Referendum, the reasons for the NO

For the former Republican senator, cutting the number of parliamentarians is a "wrong and dangerous" rule because, in the absence of a comprehensive reform, it risks distancing Parliament even further from the country and making the political system even more oligarchic
Sapelli on the referendum: "I don't vote but I support the NO"

INTERVIEW WITH GIULIO SAPELLI, economics historian and counter-current intellectual - "Politics cannot be reformed with the simplistic shortcut of cutting the number of parliamentarians. The referendum will have effects on both the Five Stars and the Democratic Party. Giorgetti's NO doesn't appeal to me…
Referendum, no postponement: Onida's appeal rejected

The Civil Court of Milan will not forward the appeal to the Constitutional Court - The appellants pointed the finger at the various issues included in the question, asking for them to be unpacked, but according to the judge "the object of the constitutional referendum is unitary and not…

"From Wednesday, whatever the result of the American presidential elections, the world will never be the same again. A victory for Hillary would mark a change of pace. With the elections also in France and Germany and with the Italian referendum we are at…
Constitutional referendum: the strange NO of Prof. Monti

The former premier will vote NO to protest against this maneuver which, with its many bonuses, would aim to buy the electorate's vote: yet, the new constitutional rules are the premise for changing the propensity of politics to buy the…
Italicum, the Constitutional Court postpones

The Consulta has decided to postpone the examination of the electoral law until after the referendum on the constitutional reform - The objective is not to interfere in the popular consultation - The Chamber of Deputies instead discusses the Sel motion to amend the Italicum immediately

Goldman Sachs assigns 40% probability of success of the No, lower number than that suggested by the polls, but still very high - The victory of the No would represent a setback in the path of reforms and would reduce the chances of…
To change the Italicum or not?

Faced with the risk of strong political instability in Italy induced by a possible victory of the 5 Star Movement, the possibility of modifying the electoral law before the referendum should be evaluated without prejudice by attenuating its majority character, as the...

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