Fs, the European train stops in Rome

The Connecting Europe Express convoy arrives in Rome, departing from Lisbon and reaching Paris on 7 October, after passing through 26 countries and 100 cities: here are all the Italian stops - Ferraris, CEO of Fs: "The EU has…
Fs: the poor assisted in stations are increasing

On the occasion of the world day for the fight against poverty, Ferrovie dello Stato presented a report on discomfort and solidarity in the railway areas, collecting data on the activities of the Help Centers in 18 provincial capitals: almost half a million interventions…

The technical-specialist collaboration between the FS Italiane Group and Indian Railways is strengthened, to modernize the country's railway network and increase the safety of the infrastructure. On the occasion of the mission to India of an Italian delegation led by…
The railways turn pink: Rfi launches "Girls at work"

The program aims to bring the female universe closer to the railway professions, historically considered male: thirty-five girls who have recently graduated from technical institutes will be sent on an internship for three months to discover the world of maintenance of the national railway network.

Acquisition of Trainose, the Greek rail transport company, for 45 million euro - The closing of the operation is expected in the coming weeks, after the green light from the European Union.
Trenitalia lands in the UK and buys Nxet

The agreement provides for the acquisition for 70 million pounds of the British company that manages the London-Shoesburyness connections on the eastern south coast of the country and will have to be confirmed by the Ministry of Transport. The FS group underlines the strategic value of the operation which preludes…
Earthquake: the viability on roads and railways

Anas explains the situation on the various roads that connect the areas affected by the earthquake, from the state road 685 "delle Tre Valli Umbre" to the Salaria, passing through the state roads "Picente", "di Valfabbrica" ​​and "della Val di Chienti" - Regular circulation…
Rfi buys Bari Fonderie Meridionali

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana bought BFM for around 6,5 million euro - The Apulian company, part of the Czech group DT - Výhybkárna a strojírna, as, is a historical supplier of cast manganese steel "cores" - RFI will satisfy the entire need…
Italferr (Fs) gets order in Saudi Arabia

The engineering company of the Ferrovie dello Stato Group has signed the contract for the railway project that will connect Jeddah to Al Jubali - The project covers a 1.300 km stretch and will involve Italferr for the next twenty months.
Fs: Railway research record

For the World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), the conference on railway research that the FS Italiane Group will host in Milan in 2016, 936 scientific abstracts have already been presented - Researchers and insiders will come from all over…