Assolombarda: "Italian debt risks another downgrade"

Oxford Economics, in collaboration with the association of Lombard industrialists, presented forecasts on the Italian and global economy in Milan: "In the event of junk debt, the funds will have to sell Italian securities and we would be out of Qe" - On protectionism: " TO…
Let's not surrender to protectionism: a book by Saccomanni

In his new book "Cracks in the system - The shattering of the global economy" the former Director General of the Bank of Italy and former Minister of the Economy comes to terms with the economic and political turbulence of our day but remains convinced that, despite many…
G7: no to terrorism and protectionism

The G7 in Taormina concludes with an agreement against terrorism and against protectionism (not taken for granted on the eve of Trump's guidelines) but the agreement on the climate fails because the US has asked for time to mature a position...
Draghi: "No risk of financial bubbles"

The president of the ECB in a hearing in the European Parliament: "Our monetary policy is structured to give price stability throughout the Eurozone" - "We certainly look with concern at the announcements of protectionism" coming from the USA - Then the e
Trump and China: how will the duel end?

From "THE RED AND THE BLACK" by ALESSANDRO FUGNOLI, strategist of Kairos -Trump reopens a discussion on protectionism and free trade that was already alive in the times of Marx and Engels but ideology is one thing and one thing is…

According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking at the World Economic Forum, globalization must be corrected, but not erased, because "pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. No one would emerge victorious from a trade war".
Protectionism casts its shadow over Europe

The growing multiplication of trade restrictions on the agenda of the G20 which opens tomorrow in St. Petersburg - But, despite the denunciation of the Brussels Commission, it seems unlikely that the European demands for trade liberalization can be accepted…
South American protectionism against Chinese products

In Montevideo, the Mercosur countries are studying a measure to raise import taxes on at least 100 products. With the consumer crisis advancing in Europe and the US, Latin American governments fear an invasion of Chinese products…