Salvini's adventurous foreign policy

Trying to make an alliance between sovereigns, as was attempted in Innsbruck with Austria and Bavaria, is absurd and is against our true interests. It was discussed in a conference organized by the Reformism and Freedom Foundation.…
Merkel and Trump: frost in the face to face

An apparently relaxed but essentially cold atmosphere in the meeting, the first, between the German chancellor and the US president. No handshake in the Oval Office. Distant on immigration: "It's not a right - he says - but a privilege. We have to defend ourselves…
After Paris, talking about war is simplistic and wrong

FROM - ​​After Paris, the most used word is "war". But are we sure this is the right word? And anyway, what do we mean, really? The one against the caliphate, according to Stefano Silvestri, director of AffarInternazionali and scientific adviser…