Fca-Psa warms up the engines, Btp and Bund in turmoil

On the Stock Exchange, the Bull is already on vacation, but since the beginning of the year, Piazza Affari has gained 29%, its best result for 21 years - Brexit: today the Queen speaks - The ECB reviews the monetary policy rules - FCA towards…
Peugeot opens: agreement with FCA? Why not?

In an interview with Les Echos, Robert Peugeot, representative of the family of the founder of the car manufacturer, does not rule out alliances with FCA, even if he warns that "we have to wait for the planets to align" - Meanwhile the stock exchanges, waiting for the Fed, are …

There is still tussle within the Democratic Party after yesterday's leadership, but today there is also news from the automotive market with the Peugeot-Opel affair and from Ilva, with the Milan judge rejecting the settlements by the Riva family.
IMF freezes Greece and the markets: "Wide divergences"

In addition to the difficulties of the negotiations on Greece, the markets remain uneasy due to the uncertainty about the rise in American rates - The euro weakens against the dollar - FCA is now looking at Peugeot but Bernstein does not rule out the takeover bid on GM - Reversal in…
France helps Peugeot: Hollande's reasons

To prevent the historic automotive group (which also includes Citroen) from closing its doors, the French state has decided to intervene with economic aid - The idea is to preserve social peace and jobs and…