Giorgio Parisi, the Nobel Prize works like this

The Foreign Secretary of the Accademia dei Lincei, who worked and still works side by side with Giorgio Parisi, talks about the style of the new Nobel Prize winner for physics: no arrogance but a great desire to understand with an attitude of listening and…
Tirole, Nobel Prize also in payment systems

A PERSONAL TESTIMONY - The new Nobel Prize winner for economics Jean Tirole has also made an essential contribution to the functioning of modern payment systems, which are the backbone of the digital economy, curbing excessive optimism about the self-regulation of the markets - Here why the…
Myanmar: a new Asian tiger?

The Sace Study Center has dedicated an in-depth study to the economic potential of Myanmar which is referred to by many as the new Asian tiger. However, many political and economic reforms will be needed to unleash the potential.
The euro is worth, Nobel's word

Recent Nobel laureate in economics Christopher Sims said that Europe needs to keep the euro, and that the only obstacle lies in better coordination of public budgets