The private equity fund focused on Italian SMEs strengthens its team: Piero Migliorini becomes Managing Director and Partner and Mauro Facchini Principal, following the recent arrival of Giacinto D'Onofrio as Senior Partner
With the appointment of Yannick Fierling as CEO, Electrolux breaks with tradition and is headed for a tough restructuring starting in September or a quick sale. Meanwhile, Bosch continues its global expansion while the Chinese giants,…
Sensational accusation by Luciano Benetton towards the managers of his company: "They hid a hole in the balance sheets" of 100 million. The founder leaves the clothing company with great disappointment
The event brings together young talents and managers to develop Teco's expansion strategies in global markets, addressing challenges such as international regulations, global marketing and more
"Lost illusions. Banks, businesses, ruling class in Italy after privatizations" is the book with which the economist Marco Onado and the banker Pietro Modiano point the finger at the negative responsibility of the political and managerial classes, both…
Changes at the top of Haier Europe: Yannick Fierling leaves the position of CEO. Other sensational farewells, however, could also affect another European multinational. Here because
Il Sole 24 Ore has drawn up the ranking of the earnings of managers of companies listed on Piazza Affari - At the top is Mike Manley, former Fca - The gap between the salaries of managers and employees is widening -…
New assignment for the former CEO of Enel. The Italian manager will contribute to investment activities, supporting portfolio companies and strategic initiatives. EQT Infrastructure has recently acquired 60% of Wind Tre's network
On the podium with the CEO of Intesa, Claudio Descalzi of Eni and Francesco Starace of Enel. Del Fante di Poste (4th) and John Elkann (5th) also did well. The ranking of the top twenty positions
Franco Tatò, a very successful top manager, died yesterday at the age of 90: Olivetti, Mondadori, Fininvest, Treccani and above all Enel the stages of an enviable career
Nobody seems to like the farewell to the ceiling of 240 thousand euros on the salaries of some top figures in the PA. Yet it passed with a large majority in the Senate. Here's what happened
Utility Manager Academy, the first vertical training school that deals with the training and certification of new Utility Managers, has announced its expansion project which provides for the opening of 5 new local branches
The association in the utility management sector (Assium) intends to restore credibility to the commodities market through an expert capable of putting customer needs at the center and not simply closing the contract
Paola Pilati's book "I generalissimi" published by LUISS recounts ten successful cases of Made in Italy through the action of managers who guide them towards success. From Snam to Brembo, from Chiesi to Sanlorenzo and Calzedonia and…
The task force is launched by CEOforLIFE, the community of Italian managers, which will organize itself into 6 working groups to help define the action plan
On the evening of April 16, 1952, the engineer Erio Codecà, a leading manager of Fiat, was assassinated in Turin - Despite a bounty of 28 million lire (500 euros today) launched by Fiat, the…
De Courtois, until a few months ago Donnet's right-hand man at the top of Generali, becomes No. 2 of Axa - It is not the first time that Generali's managers have reached other shores of excellence and it is the confirmation…
In the world of high tech, according to a recent research by Boston Consulting, women are - net of wage differences - almost half of the workforce but less than a third reach leadership positions - The initiatives…
For smarter companies, the lockdown was an opportunity to rethink their work organization, innovate products and processes and promote sustainable managerial development
MEDIOBANCA REPORT - The gap between the average salary of a CEO and that of an employee can be up to 114 times - Women CEOs earn half as much as men - Here are the salaries of top managers…
The billion that the Mittals would be ready to pay to get rid of Taranto is not a completely far-fetched hypothesis because the Ilva case is unfortunately a jungle - To relaunch the largest steel plant in Europe, managers would be needed…
At the Federmanager assembly, the president Stefano Cuzzilla spoke bluntly: yes to Europe and the euro, yes to infrastructure and a focus on innovation and training. But Minister Fraccaro does not respond to the appeal.
According to the "100 top manager reputation", the ranking drawn up by Reputation Science, Urbano Cairo is always in first place, followed by Starace - By sector: Messina (Intesa Sanpaolo) for finance; Elkann (Fca) for industry; Bono (Fincantieri) for infrastructure…
In her Lectio Magistralis for the awarding of the Master Honoris Causa Cuoa, the president of Enel Patrizia Grieco explains why the managers that companies are looking for are not hyper-specialist technicians but leaders capable of vision and courage: as Adriano taught us…
Franco Bernabè is not only one of the most famous Italian top managers but he is also a passionate "self-taught" manager of the art world: what is the relationship between one and the other and how does he use his managerial experience to de-provincialize the Italian art?…
Presented the Executive MBA Ticinensis, master in business administration - The training process will above all be guided by the topics that revolve around the "Digital Transformation" - The role of the bank above all in rewarding the most deserving with scholarships and…
Among the under 35s, one manager out of three is a woman - Among private managers, during the crisis, women scored +29,4% compared to -9,7% for men - At the end of 2017, almost 10 more companies feminine…
In the latest edition of the "Global Risks Report 2018", created by the WEF in collaboration with Marsh & McLennan Companies and the Zurich Group, the risks associated with social inequalities disappear from the first places in the rankings and "cyber" ones enter - Italy, like Greece and Spain,…
The results of the research conducted by the DNV GL certification body and the GFK Eurisko institute on 1.700 professionals who work in the company to monitor processes relating to waste and industrial discharges to make them compatible with the regulations are positive…
A report by The Boston Consulting Group and MIT Sloan Management Review, created through interviews with 3.000 managers in 112 countries, returns a picture of lights and shadows.
From "Poteri Deboli", blog by Gianni Dragoni - The Sole 24 Ore assembly is being held today, which is called to approve a 50 million capital increase to avoid taking the books to court - Here's what they have…
This is foreseen by an amendment to the savings-saving decree approved yesterday evening by the Finance commissions of the Chamber and Senate - The final go-ahead for the measure is expected by 21 February
Beyond the many technical and above all political errors deriving from the incredible underestimation of the liberalization of the skies in 1997, from the totem of Italian spirit and from the guilty shipwreck of many international alliances that knocked out Alitalia, it is time to open the…
According to the Willis Tower Watson Observatory, out of 500 companies, these have resumed investing in human resources but only in roles considered "key" for international development. The best performances in the media sector
FROM MORNINGSTAR.IT - A Morningstar study in 56 countries reveals that only one money manager out of five belongs to the fairer sex - The large financial centers are rejected - Opportunities are in the new market segments.
The confederation of public and private company managers celebrates its 70th anniversary by presenting a manifesto for the construction of a new Europe based on the values of ethics, merit and transparency - The defense of one's own particularity in front of…
According to a study by Credit Suisse, in our country the share of women on company boards of directors was 30,8%: a figure that grew almost sixfold between 2010 and 2015
The vice president of the Senate aims to reach 30% by 2020: "We need to overcome stereotypes, gender budgeting is good for everyone". Presented the report "More women in management" edited by Club 30%.
The managers will leave their jobs by 31 December 2018, they will be identified mainly with the criterion of proximity to retirement and will be able to benefit from an amount of 50 thousand euros for the reunification of contributions or for the redemption of…
The managers of Italian companies are getting older - If in the early 2000s the possibility of reaching a managerial role between the ages of 36 and 38 was high, today we have to wait until we have far exceeded…
The CEO of Vodafone Group and the CEO of Vodafone Italia launch "HeforShe" the United Nations campaign for gender equality in companies, in politics, in universities, in everyday life. For the mobile group,…
The candidacies of Sala, Parisi and Passera for mayor of Milan certify the birth of a new type of political framework, which does not come from the party apparatus or from the anti-politics of the Net - It is a push towards the reform of the parties,…