The 15 new degrees to find work

New three-year degree courses located throughout the country with the aim of implementing technical training and "ensuring" a job outlet thanks to an increasingly massive involvement of companies and professional studios - Here are the 15 new…
Marine engineering: Roma Tre launches new degree

The Roma Tre University is launching the new Marine Engineering course in Ostia, in collaboration with the Lazio Region and the Ministry of Education and Research, to train new engineers who will deal with renewable energies, offshore platforms, wind farms and turbines…
Brain drain: Italian graduates earn an extra 500 euros abroad

An elaboration on Istat data conducted by Carlo Barone, professor of Sociology at the University of Trento, shows the difference in remuneration between graduates who remained in Italy and those who went abroad: on average 1.300 euros net per month against 1.783 - Among…