Draghi, Moscovici, Nava: three thorns for Piazza Affari

The rebuke from the president of the ECB and the Eurocommissary to the Italian government sound like indirect support for Minister Tria's reasonable line of economic policy but they make the markets anxious - The resignation of the president of Consob throws more fuel...
Earthquake, EU: "Available for flexibility"

The commissioner for economic affairs Pierre Moscovici assures full solidarity with the Italian people: 'We are really doing everything we can for the earthquake, we are fully available: we are not talking about other expenses, but it is clear that the Commission considers it a…
EU: Italy ok, check on debt in November

At the moment the EU believes that the criteria of the Stability and Growth Pact are respected: however, "for Italy - reads a document released at the end of the college of commissioners - the Commission will re-examine its assessment of the relevant factors at…