Palazzo Reale (Milan): Art dedicated to women between the 500th and 600th centuries

From 5 February 2021 the rooms of Palazzo Reale in Milan will host a unique exhibition dedicated to the greatest female artists who lived between the 500th and 600th centuries: Artemisia Gentileschi, Sofonisba Anguissola, Lavinia Fontana, Elisabetta Sirani, Fede Galizia, Giovanna Garzoni and many others. With the exhibition The Ladies of the Art. Stories of women between '500 and…
Milan, 100 works by Agnetti at Palazzo Reale

Palazzo Reale hosts the anthological exhibition dedicated to Vincenzo Agnetti (1926 - 1981), the Italian conceptual artist who transformed the word into iconic images and the image into poetry. From 4 July to 24 September 2017.
Milan, Keith Haring at Palazzo Reale

At Palazzo Reale, an important exhibition presents 110 works by the brilliant American artist, many of large dimensions, some unpublished or never exhibited in Italy, coming from American, European and Asian public and private collections. (February 21 - June 18, 2017)
Art at Christmas: Rubens exhibition at Palazzo Reale in Milan

Palazzo Reale (Milan) hosts Pietro Paolo Rubens (Siegen 1577 – Antwerp 1640), famous artist of central importance for the history of European art, but still little known in Italy, often hastily considered among the ranks of "Flemish painters", despite his…