Work vouchers: towards new rules?

Minister Finocchiaro cuts short the controversy and confirms that a proposal will be presented by the Democratic Party in committee in the Chamber, in line with the government. Interested in family businesses and occasional services for businesses. Palazzo Chigi: "It's not…
Mps, Qatari funds enter the field

Four Qatari funds are ready to invest one of the 5 billion of Monte dei Paschi's capital increase which will be launched early next year - Another two billion of the recapitalization could come from the conversion of the bonds into shares…
Banks in trouble: summit at Palazzo Chigi

Bank bad debts, wedding among the Popolari, capital increases and vicissitudes of the entire sector at the center of the maxi-summit on banks held on Tuesday at Palazzo Chigi while the banks suffered yet another black day in Piazza Affari