2,2 have already been allocated by the Cipe - The plan for…
From easy layoffs to the squeeze on managers and absentees, from the cut on subsidiaries, chambers of commerce and prefectures to the news on public competitions, passing through bills payable by text message, the new single number for emergencies and goodbye...
The Premier, who is about to conclude his trip to Japan, assured that tomorrow the Government will indicate the names for the positions of general manager and president of Rai - Words of appreciation for Antonio Campo Dall'Orto, managing director…
The reimbursements from 295 to 750 euros net will be paid today to the 4 million pensioners who in the two-year period 2012-13 suffered the block of the revaluation of their social security treatments at the cost of living - The government decision in response to…
The Government is losing a unique opportunity to reform Rai - Renewing the top management with the old criteria of the Gasparri law is absurd: an extension of the current board of directors would have been better to start an in-depth debate on the public service aimed at…
It is illusory to think that the Government's fiscal plan can count on many margins of European flexibility which are in reality very limited: to implement it without infringing the Community rules there is only the path indicated by Minister Padoan and that is...
The American multinational will invest 513 million euros in Italy over the next 4 years and will aim to relaunch the former Indesit factories - The Minister of Economic Development Federica Guidi also announces that there will be no redundancies
According to the analysis by the CGIA of Mestre, the Government will need 75,4 billion over the next 4 years to prevent the safeguard clauses from being triggered.
The debate on the school reform continues today in the Chamber. 60 amendments accepted out of the 140 foreseen. - Unions, associations and politicians continue the protest
The debate on the good school bill is underway in the Chamber. The final vote on the reform is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, while protests are raging in the Italian squares.
The provision should arrive today from the Council of Ministers, after the seizure ordered by the Court following a sentence by the Cassation.
After the go-ahead from Deputies, the provision passes to the Senate, which will have to approve it by July 20 - The (one-off) payment will take place on August XNUMX, it will be partial and will follow progressive criteria - The text also refinancing…
The Government has decided to address the issue between September and October through bills and CIPE resolutions - The announcement came today from the Undersecretary for Development, Antonello Giacomelli.
Small shareholders of Veneto Banca in turmoil over the ECB's halt to the sale of Banca Intermobiliare which could open the door to a new capital increase, unsustainable for minor investors: this is what emerged from the Veneto Shareholders' Association…
The vote is expected in the afternoon in the Senate - After the go-ahead in Palazzo Madama, the text will pass to the Chamber for the definitive ok - The government wants to obtain approval by early July, in order to proceed with…
Stefano Fassina, leading exponent of the dem minority, leaves the Democratic Party: "After resorting to trust in the school, there are no longer the conditions to move forward in the Democratic Party" - In reality, Fassina, who has always been against Renzi and…
The Renzi government approves the decree on credit and non-performing banks - From today the final sprint for the agreement between Europe and Greece - New fireworks on the Athens Stock Exchange - Dollar superstar - Marchionne plays the card…
Franco Bassanini, to whom everyone has recognized the brilliant results of the Cassa, has resigned in style from the presidency of the Cdp and his successor Claudio Costamagna is a banker of race and great skills, but the whole operation is…
Contrary to the rumors that spread in the afternoon, the president of the CDP, Franco Bassanini has not resigned despite being ready to do so, because he awaits the formalization of the commitments undertaken with him by the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi which are…
The explanatory report of one of the implementing decrees of the Jobs Act opens the debate on the remote controls of the employee by the employer. The decree, in fact, would abolish article 4 of the Workers' Statute which limited the…
Nothing more could be done, certifies the Parliamentary Budget Office, otherwise the deficit would have gone out of control, at 3,6% of GDP - The decree, in any case, involves an annual burden of around 500 million, so it will be more…
The president of Assonime, Maurizio Sella, in a report to the assembly full of technical ideas of great interest that politicians would do well to keep in mind, broke a spear against political instability, considered as a danger for the recovery of the economy -…