In the face of a general orientation towards the reconfirmation of the top management of public companies due to expire, the confirmation of the CEO of Eni Descalzi remains in the balance and meets the opposition of the M5S which demands discontinuity - The allegations of corruption in…

By the end of December, 272 positions of presidents, CEOs and directors in 62 public companies expire, including those of the Eni, Leonardo, Poste Italiane, Enel, Ferrovie dello Stato groups, but many will be renewed only in the budget meetings next spring
Public appointments, surprise: now we start from Rai

The Lega-M5S majority cannot find an agreement on the CDP appointments which are postponed to 13 July. And the agenda of priorities changes: Rai's first test in Parliament. Thus the state TV confirms itself, as per tradition, the pivot of the political balance…
Public appointments: the Lega and Cinque Stelle banquet

In the ongoing negotiations between the League and the Five Stars, a prominent place has the division of public appointments awaiting renewals: at stake are the top management of 38 companies directly controlled by the Treasury with the CDP in the forefront,…