With the reduced GDP growth forecasts for 2024, the 2025 budget law looks set to be an uphill battle for the Government. Among the new features, there will be confirmations for the deductions for businesses and perhaps some changes in the fringe…
New episode of Lavoro&Pensioni - politically (in)correct, Giuliano Cazzola's weekly column: in the face of belated intentions to reactivate the birth rate chain and in the face of policies that over the years have sacrificed the resources necessary to… on the altar of pensions…
New episode of WORK&PENSIONS politically (in)correct, Giuliano Cazzola's weekly column. How important were the interventions adopted during the health emergency phase? The effects of the single universal allowance and the new INPS data
WORK&PENSIONS politically (in)correct: Monday's appointment by Giuliano Cazzola Numbers in hand, here's what happened between 1990 and 2000: the balance between births and deaths has reversed course, rolling on a slope that is unstoppable today. The…
The Money.it website carried out a survey to get an idea of the age at which Italians would like to retire and the sum of the new early and old age pensions says that the average retirement age is 64,6 years with a …
After the increase in July thanks to the fourteenth tax, the first refunds of the 730 form will arrive in August for those who sent the declaration by June 20th. Here are the details
New mechanisms are being studied to increase membership of supplementary pension schemes. Participation in negotiated pension funds and PIPs has grown, but there is a gender gap and insufficient participation of young people. Among the possible solutions: allocate…
Compared to other European Union countries, Italy has the advantage of having already grouped entities and funds, which have now all been merged into INPS. In France, but also in other countries, resistance to preferential treatments and the effects on public finances persist...
Quota 41 is a case of real "smuggling" of social security reforms and making this requirement the cornerstone of pension guidance is wrong for three reasons. The new scenario from 2025 and the lines of a reformed system
Supplementary pension provision has taken on the characteristics of an investment rather than the value of pension savings. The challenge with severance pay in the company
From July 2024, over 300 thousand Italians abroad will no longer receive their pension by cheque. Payments will be made in cash at Western Union unless you have provided your information to Citibank by June 15th. Here are the details
Retired at 70? Here is the truth behind the INPS simulator and the alarming predictions on late retirement for 30-year-olds. The real requirements for retirement and future prospects
The INPS simulator which allows users to calculate their pension future has been updated with the latest news on the topic. The simulations reveal a distant retirement for 30- and 40-year-olds. How it works and how to access “Think about me – PENSIONE A…
In 2040 there will be 3,5 million fewer workers. The key year will be 2039 because the social security system will have to withstand the shock wave of the retirement of around 2,5 million new IVS pensioners who will be added to the existing ones
No increase expected for June 2024, but those waiting for income tax arrears will receive a little extra. Some pensioners will also have to wait a couple of days longer for payment
In addition to the 110% Superbonus, all the reckless concessions of the Conte governments come to the fore for the public accounts. To govern social security spending, a plurality of interventions is needed capable of forgetting the rear-view mirror and looking at the new generations.…
Within twenty years in Italy there will be 2 million more new pensioners compared to 6 million fewer people of working age
From tomorrow every week and every Monday the new column by Giuliano Cazzola, one of the greatest Italian labor law experts, on work and pensions, read and interpreted without ideological prejudices but in a non-conformist and sometimes uncomfortable way
March 2024 pensions will be influenced by the early arrival of the new Irpef bracket system, characterized by the reduction of rates from 3 to 4. Here are all the details
The idea is now a sort of karst phenomenon and reappears on the surface on command. But this is not the way to reduce overall spending and get back in line. The numbers and what Brussels has to do with it
INPS has published next month's payslip on which some LRPEF deductions may apply. Here's all the news
The report drawn up by "Social security itineraries": to keep the system in balance in the medium-long term it is necessary to raise the retirement age by limiting the possibility of early retirement to a few tools
The 2024 Budget Law introduced significant innovations on pensions, the adjustment of life expectancy, revaluations and much more. Let's look at them one by one
After the final green light from the Senate, that from the House also arrived. Here are the main innovations of the 2024 Maneuver
Amendments to article 33 of the maneuver. Doctors and nurses will not suffer penalties if they extend their stay in service by 3 years. You can apply to work up to 70 years of age, even if you exceed 40 years of contributions. Extended…
By December 20, 21 million pensioners will receive higher checks thanks to the adjustment, but also to the payment of all arrears from January to November 2023.
During a meeting that lasted over three hours, the Government proposed 3 hypotheses for changes to article 33 of the measure that cuts doctors' pensions - The unions' response: "Nothing changes"
Next year the pension revaluation will be 5,6%, while the minimum will be 1,2%: this is the estimate contained in the explanatory report of the Budget law. Here's who and how much will be lost in 2024
The 2024 budget maneuver provides for a general tightening of pensions, with the maintenance of Quota 103 but with some changes for public and private workers. The hypothesis of quota 104 disappears. Social Ape and Women's Option extended with some…
Covip presented the summary of the assets of pension funds and their financial management in 2022. Here is how and where the approximately 20 Italian pension funds invest
A maneuver of 91 articles divided into approximately 100 pages. Tax wedge, pensions and quota 104, flat rate coupon at 26% confirmed. But there is no shortage of innovations such as the mandatory anti-disaster policy for businesses. Here are all the measurements
On December 1, Italians' pensions will be larger thanks to the revaluation in line with inflation: here are all the calculations and what will change in 2024
The 2024 revaluation mechanism will favor those with a pension between 4 and 5 times the minimum salary to the detriment of those who receive a higher amount. Minimum increases confirmed in 2024,…
The long-awaited pension reform will not happen and access to early retirement will be more restrictive. Here's what changes in 2024 for pensions
The Maneuver Package will arrive in the Council of Ministers on Monday. The government is thinking about tweaking the succession, so far a bogeyman of the centre-right - Here are all the measures and deadlines in sight
More and more Italian pensioners are moving abroad where they have stopped working. But where are they going and why? Here are the most popular destinations
Far from overcoming the Fornero law, the centre-right's electoral promises on pensions are destined to vanish in the face of reality, while social security is used only to raise cash
After the slap received on the extra tax on banks, the Northern League minister of the Economy finally raises his head on the budget maneuver: goodbye to the electoral dreams of the right on pensions and the flat tax. But he will hold up Giorgetti's realism to the test of…
Increases in minimums, withholdings for additional personal income tax, adjustments and refunds of the tax return of the 730 model: here's what to expect in September
The National Youth Council raises the alarm for pensions under 35. If nothing is done, retire at 74 with a pension under 1.600 euros. Research data with Eures
The August slip will be richer thanks to revaluation, INPS arrears and Irpef adjustments: here are all the details
The future guarantee pension for young people who have experienced long periods of unemployment and precariousness and have low contributions will be one of the hot topics of Wednesday's meeting between the government and the trade unions
Giorgia Meloni's recipe would seem very simple: to encourage female employment and the birth rate, so as not to increase immigration. But is it really possible? The CPI Observatory on public accounts has done the math. Here is the result
Controversy over the July slip: the fourteenth month becomes an increase decided by the Meloni government. But Inps corrects
The novelty comes as part of the Polis project with which Poste Italiane intends to transform post offices into a one-stop shop for accessing public administration services in small municipalities
From 1 January, those who receive a minimum pension will receive the increases promised by the Budget law - Arrears from January to May are also on the way. Here's everything you need to know
The testimony of the SIM-Italian Military Carabinieri Syndicate at the Assoprevidenza seminar. Presented the book "Pension funds in the public sector" by Professor Francesco Vallacqua
According to Covip, annuities at the time of retirement are still unattractive and this pushes workers to choose to immediately cash in the accrued capital
Payments start from 1 June both for those who receive them at the bank and for those who collect them at the post office. On the INPS portal you can view the slip online: here's everything you need to know
INPS has updated the procedures for defining applications for early retirement reserved for those who are at least 62 years of age and have 41 years of contributions. Here are the details
Macron spoke on TV to unified networks to try to appease the anger of the French after the ok to the pension reform: "It will come into force in the autumn. We are opening 3 construction sites on work, justice and progress". Unions and opposition still on the barricades
Macron won: the Constitutional Council approved his reform and rejected the request for a popular referendum - The retirement age also rises to 64 in France and the maximalist trade union and political wing that promoted 12 strikes against…
The first economic and financial document of the Meloni government has traced the path on the interventions that we want to carry out. And among these there are no pensions. Here because
The unions have asked Premier Borne to withdraw the pension reform. The government says no. New mobilizations coming
The April 5 meeting between the Government and the trade unions and the April 14 pronouncement of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform will tell whether it is time for France to thaw or whether rancor and social resentment will prevail over…
The April slip is already available on the INPS website, but when do the payments arrive? Here are all the details of the April pension
The French president explains on TV the reason for the pension reform which he defined as "not a luxury, not a pleasure, but a necessity in the interest of the nation" - "Now we are waiting for the Constitutional Council" - Yes to dissent but no to…
Amidst strikes and protests against the pension reform, France is experiencing a new May '68, albeit with a very different sign and Macron doesn't know how to find his way back to normality: today's TV interview
The two no-confidence motions against Macron are rejected. Now all that is needed is the verdict of the Constitutional Court for the controversial pension reform to become law. But the problem is political: what will the President do now? Will the premier change or not? Expected…
France at the crossroads: in the next few hours two no-confidence motions will try to send home not only the pension reform but Macron's majority with possible recourse to early elections - But the precedent of the motion's boomerang…
The French government bypassed the National Assembly vote - Oppositions announce no-confidence motions - Unions on the barricades and privileges in the balance
Inps, in a note, specified the access conditions for applying for early retirement
The sixth day of the strike of 2023 could be the most attended - France paralyzed by protests, over 260 demonstrations across the country against the pension reform
From 21 February, applications can be submitted to access quota 103, the new flexible early pension provided for by the 2023 Budget Law. Here is everything you need to know and the instructions from the ines to submit the application
Inps will disburse the revaluation and arrears for pensions exceeding 2.101,52 euros (equal to four times the minimum) in March. But when does the March 2023 pension arrive?
The pension reform presented by Macron, opposed by a large part of the population, is reasonable but, unlike what happened in Italy, the French unions have turned against it and are making its approval problematic
Yesterday another massive day of protest in France against the reform desired by Macron to secure the social security system. The unions reject raising the retirement age to 64 but in Germany it is already 64 and in…
The increases for "high" pensions have been frozen due to technical times for the recalculation of the increase. In the meantime, here are the February 2023 pension payment dates
INPS has released the new online service for calculating pension forecasts without the need to register. Bad news for young people
Important news for pensions 2023: when does the payment arrive in January? How much will they increase? And how does the revaluation change? Here's everything you need to know
Gender inequalities become more evident in retirement, especially for women who have roles of responsibility and leadership
INPS has published a circular in which it communicates the conclusion of the pension revaluation activities. Here's everything you need to know
The Government presented the definitive amendments to the 2023 Maneuver - From POS to mortgages, from RDC to pensions, here is the latest news on the Maneuver
The Maneuver is in line with the recommendations of Brussels which, however, criticizes measures on cash, POS, pensions and tax truce - Giorgetti: "Satisfied, national owls denied"
Almost 18 million employees are about to receive the thirteenth 2022 - But who is entitled to it? How to calculate it? Who will still have to wait? Here's everything you need to know.
Based on Quota 103 envisaged by the Meloni government for early retirement, it is not easy to choose whether to leave work early or stay there: here are all the aspects to evaluate
In view of the start of the parliamentary examination of the Budget Maneuver, the Public Accounts Observatory appreciates the prudence with which the document assesses the economic picture, but warns: "13 billion lost in electoral promises"
Changing the inflation revaluation mechanism - Higher increases for the lowest pensions in 2023: here's how much they will be band by band
The Prime Minister speaks of a "courageous maneuver and result of political choices". Giorgetti: "Courage to make unpopular choices". But Letta takes to the streets on 17 November
The 2023 budget maneuver of the Meloni government is under the banner of prudence and realism: taxes, pensions, basic income, the fight against high bills and inflation are among the main measures
Budget law in the pipeline: the government wants to enact it on Monday. Here are the main measures that will come in, including the cash ceiling of 5.000 euros removed from the Aiuti quater decree
Economy Minister Giorgetti signed the decree that adjusts pensions to inflation and which triggers the increase from 2023 January XNUMX
All the news for November 2022 pensions: from increases to the payment calendar. What will the Meloni government do? New hypotheses under consideration
The new decree against high bills and the budget law will be Meloni's first commitments as tomorrow she will meet Macron for the first time - What will happen to pensions, taxation and justice - Sigh of relief from the laity...
In his latest book, the economist who predicted the 2008 crisis and the subsequent great recession talks about the 10 terrible economic catastrophes that are about to hit us: let's hope he's wrong
The new booklet of social security itineraries on the silver economy changes the paradigm on the role that the over 50s have in society and the economy, on which political forces and trade unions should meditate
The president of Confindustria breaks up the Lega's proposals on flat taxes and early retirements, facilitating the drafting of Meloni's new government program
With the victory of the centre-right, there are many reforms at stake: basic income and pensions in the first place. But sensitivities seem a bit different within the coalition
How will you retire in 2023? The answer will come in the next budget law, but what is certain is that, without an intervention from the new government, the Fornero law will return on 1 January 2023. A hypothesis that does not like…
The falling birth rate causes incoming generations to be unable to compensate for those leaving work: the problems of the pension system arise from here and the increase in the retirement age is increasingly a necessity
A clear message emerges from the accounts of the General State Accounting Office: changing the Fornero law substantially risks bringing chaos back to the pension budget
Increasing the minimum pensions alone would raise costs from 8,1 to 19,5 billion, but the problem is that today even pensions equal to twice the minimum remain below a thousand euros
With the Aiuti bis decree launched a few days ago by the Government, here is how much and when the checks for Italians will increase according to a study by the Uil
The government passes the Aiuti bis decree which contains, among other things, the advance of the revaluation of pensions, the cut of another point of the tax wedge below 35 thousand euros, the discount on the bill and the "save Ilva" rule
Instead, the new 200 euro bonus against inflation and the selective cut in VAT on some foodstuffs should be skipped from the latest provision by the Draghi government
Women represent 52% of retirees, but only 44% of the expenditure is paid to them - The number of poor workers who earn less than the basic income threshold is increasing
The fourteenth 3 is about to reach 2022 million pensioners. Not only that, in July there will also be the 200 bonus. Here's everything you need to know.
A joint study by Inps and Upb reveals that requests for Quota 100 received by 2021 were 380 thousand, but by 2025 they could still rise to over 450 thousand
On July 4, around 200 million Italians will receive a more substantial check than usual: together with the pensions come the fourteenth month and the XNUMX euro bonus
Payment of May 2022 pensions will start next week. Here is all the useful information for those who receive the accreditation and for those who pick up at the counter