Publishing, do like Netflix? The turning point is near

Digital subscriptions seem to be the last chance for a traditional publishing industry in crisis that is trying to stay afloat by drawing inspiration from foreign models - But the price issue is crucial - Many are referring to Netflix, but it will be the way…
Games: online is growing, more protection for consumers

According to research by the Online Game Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic, there are more than two million online players in Italy: they are almost all men, of average age and from Central-Southern Italy - online accounts for 7,2% of the market of the game:…
Web, readers are habits

FROM PRIMAONLINE.IT - Online news readers are habitual: 65% always access the source through the same path, 35% make no distinction between sites, social media or newsletters. The Pew Research Center survey.
Pec, the list of all online addresses

Certified e-mail replaces sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, but the main obstacle to its use is the difficulty with which it is possible to find the right address for the recipient. However, there are two institutional sites…
Online loans land in China

The innovation is introduced by WeBank, a new online bank which within the next 10 years aims to carry out financial services for 30 million small businesses and 300 million individual consumers - The Beijing government hopes to stimulate…
Instagram, phenomenon of the year among apps

With 300 million total users reached, in 2014 the photo app overshadowed Uber's star, even beating his majesty Twitter and demonstrating the dominance of the image over the text - According to Morgan Stanley revenues, now estimated at…
With Growish, the "collection" for gifts is online

INTERVIEW WITH CLAUDIO CUBITO, creator of the new social platform that brings together the Pinterest wish list formula, online money collection and e-commerce in partnership with big names like Amazon: "You avoid wasting time: the money is collected…