Stellar Eurobond: already 100 billion requests

The first tranche of the Recovery Fund is up for auction: the 2031-year bond maturing in 10 which will be used to finance the European recovery. The offer is XNUMX billion, yields at a discount. Green light to the extension of the Gacs
Digital, the 15 Italian companies to bet on

Italy has chosen to allocate 40% of the Recovery Fund to digitize the country and companies. Who will benefit from the incoming EU funds? Here is a first list of Made in Italy stars, all listed, ready to come forward
Recovery Plan, Clò: "Be careful not to spread illusions"

INTERVIEW with Professor ALBERTO CLO', professor and director of Rivista Energia and former Minister of Industry, on the Next Generation Eu, on the centrality of the energy transition and on the transition to renewable sources, on the change of lifestyles and on the importance of selecting…
Conte's cheating on technicians for the Recovery Fund

Creating a control room for European funding is positive but it would be a coup to include it as an amendment in the finance law: there is no clarity on the role of politics and that of technicians. This leads to confusion…
The Recovery Fund is not Santa Claus

The over 200 billion that Europe is ready to make available to Italy are not a gift from heaven to be squandered but have the very specific objective of creating permanent and sustainable growth and above all require institutional reforms and investments in…
Recovery Fund, what to do to make the most of European money

A paper by Marco Buti (head of cabinet of Eurocommissioner Gentiloni) and Marcello Messori for the Luiss School of European Political Economy takes stock of the problems and potential that the Recovery Fund presents to Italy, on the urgency of getting out of…
Recovery Fund, governance will be decisive

Financial resources are not enough to guarantee the success of Italy's recovery plan linked to the Recovery Fund - The crucial issue is that of governance: the hints of Prime Minister Conte and the Draghi-led agency evoked by La Malfa
Recovery: if reforms don't precede, EU money won't follow

Without the modification of various laws in force and the relative parliamentary approval it is impossible to carry out the reforms announced by the Government in the "Guidelines" and preparatory to the arrival of European funds but it will not be a walk in the park - We need a Commission…
The Recovery Fund needs a Draghi-led agency

PROPOSAL BY GIORGIO LA MALFA ON SOLE 24 ORE - The former republican leader and minister proposes to the Government to create an agency to implement the recovery plan linked to European funds and to entrust its leadership to a personality of…
Italy can't go wrong on the Recovery Fund

In a speech published on the Luiss University School of European Political Economy website, economists Marco Buti and Marcello Messori explain how Italy will have to manage the rain of billions arriving from the Recovery Fund: woe to make mistakes
Recovery Fund, Regions in management but to do what?

President Bonaccini's proposal to reserve a role for the Regions in the direct management of Recovery funds is reasonable but among the various possible investments, those in knowledge deserve absolute priority with an eye to the Rhine model and in particular…
Italy, it's time for a burst of pride

Our country seems to have lost the great sense of responsibility shown during the lockdown and instead right now we need a leap in quality both to implement the reforms required by the Recovery Fund and to roll up our sleeves to...
Recovery Fund, what reforms for innovation?

The Recovery Fund requires radical reforms to grant the promised funds but nobody knows what the Government imagines for innovation - Also because an innovation policy without addressing the reform of the ministerial and trade union bureaucracy is…
Recovery Fund: North-South clash at the EU summit

After the first day of negotiations, agreement is still a long way off both on governance and on the amount of resources to be allocated - Holland insists on asking for veto power on the reforms of individual countries - Quarrels in the Council between Rutte, Sanchez…
Recovery fund, it's the key week: scenarios and risks

On Wednesday 27 May, the European Commission lifts the veil on the Recovery Fund but the divisions remain - On the one hand the Franco-German proposal, cleared by customs by the former hawk Schaeuble, on the other the counter-proposal of the Northern States - Here are all the risks and…
Soros' recipe: "Perpetual Bond to save the EU"

The Hungarian financier, in an interview with the Dutch De Telegraaf explains that the choice for the Netherlands, also contrary to the Franco-German proposal, is to accept the perpetual bonds or the doubling of the European budget. Here are his tips to get everyone to agree
Marshall Plan and Recovery Fund, so far away and so close

It is not surprising that in the face of the health and economic emergency that is affecting the whole world and the urgency of a rapid reconstruction, the Marshall Plan is still looked at as a reference model - But what are the commonalities…

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