Next Egg 1.0: the vegan egg arrives from Japan

After the substitutes for meat, fish or butter, a new proposal arrives: the vegan eggs of the Japanese start-up Next Meats. A product that perfectly imitates the egg but has no animal origins, also perfect for those who are…
SOS, a food revolution to save the planet

It is increasingly evident that our health strongly depends on our relationship with the planet. With a growing population and scarcity of available land, we need to rethink what we eat and how we produce it. Eliana Liotta explains…
Usa: Barrett's appointment and the Kochs' war on the judicial system

The disputed nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court, wanted by President Trump crowns the ambitious project of the Kock brothers, the super-billion shareholders of the Kansas industrial conglomerate of the same name in the crosshairs of environmentalists for the pollution of their companies...
Mussels, a summer resource for all tastes

From mussels from Trieste to Puglia, from the Dop of Scardovari to that of Ravenna, to the Selvaggia del Conero, to those of the Gulf of Naples, to La Spezia, to the legendary Sardinian Niettiddas: the types of mussels of our seas are many. They also have…
Italian mussels: the main seafood of the summer

From the Adriatic mussel to the Apulian one, passing through Triste, from the DOP of Scardovari to Sardinia with the legendary Niettiddas, to the Gulf of Naples up to the wild del Conero. There are many types of mussels that crowd our seas, such as…
Is what we eat “healthy as a fish”?

Considerations on the alarm launched by a Report service. In Italy 180.000 tons of fish are caught every year but over one million tons come from foreign countries. The problem is there. But even in intensive farms there are some problems.…
Heating, the 10 rules to reduce the bill

Enea has prepared a decalogue to avoid waste and penalties. From Thursday 15 November, in fact, the radiators will turn on in most of Italy, from North to South. Maintenance, temperature and switch-on times: here's how to consume (and pollute) less
Rome, car block: who can circulate on Sunday

On Sunday 19 November, the first of the four ecological Sundays established by the Municipality of Rome will be held. Bans extended, heavy fines - Here are the times and places of the blockade - Who can travel? All the information and the list of…

"The war on coal is over," said the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency, who today will sign a bill to cancel the "Clean Power Plan" passed in 2015 by the former Democratic president - According to the New York Times ,…