Marco Bentivogli: "It's time to unite the reformists"

INTERVIEW WITH MARCO BENTIVOGLI, former secretary general of the metalworkers of the Cisl and now coordinator of Base Italia - "In the report of the new secretary of the Democratic Party there are important signs of openness but the Democratic Party must be rebuilt by recovering the spirit of the Olive tree,…

May 2020st XNUMX takes place without demonstrations in the squares because we are still in the Coronavirus emergency but, instead of letting our guard down, we must take the opportunity to build a new normality based on the change of an economic system already incapable of satisfying…

The money will be used for the production of the Alfa Tonale SUV and the Hybrid Panda. The announcement comes from the general secretary of the Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli: "An important signal. Now we continue with the investments in the other plants.
Labor Day: Fim-Cisl Ethical Cash Mob

Prologue of May Day today at the Cascina Triulza in Milan organized by the metalworkers of the Cisl and NeXt to support - with an active citizenship initiative - companies that respect workers and the environment with collective promotion and responsible consumption -…
Taxing robots? Salvini wants to massacre SMEs and workers

The proposal of the secretary of the League to tax robots is completely wrong, because it would reduce the technological investments of companies, especially medium and small ones - On the contrary, it would be necessary to detax labor by reducing the tax wedge, which today in our country…

According to the general secretary of Fim-Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, selling a large part of Fiat Chrysler to keep Alfa Romeo and Maserati "would be madness from an industrial point of view" which "not only doesn't stand still but which would have heavy repercussions on many Italian plants":…

Two-speed environmental remediation in the South: green light in Bagnoli, other checks for Taranto both in the Ilva area and in the Eni - Bentivogli (Fim-Cisl) area: the negotiation for Taranto must be divided into individual industrial and environmental aspects
Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli opens the Congress

The general secretary Marco Bentivogli, one of the most innovative figures of the Italian trade union movement, opens the National Congress of CISL metalworkers today at the Rome Auditorium - There will be over a thousand delegates from all over Italy but at the center of the meeting there will be…
Metalworkers, the negotiation is unlocked

Federmeccanica seems to be oriented towards unblocking the thorny trade union negotiation for the renewal of the national contract for metalworkers - The directorate of industrialists has reiterated its intention to link wage increases to company productivity but seems to have overcome the prejudicial…
Metalworkers, movement signals

Great excitement around the most important contractual dispute of the year which must prepare the ground for a possible reform of the bargaining between Confindustria and trade union confederations - For now Fiom, Fim and Uilm are oriented towards maintaining the mobilization of the category…
Metalworkers, who are the real conservatives

The contract for metalworkers must mark a turning point in trade union relations but the innovation must be based on new people's rights and on a new contractual structure that defines the different roles of national and company bargaining - A challenge addressed…