Minibonds, four new records in 2019

The minibond market in 2019 beats all records: in terms of number of issues, issuers and collection flow. This is what emerges from the report drawn up by the Observatory of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic. With F&P and Finint prime tied…
Smart Home: boom in Italy, but you can run faster

The Italian smart home market is expanding, but less than in other European countries – According to data from the Milan Polytechnic, knowledge and diffusion of smart objects are increasing, but also doubts and concerns about the risks of…
Games: online is growing, more protection for consumers

According to research by the Online Game Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic, there are more than two million online players in Italy: they are almost all men, of average age and from Central-Southern Italy - online accounts for 7,2% of the market of the game:…
Innovation: for large groups it is done with open doors

Startups and spin-offs for Enel, hybrid or electric engines for Leonardo's helicopters, electronic money and blockchain technology for the Post Office, electrification of urban roads for FS-Anas: here are the new scenarios and projects presented in Milan by the four…
Water, efficient management would save 370 million a year

The Energy&Strategy Group of the Politecnico di Milano has carried out a focus on the world of water resources, in particular on the civil network and industry, where five sub-sectors were analyzed in the fields of chemistry, iron and steel, processing of non-metallic minerals, production of paper…
Faggioli (Polimi): "Hackers are not invincible samurai"

INTERVIEW with GABRIELE FAGGIOLI, scientific director of the Information Security & Privacy Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic - "Behind the hack are criminal organizations from all over the world who make it a substantial source of income" and the security flaws…
Innovation: Finmeccanica-Polimi agreement

Launch of the Innovation Hub project, the result of the partnership agreement signed by Finmeccanica with the Milanese university - Nine technological areas which, on a preliminary basis, form part of the agreement - Moretti: "It is necessary for a large company like Finmeccanica , open to processes…