The Sangiuliano case is painful but Italy's silent slide towards the Orban line on Ukraine is much, much more serious. It's time for Meloni to make a change of direction
With the reduced GDP growth forecasts for 2024, the 2025 budget law looks set to be an uphill battle for the Government. Among the new features, there will be confirmations for the deductions for businesses and perhaps some changes in the fringe…
What role will Raffaele Fitto have exactly in the new European Commission? For now, no one knows. But wouldn't it have been better to define the roles first and then the names of the Commissioners? The bureaucratic method of the EU is absurd
Interview with Stefano Silvestri, a great expert in geopolitics and military affairs and former President of the IAI: "The government's inexperience and character problems can be remedied, ideology cannot." Regarding the Ukrainian offensive on Russian territory "I don't think that...
He disapproves of the Ukrainian "invasion" on Russian soil, dissociates himself from Europe and America and hypocritically places Kiev's counter-offensive on the same level as Putin's initial aggression: the Defense Minister could not have done worse. But now Prime Minister Meloni…
The Five Star leader does not want to know about expanding the centre-left alliances with Renzi but, by placing vetoes, he is pushing away the construction of an alternative to Meloni's centre-right government. She doesn't seem like a genius...
Complicated autumn for the Premier with the three regional elections in Umbria, Emilia-Romagna and Liguria. The Toti case could hand the Regions over to the Dems and Meloni fears a defeat. The election day hypothesis comes up
Interview with Luigi Zanda, former parliamentarian and president of the Democratic Party senators: "Giorgia Meloni has missed the great opportunity to transform the center-right into a conservative and liberal European-style political force. The No to von der Leyen is only…
Wide-ranging interview with Stefano Silvestri, a great expert in geopolitics and military affairs and former President of the Iai. "Prime Minister Meloni made a mistake by excluding herself from the European government and above all by excluding Italy from the concession of the Greats. Trump has not…
Meloni missed the opportunity to leave the sovereignist forest to become a modern Conservative leader but will she have calculated the true consequences of her moves on the future of Italy?
Meloni's dissociation establishes the irrelevance of the Prime Minister and of Italy on the European level, for which our country will pay dearly. Meloni preferred to chase Salvini, with disappointing results. Consequences also on domestic politics?
With 401 votes in favour, Ursula passes the European Parliament exam and remains at the helm of the EU for 5 years but Meloni dissociates himself and isolates Italy in Europe
The ambiguity with which Giorgia Meloni (premier of Italy or leader of the European right?) acted at the top of the EU ended up humiliating Italy. In Europe the shell game doesn't work: Giorgia, think about it
These days we are all wondering about the consequences of Le Pen's possible success in the French elections, but the economist Veronica De Romanis pushes us to reflect on the harmful effects of Italy's failure to approve the ESM
How did the workers vote in the European elections? And the middle class? And the self-employed? Here is the vote map which contains more than one surprise
After the electoral debacle at the European elections, it is inevitable that Renzi and Calenda will step aside and "Il Foglio" raises the possibility of a return to the field of the former Margherita leader, Francesco Rurelli, to lead the relaunch of the centre. But…
This summit chaired by Giorgia Meloni has a peculiarity: it is the first that coincides with an undisputed electoral success of the Italian prime minister. We start with a Meloni-Biden bilateral
The choice of the new EU leaders after the vote on 8 and 9 June dominates the European scene on which the double French novelty with Le Pen's exploit and Macron's surprising move which has...
In both Italy and France the right clearly wins. Domestically, Meloni almost reached 29% and FdI confirmed itself as the leading national party. The result of Schlein's Democratic Party was good. Collapse of the Five Star Movement and exploits of the Greens-Left…
Here are the elections for the European Parliament and the EU is at the crossroads: it is time to distinguish between empty promises and concrete policies. From the lesson of the Normandy landings, we learn that integration is crucial to avoid future conflicts. And the…
Vannacci, Borghi, Castiello: the Lega's electoral campaign is a festival of idiocies, one bigger than the other. But how do you vote for people like that?
The condominiums of the building in Rome where the socialist and anti-fascist martyr Giacomo Matteotti lived refuse a plaque which indicates the fascists as instigators of his assassination which even the very prudent Giorgia Meloni described as "fascist squads". Shame!
In language that is not strictly Oxfordian, Prime Minister Meloni responded to the previous insults of the Governor of Campania De Luca but the spectacle that both offered to the country is simply indecent and offensive for the institutions and citizens.…
The agreement between ITA and Lufthansa risks definitive failure after the EU Antitrust ban on the Italian company's entry into the international joint with Lufthansa, United Airlines and Air Canada. The amateurism of the Meloni Government which rejected the Draghi project a priori…
The French electoral campaign is dominated by the great European times, the Italian one is, on the contrary, entrenched on national themes. Thus Italy remains Italy and one should not be surprised if it condemns itself to count less and less in Europe
Sudden about-face by the prime minister on the income meter. The stop after protests from the allies of the League and Forza Italia. At the origin of Palazzo Chigi's move was the concern of losing votes in the European elections
Rai, Fs and Cdp: everything postponed until after the elections. Appointments will only be made in mid-June. This is what the prime minister wants in order to be able to decide on the choice of leaders alone
The Five Star leader's proposal to make ministers and parliamentarians ineligible for membership in the European Parliament is correct in substance but it comes when the horses have already escaped from the stable and for this reason it has the flavor of a hoax
Everything and the opposite of everything: this is what Prime Minister Meloni said and did on the new Stability Pact. Not a test of linearity that made Italy look bad
Meloni and Calenda are on the field like Schlein, Salvini and Tajani but none of them will ever go to the European Parliament: this is how the all-Italian scandal of flirtatious candidatures spreads
There is an Italy that sees its future in a renewed and stronger Europe and there is an Italy that does not really believe in Europe or, worse, that dreams of a Europe on its knees before Putin
Mario Draghi at the head of the EU (but not of the Commission) is the only card that Europe has today to regain authority in the world. And if Meloni launched her candidacy and forgot the disagreements of the past, she would acquire an international role...
The Democratic Party is threatening to no longer appear on Tg1 as a sign of protest against too many reports on the scandals in Bari and Turin. What an incredible gift to the right
The Meloni Government's haste to shelve the wedding project between ITA Airways with Delta and Air France to favor the Germans of Lufthansa and mark a turning point compared to the Draghi Government in air transport has so far not led...
Compared to the results achieved in the Abruzzo regional elections five years ago, Salvini and Conte's performance on Sunday was terrible. Has the decline begun for extreme populism?
The G7 under Meloni's presidency did not start in the best way and today in Washington the prime minister will ask the American President for a hand
Prodi never misses an opportunity to stimulate the left to broaden the field: only in this way can we attempt to build an alternative to the Meloni government
Gian Carlo Blangiardo, supported by the League, will not be able to participate in the tender for the renewal of the top management of Istat. In the meantime, AIFA is in the hands of the regent Francesco Fera, a friend of Meloni
The Sardinian elections do not have a national significance but they make us reflect: Meloni has lost his magic touch but the left will only be able to undermine her by allying itself with the center and adopting a realistic, reformist and anti-populist policy
Turnaround in Sardinia and defeat for Meloni. At the regional elections the left-wing candidate Elisabetta Todde won by a handful of votes, becoming the first female president of the island. The right-wing candidate, Paolo Truzzu, imposed by the prime minister, was defeated
Not even Navalny's assassination pushes Salvini to abandon his ambiguity and closeness with Putin's Russia. But can such a person remain deputy prime minister in a European and Atlanticist country?
For the former Ilva we are at a turning point: a move by Invitalia and a counter-move by ArcelorMittal but the slope is that which leads to the administration of the largest European steel factory, which has been in a pre-agonistic state for months due to the responsibility of the private partner but also...
Tug of war between Meloni and Salvini over the third mandate for governors and mayors with political consequences that go far beyond future regional elections and can reopen many games
Faced with the tractor revolt, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture don't know which way to turn because they approved the European agricultural policy and above all because it was they and not the EU who raised taxes on farmers...
The provision, which regulates the governance of listed companies, now passes to the final examination of the Senate which will probably ratify it by the end of the month
At the Italy-Africa summit the Prime Minister promises that the Mattei Plan "will not be an empty box" and reveals its contents for projects worth 5,5 billion euros but the President of the African Union Faki warns: "It is time to move on from words…
The Summit wanted by the government is underway. 25 heads of state and EU leaders were present. The Prime Minister: "Ready to present the objectives of a new era of cooperation"
The ramshackle attacks on Stellantis reveal the premier's sovereignist anti-capitalism and anti-market culture, as had already emerged in the summer with the extra tax on banks. It is curious that in the days in which Meloni accuses Stellantis of favoring France over…
During Question Time in the Chamber, the Prime Minister attacks Stellantis, accusing the Group chaired by John Elkann of being manipulated by the French but the car manufacturer replies by demonstrating with numbers what its contribution to the Italian economy is
The multinational ArcelorMittal is certainly the main culprit in the crisis of the former Ilva and the large steel plant in Taranto but the origin of the disaster bears the signature of the Conte 2 Government which in 2020 signed an unfortunate agreement with the Indians...
Local authorities are asking to get back the cut resources. Fitto prepares a specific decree while the EU says that the investment "machine" is slow
On the major issues of finance, Prime Minister Meloni reveals an absence of vision and strategy and an orientation that is not liked by the markets, which are always a stony guest at Government meetings
During the press conference at the end of the year, the prime minister said she was "shocked" by the words of the former prime minister on the Constitutional Court and reiterated: his appointment as president of the Algorithms commission "was not my initiative"
In the press conference at the end of the year, the prime minister defended the rule on the board of directors' list which recently raised controversy
In over three hours of press conference, Prime Minister Meloni spoke about all the hot topics of recent months. The Stability Pact? "I'm satisfied even if it's not what I wanted." On the Pozzolo case: "I asked about him...
Giorgetti recognizes in the Chamber that "the ESM would have been useful to us" but glosses over the crucial point: after the rejection of the ESM wanted by Salvini and Meloni, Italy is no longer reliable on a European level and is more alone
The resounding failure of the ESM and Italy's international isolation are of great concern to the institutional leaders of our country - Great anticipation for President Mattarella's end-of-year televised message and the pronouncement of the new Governor of the Bank of Italy...
Salvini and the Brothers of Italy try to justify the rejection of the ESM by trampling on reality but unfortunately our country will pay the price
In the economy, as in justice, schools and healthcare, the Meloni Government has done little or nothing and in foreign policy it has been Atlanticist but fluctuating on Europe - Without real reforms the experience of the right in Government will be...
The failure of the ESM will cost Italy dearly and the populist triad Salvini, Meloni and Conte will bear all the responsibility - Who knows if the Democratic Party will understand that chasing the Five Stars is madness and that being alongside them in the battle...
Ruocco also distances herself from Beppe Grillo and approaches Meloni: the crazy "one is worth one" rule has finally become a heresy, but a little too late
Meloni and Schlein's Sunday rallies really couldn't have been emptier than this: not an idea of the future and no concrete proposal. Only controversy and specious attacks. Both bear the responsibility of enveloping the future of Italy...
The EU opens its doors to Ukraine and Moldova, bypassing the Hungarian Orban's veto - However, very close negotiations will be needed for Kiev's actual entry into the EU
The Prime Minister defends herself in the Chamber from accusations of wavering in Europe and goes on the attack, also stinging Draghi and then correcting herself - Let's hope it doesn't become an own goal for Italy
The Government is once again postponing the parliamentary approval of the ESM, irritating its European partners and giving a blow to the credibility of our country. But the showdown with Brussels is near and the meeting on the 18th on the Pact of…
French President Macron has a plan to bring Draghi to the helm of the EU - Meanwhile, the countdown has begun for the Italian Parliament's vote on the ESM
Even if instrumentally and belatedly disowned by Beppe Grillo, the season of Vaffa alla casta has produced impressive failures in the decision-making centers of the country which Giuseppe De Rita lucidly highlights - Today rebuilding a culture of government is...
The Meloni government delivered the notice of termination to the Chinese government authorities on December 3, confirming its desire to maintain strategic friendship with Beijing
Italy respects the expected goals and objectives and unlocks the fourth installment of the 16,5 billion Pnrr. It is the only EU country to have reached this milestone
The gaffe of the Minister of Agriculture, Lollobrigida, the "brother-in-law of Italy, who stops a Rome-Naples Frecciarossa late to get off at Ciampino dangerously resembles the outbursts of Andrea Giambruno, the prime minister's former partner who kicked him out on two feet. Sooner or…
The Italian-German action plan for strategic cooperation signed in Berlin. There are five points of the agreement. Connected together with Chancellor Scholz for the “Virtual G20 Leaders Summit”, Meloni turned to Putin: "If Russia wants, it could easily bring back…
The vice president of Morgan Stanley and former Treasury Minister, Domenico Siniscalco, does not tell Giorgia Meloni and rejects her entire reckless line of European policy: on the ESM as on the Stability Pact and, more specifically...
After criticizing the amoral familism of the center-left from the opposition benches, the right opens a new but no less disgusting season of Parentopoli. As demonstrated by the repeated cases of appointments and hiring in companies or public bodies of children and...
Runoff in the political elections if no one reaches 50% in the first round: this is the proposal of the political scientist Roberto D'Alimonte which, if accepted, can allow for the direct election of the prime minister without changing the Constitution and can put people back on the right track…
Italy will build two structures in Albania at its own expense to set up centers for the management of illegal arrivals which, when fully operational, will be able to accommodate 39 thousand migrants a year
The directly elected prime ministership and the 55% majority bonus foreseen in the future electoral law are the most controversial points of a constitutional proposal that is off to an uphill start
Contrary to what Meloni would like us to believe, the technical governments of Ciampi, Monti and Draghi, despite being born as an anomaly of Italian democracy, had great merits for the country that no propaganda will ever be able to erase
The Prime Minister's diplomatic advisor pays for the prank call of the two Russian comedians. Meloni: "There was superficiality, but Talò's gesture is one of responsibility"
Two majority meetings were held at Palazzo Chigi which found a consensus on the Maneuver, but also on the constitutional reforms - Government: "Today the text of the Maneuver will be sent to Parliament"
There is no default on the horizon for the Italian economy but the party is over, GDP is slowing down, inflation is not falling enough, confidence is falling and the debt burden is becoming more cumbersome
Tug of war over the release of the hostages, but the international summit in Egypt on peace in MO ends in stalemate. Meloni to Netanyahu: "Israel has the right to defend itself, but no revenge"
By breaking off her romantic relationship with her partner Andrea Giambruno for his squalid macho and sexist manifestations, Meloni has once again proven herself to be a woman of character who deserves the utmost respect
The sexist phrases, the winking behavior towards colleagues, the repeated gaffes of Andrea Giambruno in recent months have embarrassed the Premier and convinced her to end a relationship that is now over - The latest outburst from Striscia the news is...
The Israeli army releases audio and video to unload everything about Islamic Jihad. But independent confirmations are awaited. In the meantime, the alert is rising: Italy and eight other states are suspending Schengen
With its second budget law, the Meloni government goes a little over the budget to guarantee a few crumbs for the lower classes, while postponing growth to a future yet to be defined, but a compromise maneuver will not help...
Tusk's electoral victory in Poland gives hope to pro-Europeans and is a bad blow for the populist, sovereignist and nationalist right. What will Meloni do now? She will find the strength to break with the past and become a…
The two measures in force only for 2024. In the future there is a risk of tax increases for millions of Italians. Giorgetti's thoughts and the warning from Bank of Italy
The prime minister oscillates between a liberal-conservative right and nationalist and statist suggestions: in the end which path will she choose? A book by the historian Paolo Macry does not make predictions but helps to understand the entire path of the right in Italy, from Guglielmo Gianni...
The growth of the spread, the slowdown in GDP and the wait for the rating agencies' judgment on the sustainability of our public debt keep Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni but also Italy on edge
The Prime Minister, pressured by American finance, removed the controversial rules on the Board of Directors list and increased voting rights in listed companies from the Capital Bill, leaving the Roman builder and publisher with a handful of flies in his hand
The growth of the spread makes Meloni fear a financial crisis like in 2011 when the markets (and Parliament) distrusted the Berlusconi Government, paving the way for Monti's technical government - But Governor Visco wisely throws water...
"If the EU leaves us alone on the arrival of migrants in Lampedusa, then it will certainly not be able to pretend to nitpick Italy on the Pnrr, on the deficit-GDP ratio and on the reform of the Stability Pact": this is what the prime minister claimed Melons…
GDP growth at 0,8% and deficit over 4%: these are the macro-sizes that will inspire the Nadef to be examined by the Council of Ministers this afternoon. In essence: less growth and more deficit - To obtain EU approval on the extra trade deficit…
Migrants and banks, two bitter defeats for the Meloni Government which now has to face the crucial issue of the next budget maneuver: how to support the public debt in a phase of declining economic growth?
The choice of Monti as Premier to avoid Italy's bankruptcy was proof that Napolitano was thinking of the national interest and not of partisan interests like Occhetto
For months, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has been looking for a way to exit the project without breaking with the world's second largest economy
The Capital Bill, which provides for new governance rules for listed companies, will be approved only after the Mediobanca meeting on 28 October and will probably contain a relaxation of the constraints on the list of the outgoing Board of Directors
What's happening to Meloni? She is no longer the pro-Draghi prime minister of the first months at Palazzo Chigi but why? It is the ghosts of the past and the competition on Salvini's right that push her towards shores that risk isolating her...
The harsh reality of the endless landings of migrants shatters the demagoguery of the right and Meloni must begin to open his eyes while Salvini and Le Pen continue the waltz of demagogy, racism and populism
The visit to the Lampedusa hotspot by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and EU President Ursula von der Leyen has concluded. The Prime Minister: "From the EU a gesture of responsibility towards itself, joint efforts are needed". von der Leyen: "Italy is not alone, fighting against…