Latin America: no growth without reforms

If in Argentina, thanks to the adjustment of the macroeconomic imbalances and the liberalization measures, a dynamics rising to +3,4% is expected this year, the Colombian economy still depends excessively on fluctuations in the prices of raw materials, while Mexico presents a report…
Mexico: 8.2 earthquake and tsunami risk

A powerful earthquake measuring between 8,1 and 8.4 on the Richter scale occurred at 6,49 am off the coast of Mexico. At 9,48, there are already 6 victims. A tsunami warning issued by the authorities that reaches as far as El Salvador…
Mexico and clouds over the White House

From - ​​There are two main reasons for Mexican concern in 2017: the election to the White House of an openly hostile US President and the progressive deterioration of the economic situation
Eni lands in Mexico with 3 new fields

According to official estimates by the Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH), which organized the tender, the total oil volumes for all three fields are equal to approximately 800 million barrels of oil and 14 billion…
Mexico: a pact for development

The country recently adopted a major package of structural reforms crucial to reap the benefits of a strong and sustainable recovery. The OECD indicates the further measures to be pursued.
Mexico: an almost unique mix of resources

The article summarizes the Agici Report "Growth Opportunities in Mexican Renewable Energies Market", which will be presented in a seminar at the Ambrosianeum in Milan on May 7 - The event will be opened by Professor Rick Van Schoik, director of the North American Center for …
Mexico, country report 2012

Mexico goes back to the past with the election of a representative of the Institutional Revolutionary Party which had governed the country for more than 70 years until 2000; economically, Mexico has recovered very well from the recession…
Mexico's revenge: GDP +3,9%

In 2011, the Central American country's GDP increased by 3,9%: for the second consecutive year after the 2009 recession - "The Mexican economy is growing more than the world economy and the advanced countries" declared the governor of…