Barnier proves to be a non-trivial politician and, in the presentation of his Government to the National Assembly, did not hesitate to propose a wealth tax on the richest to begin reducing public debt. However, the confidence of Parliament remains an unknown
The announcement of CEO Tavares' hearing, scheduled for October 11, comes on the day Parliament is due to discuss urgent bipartisan motions on Stellantis. Meanwhile, the Italian government opposes Unicredit's move to Germany, with Orcel reassuring: "The…
With a large majority, Parliament approved the three international missions: Aspides in the Red Sea, Levante on Gaza and the one on Ukraine. All in favor except Bonelli and Frantoianni
With 110 votes in favour, 64 against and 3 abstentions, the Senate approved the Differentiated Autonomy, strongly desired by the League and very disliked by the oppositions who fear a further split between North and South. Now the reform passes to the Montecitorio for examination
Ten points, all appreciable, to relaunch the financial market in Italy are at the center of the Manifesto for the Development of Capital Markets in Italy presented yesterday by Borsa Italiana, Assonime and Equita Sim in the hope that the Government and Parliament...
During his hearing in Parliament, the economy minister does not respond to the Central Bank's findings on the widening of the deficit. "Our action is based on realistic prudence" - The PBO validates the Nadef, but warns: “The economy is slowing down”
The election of the socialist Armengol as number one in Parliament is a good omen for a government led by Sanchez and supported by all regional groups, including Catalans
On the tax reform it is right to suspend judgment because only the legislative decrees expected within 2 years will define its true identity but the Government deserves a flat rejection on the parliamentary mess on the assets
Is it possible to keep our guard up in the fight against crime on the occasion of the many contracts and works linked to the Pnrr without hindering the speed of execution of the Plan on which the country's reputation is at stake? The National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor,…
After the controversy over the delays, the Minister for European Affairs Raffaele Fitto intervenes in Parliament: "The government's goal is to give the country full implementation of the Plan".
Piedmont, Veneto, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Trentino-Alto Adige and Friuli Venezia Giulia are the most affected areas. Appeal by Confagricoltura and interventions by the Chamber and Senate
First signs of the Prime Minister's opening on the Mes: "Italy will not use it but it will not block the reform that all of Europe has already signed up to"
The Legambiente and Novamont Report on Ecomafie documents a country embarked on an ecological transition but which has to deal with organized crime. Appeal for the new Waste Inquiry Commission
The President of the Italian geologists heard in Parliament for the launch of the law on compensation for Ischia. The urgency of territorial plans has been relaunched
On some points of the program illustrated in Parliament, the new premier was clear and convincing while in other cases she appeared more uncertain, avoiding dissolving the contradictions between her past and the need to act with pragmatism.
Meloni accelerates the presentation of her government team which tomorrow will be sworn in at the Quirinale in the hands of President Mattarella
Giorgia Meloni will today receive Mattarella's task of forming the new government and perhaps already in the afternoon she will present the team of ministers - Tuesday in Parliament but first the important meeting with Macron
A summit between Meloni, Berlusconi and Salvini will seek agreement on the presidencies of the Senate and the Chamber while the candidacy of the moderate Northern League is advancing for the leadership of the MEF Giancarlo Giorgetti
The counting of the remainders of the proportional changes the list of those elected and those excluded. Bossi remains in Parliament, Lucia Annibali (Iv) leaves, Andrea Casu (Pd) returns
For the first time in the history of the Republic, political elections are held in the autumn - It takes 18 years to vote in the Senate - The number of parliamentarians is reduced by over a third
How do you vote in the 2022 general election? Between single-member and multi-member constituencies, coalitions and ballot papers, here is a simple guide to voting.
The Science Committee to vote achieves the first result of a political commitment to a new consultative body. CNEL in favor of the initiative
The halving of parliamentarians minimizes the novelties in the candidacies for the September 25 elections for which the political forces bet on their leaders and on outgoing parliamentarians. But there is some news: here's what
After the resignation of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the Head of State immediately dismisses Parliament - The Council of Ministers indicates the date of the vote, which will be 25 September
News also for the islands - Direct election of the President of the Republic rejected - News on sport, Cnel, Roma Capitale, electoral laws and popular initiative are in the pipeline
In a letter to Parliament, the general manager of Assonime, Stefano Micossi, disputes the current wording of the decree on the levy on the extra profits of energy companies and requests its modification
The event promoted by Open Gate Italia was held at the Arciconfraternita dei Bergamaschi to explore and discuss the bill regulating lobbying activity
Government beaten four times in the House Commissions on the Milleproroghe decree and Prime Minister Draghi warns: "If this continues, look for another Executive"
The intervention of the Pontiff on TV led the Marevivo association to relaunch the petition for the Salvamare law, approved in November in the Senate but since then blocked in the Chamber
In his speech to the Chambers, the Head of State focused on the word "dignity" by enunciating it 18 times. He word that has been superficially translated with rights, while the issues to be evaluated are more complex. Here are which ones
Sober but effective message from the Head of State to Parliament after the new oath in which he substantially designed a program to rebuild the country after the emergency - "I received an unexpected call" - Support for the Draghi government and…
The reconfirmation of the award-winning Mattarella-Draghi couple at the top of the state makes Italy a country that is still reliable in the eyes of the world and the markets - The stability of the government and the legislature and the push towards a proportional electoral law will…
After the request of the vast majority of political forces and the acceptance of the Head of State, Parliament votes to confirm Sergio Mattarella as President of the Republic - Only Meloni's right is against
After the plebiscite in Parliament and an interview between Mattarella and Draghi, it will be the group leaders of the political forces (except the right wing of FdI) who will appeal to the Head of State to stay at Colle - This is how he is safe…
Revolt of Forza Italia, Italia Viva, Leu and half Pd against the Salvini-Conte axis to nominate Belloni for the Presidency of the Republic - Two votes today
In the absence of an agreement between the various sides, the quorum for the election of the President of the Republic is very far away - The first vote ended in a stalemate - In the morning Draghi met Salvini and Letta,…
This afternoon first vote for the new President of the Republic - Who are the "big voters"? How does the procedure work? What are the requirements to be eligible? How is the situation in Parliament? Here's everything you need to know
The Head of State does not only have a representative role: from laws to Chambers, from appointments to elections, passing through referendums and the state of war. Here's what the tenant of the Colle can (and cannot) do
Twenty-eight years ago the Russian President dissolved Parliament, which responded by dismissing Yeltsin and impeaching him - It was the beginning of a clash that ended in blood
Responding to a parliamentary question, Minister Cingolani recalls a European Directive which obliges tobacco manufacturers to collect the butts guilty of being left on the street by smokers - The operation makes it probable that cigarette prices will rise
After the stormy start amid the controversy over the closure of the ski lifts, Prime Minister Mario Draghi appears in Parliament on Wednesday to ask for confidence and illustrate the Government's line by appealing for unity - Then the choice of…
The second round of consultations for the formation of a government that is inevitably different, but which, in order to correspond to the mandate of the Head of State, must have a "high profile" and not identify with "any political formula" - Surprising…
After the go-ahead from the Chamber, today we are voting for confidence in the Senate, where the absolute majority is 161, with respect to which Conte would still be missing 5 or 6 votes - Zingaretti's appeal to abandon Renzi is…
Conte has not yet found support to shore up his shaky majority but still wants to face Parliament's vote - But doubts about the government's political stability are growing and Europe warns us about the Mes and the Recovery
At the Culture Commission of the Chamber majority and oppositions agree on the qualification of professional actor and on the need to establish a special register
From 7 to 23 on Sunday 20 and from 7 to 15 on Monday 21 September we vote for the constitutional referendum on the cut of parliamentarians - Here's what you need to know
For the former Republican senator, cutting the number of parliamentarians is a "wrong and dangerous" rule because, in the absence of a comprehensive reform, it risks distancing Parliament even further from the country and making the political system even more oligarchic
The Lega MP and the Gomorrah writer, unusually on the same side, explain why they will vote No in the referendum on the cut in MPs - Padoan distances himself from the PD line "It's a negative reform, I claim my right to…
The supporters of the YES in the referendum argue that this reform would only be the first step in a more comprehensive change to the Constitution: if this were the case, the operation would certainly be destined to remain incomplete, like the most tragic of Schubert's symphonies
The demonstration will be held in Piazza Santi Apostoli, while on the 9th there will be an oratory marathon - Bonino for the No "This is not how we proceed in democracy - The same day M5S announces gazebos and banquets for the Vote Yes…
The former Rector of the Roma Tre University, Guido Fabiani, the economist Marco Leonardi, the ambassador Maurizio Melani and the economic journalist Alfredo Recanatesi explain, each with his own arguments, why they will vote NO in the constitutional referendum on cutting the number of parliamentarians
Article 26 of the tormented Relaunch Decree seems to re-propose through Invitalia the unhappy experience of Gepi, a public finance company fortunately closed in 1991 which was supposed to save private companies in difficulty but which in reality squandered an infinite number of public money - There is room for hope…
Strong appeal from the President of the Constitutional Court to the Government on the rules that limit anti-Covid 19 personal freedoms: "The compass is the Constitution" and there are no special rights in an emergency - Renzi and Delrio rise up against Conte: "Enough of the Dpcm, the …
The presidents of the Senate and the Chamber will evaluate, choose and appoint the new guarantor who will take the place of Filomena Albano - How the procedure is carried out (and how to apply)
It is useless to propagate reforms if the implementing decrees are forgotten, but on this terrain the delays of the Conte bis government are serious - Il Sole 24 Ore census
Accountant, close to Beppe Grillo and first-hour pentastellata: this is who is the new president of the bicameral commission of inquiry into banks and the credit system
The judges of Piazza Cavour have admitted the question proposed by 71 senators - Probable date of the vote between May and June
With the support of the League, the signatures necessary for the consultation on the cut of MPs are surprisingly collected - The M5S attacks: "They want to save their seats" - But the real goal is to speed up the early general elections
Reached the quorum of signatures to promote the referendum on the recent law that reduces the number of parliamentarians - If we go to the elections there is no cut in parliamentarians pending a referendum.
The premier in Parliament in view of the weekend European council: "Italy has nothing to fear regarding the Mes". Agreement during the night on the majority resolution and green light from Parliament
The House has definitively approved the cut in parliamentarians: it's law - Here's how the face of Parliament will change, with fewer senators and fewer deputies and what will happen after the approval of the law
The new Five Star-PD government chaired by Giuseppe Contesi is presented to Parliament to ask for its trust - Today the vote of the Chamber and tomorrow that of the Senate - Then the appointment of deputy ministers and undersecretaries
English coup - The British Premier has asked and obtained from the Queen to give her speech to the Commons on 14 October. Thus Parliament will not have time to vote on laws calling for a postponement of Brexit or blocking…
According to an Istat report, women are increasing (albeit slightly) in Parliament and in society. The gender difference is still very high in the field of housework, but it is improving with regard to the use of the Internet.
Except for changes, the reform - which received the first of the 4 yeses from the Senate requesting a constitutional reform like this from Parliament - provides for a decrease from 630 to 400 deputies and from 315 to 200 elected senators. AND'…
How was it possible that politicians who make incompetence and ignorance their favorite weapons and who snub study and professionalism have come to power in Italy? These are the questions answered by the new book "The Great Ignorance",…
Last year's parliamentary activity, halved by the fact that the new government took office in June, gave rise to the approval of 28 laws but recourse to decrees has not decreased....
Meanwhile, the vote in Palazzo Madama, initially scheduled for Friday, has been postponed to Saturday or Sunday, with the final vote expected to take place in the Chambers between Christmas and the New Year. Some questions still remain open, on which…
The race by the Italian Parliament for the radical reform of the class action raises many perplexities because it does not take into account the Directive in progress in the EU and seems to reflect more an anti-company ideological approach than the real protection of citizens damaged by crimes…
Many governments have tried to censor and reduce them but so far without success - The strange cases of the Italian Shooting Union, the Mauritian Order Foundation and Enpapi
The text was expected today in the Chamber at Montecitorio, but in the committee it is difficult to find the right balance, in particular on the return of vouchers and the coverage of the extension of incentives for stable hiring - The hypothesis of confidence that…
The Lega-M5S majority cannot find an agreement on the CDP appointments which are postponed to 13 July. And the agenda of priorities changes: Rai's first test in Parliament. Thus the state TV confirms itself, as per tradition, the pivot of the political balance…
At 16.30 Cottarelli at the Quirinale with the list of ministers - Parliament's vote within the week and new general elections probably in September - Without trust, the automatic VAT sting will be triggered
In all, the new elections brought 185 deputies and 86 senators to Parliament: fewer than in the previous legislature, in which women accounted for less than a third of the total number of parliamentarians.
According to an analysis carried out by the Istituto Cattaneo of Bologna, the new political formations (from Casapound to the Movimento 5 stelle) have younger candidates, with an average age of 35-36 years - The centre-left instead focuses on more rooted political exponents and social…
In the new legislature, the new regulation will come into force at Palazzo Madama which aims to curb the multiplication of parliamentary groups and the change of tunic of senators, a phenomenon that in the current legislature has seen as many as 524 passages from…
CARLO CATTANEO INSTITUTE - Many multiple candidates, especially for women and minor parties - Many new entries but often at the bottom of the lists - Transformers placed above all in single-member constituencies.
The Director of the Luiss School of European Political Economy Marcello Messori and the economists Carlo Bastasin and Gianni Toniolo have developed a very detailed proposal to reduce public debt under the control of Parliament and through…
The provision that is about to enter into force contains loopholes that will in fact greatly limit the effectiveness of the new rules to protect consumers.
It is not clear why Parliament, in its sovereignty, cannot also express opinions on the appointment of the Governor of the Bank of Italy without being accused of undermining the independence of the central bank - Let's not forget Saccomanni's precedent - It would have been…
But there is high tension between the government and the Mdp after yesterday's rift and the resignation of the deputy interior minister Bubbico.
The confirmation or otherwise of the Governor of the Bank of Italy, expiring at the end of October, falls at a very delicate political and institutional moment due to the approaching elections and the many questions concerning the future of the entire system remain on the table...
The new calendar was established by the conference of the group leaders of Montecitorio - In agreement with the Democratic Party and the Popular Area, wrath of the Northern League.
Armed men entered Parliament, allegedly took 4 people hostage. Simultaneously gunfire was reported where the Khomeini monument stands. The news is still confused and speaks of a terrorist barricaded in the Parliament building. Claim…
Shortly before 16 pm (Italian time) an attack took place in front of the Parliament of London - A man ran over pedestrians on Westminster Bridge and then ran to the entrance of the House of Commons a few tens of…
In a joint hearing in the House and Senate, during which the Parliamentary Budget Office rejected the forecasts of the Def, the Economy Minister confirmed the growth estimates for this year (at 0,8%) and for next year, setting the bar…
The former leader of Autonomia Operaia and Berlusconi's former lawyer were sentenced to prison terms of more than two years - Stop the annuity as a parliamentarian also for former deputies Giuseppe Astone, Giuseppe Del Barone, Luigi Farace and…
Previously Renzi had made it clear that he was ready to take the initiative on changes to the electoral law, but now he clarifies that the Democratic Party will not present any proposals: "Otherwise the others will just say no. I don't decide, it's a choice of…
The text will arrive in the Chamber on 25 July, but the vote is postponed to September due to the 1.700 amendments presented by the various political forces - It is a clash between the Italian Left and the Popular Area - The DdL sets specific rules for…
It is the largest restitution ever made by Montecitorio - Overall in the current legislature, between restitutions and fewer endowments required for the functioning of the Chamber, the state budget has saved 270 million.
An amendment to the competition law that has been under discussion in Parliament for some time proposes to abolish a provision of the law establishing the Antitrust of 1990 with the effect of strengthening monopolies - The law under discussion was created to open up more…
We are publishing an excerpt of the observations sent by Assonime to the competent parliamentary commissions on the decree containing the consolidated text on investee companies of public administrations which, according to Assonime, should be reduced from 8 to XNUMX and open to competition.
After winning 68 seats in the first round, the reformists, allied with Rouhani, won 29 seats in the runoff. The fundamentalists follow with 21 - Four women elected, the number of female members of Parliament therefore rises to…
The president of the South American country is considering getting rid of the parliament, just elected in December and in the hands of the opposition - The closure for Maduro would have the aim of "blocking the way to putsch and the manipulation of the National Assembly".
Parliament approved 4 motions, including that of the Democratic Party, which ask to review the bail-in rules for banks in crisis before May 2018 - The motions also ask to be able to use the resources of the fund…
For the first time in its history, Spain has a president of the Congress who does not belong to the most voted party, but the election of Patxì Lopez could herald a détente between the various political forces aimed at finding a solution to…
INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO TABACCI, president of the Democratic Center - "A bicameral commission to investigate banks to clarify in 6 months what went wrong and to rapidly continue the reforms started in 2005 - Strengthen Consob and the Bank of Italy…
With the last go-ahead from the Senate, the maneuver becomes law - News arriving on many fronts: Imu, Tasi, tax relief for new hires, super-subscription, cash ceiling, Rai license fee, plan for the South, culture, safety, pensions, healthcare, electronic payments, games, consultancy…
The idea of increasing the use of credit cards and electronic payments in our country with dirigiste interventions such as those that Parliament is discussing in the Stability Law - Convenience for operations under… is completely illusory and misleading.
The grillini are used to supporting everything and the opposite of everything but on the rescue of the banks they have surpassed themselves: in Parliament they claimed that the bank crisis was borne by the bankers but then they opposed the…