The new calendar was established by the conference of the group leaders of Montecitorio - In agreement with the Democratic Party and the Popular Area, wrath of the Northern League.
The rapporteur Andrea Mazziotti withdraws the Italicum bis, under pressure from the party and from Renzi who are pushing towards a more proportional system - Constitutional Affairs commission Wednesday afternoon - Fiano: "We will present another text".
First agreement between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement with the support of the League to bring the new electoral law to the Montecitorio hall at the end of February: the intention is to extend the revised and corrected Italicum to the Senate by…
On the day of the pronouncement of the Consulta on the Italicum, the other superstars are Unicredit, Dow Jones, Generali and Trump: this is why in the daily hit of FIRSTonline.
The Constitutional Court, after a long meeting, also intervened on the part concerning multiple candidates in several constituencies: they are legitimate but the criterion becomes that of the draw - The prize remains standing for those who exceed 40% of the…
The majority premium should survive, while the possibility of the blocked leaders elected in several constituencies to choose the place of election could also be skipped, determining who to let into the other constituencies as second elected
The decision of the Consulta on Italicum is postponed until tomorrow, while another exploit by Generali is still today - Marchionne's meeting with Trump, the Raggi case and yet another twist on Brexit should also be noted.
This was communicated by the secretary general of the Constitutional Court just after the beginning of the council session on Tuesday afternoon. The decision on the Italicum will be communicated at 13pm
The judgment of the Constitutional Court on the Italicum is expected between tomorrow and the following day: the ballot and the majority premium are at risk - Not only the future electoral law but the fate and duration of the…
The hearing of the Constitutional Court on the electoral law has been set for January 24th. After the postponement to a date to be set, set for October, there is now a certain date, even if not close - Six possible profiles of…
"I feel I have to make my yes public, in the hope that this will help strengthen our democratic rules above all through the reform of the electoral law" - With these words, the former President of the Olive Tree announces his endorsement in favor of the…
WEEKEND INTERVIEW - The president of the Gramsci Foundation speaks: "My YES in the referendum is the natural consequence of support for a constitutional reform that finally overcomes equal bicameralism and redefines the relationship between the state and local autonomies,…
The secretary challenges the minority: "We have chosen internal democracy and not the fireplaces of the big or presumed big names". And he proposes the discussion in the Commission, entrusting an internal delegation with the task of defining a basic text in the wake of…
In view of Monday's Democratic Party leadership, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi replies dryly to former secretary Pierluigi Bersani who announced NO to the referendum: "He does so out of dislike for me, given that he voted three times in Parliament...
Previously Renzi had made it clear that he was ready to take the initiative on changes to the electoral law, but now he clarifies that the Democratic Party will not present any proposals: "Otherwise the others will just say no. I don't decide, it's a choice of…
The prime minister criticizes himself in the face of Giorgio Napolitano's jabs ("Too many mistakes have favored the NO campaign") and accelerates the revision of the electoral law to mend with the dem minority in view of the next direction
Zagrebelsky and Pallante argue that in the referendum it is necessary to vote NO because the constitutional reform coupled with Italcim centralizes the powers in favor of the State and in the State in favor of the Executive, but all this does not correspond to the letter of the…
The Chamber of Deputies approved the motion presented by the majority with 293 votes in favor and 157 against - The Pd minority, as announced in the early afternoon, did not participate in the vote - The motions of Yes, Centre-right were rejected…
Among the news to remember on Tuesday 20 September there is certainly the black day of the Milan Stock Exchange, which is the worst in Europe - But also pensions, electoral law and a coup de théatre in the American electoral campaign.
The proportional system that characterized Italy in the First Republic is back in vogue for the grillini, which however risks being a remedy worse than the disease - A proposal that aims to underline, after the vicissitudes of the capital, the political diversity of…
The Consulta has decided to postpone the examination of the electoral law until after the referendum on the constitutional reform - The objective is not to interfere in the popular consultation - The Chamber of Deputies instead discusses the Sel motion to amend the Italicum immediately
Today in Montecitorio the discussion on the motion of Sel and Si on the reform of the electoral law begins, which has become the focal point of the political debate in view of the referendum - Before the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court, however, it is…
At the Unity Day in Catania, the premiers confirm their willingness to improve the electoral law if the numbers are found in Parliament but the reactions of the Pd minorities are cold - Giachetti shoots zero on Bersanians and dalemiami: "Are you…
DAILY REVIEW OF FIRSTonline - The anniversary of 11 September, the massacre that changed the world - The rupture between the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, and the Vatican - Italicum changes: Napolitano presses and Renzi opens up - Football: Milan, Inter …
The prime minister opens the revision of the electoral law on two conditions: that there is a parliamentary majority willing to modify the Italicum and that the change produces "a better law" - Napolitano: "No more war on the referendum but Renzi will find some ground...
INTERVIEW OF THE WEEKEND - Riccardo Illy, entrepreneur and former governor of Friuli Venezia Giulia, speaks from Cernobbio: "The constitutional reform is imperfect but the best is the enemy of the good and with the Italicum it represents the right mix between representativeness and governability"…
Faced with the risk of strong political instability in Italy induced by a possible victory of the 5 Star Movement, the possibility of modifying the electoral law before the referendum should be evaluated without prejudice by attenuating its majority character, as the...
According to the former minister and constitutionalist Franco Bassanini, the possible rejection of the constitutional reform would produce ungovernability, because two Chambers would be elected with two different electoral systems: the Senate with pure proportional representation and the Chamber with the Italicum which, after…
The major novelties of the tense leadership of the Democratic Party are not so much the obvious clash between Prime Minister Renzi and the dem minority who now borders on the grotesque by threatening to vote No in the referendum after approving the constitutional reform in…
WEEKEND INTERVIEWS - Elisabetta Gualmini, professor of political science at the University of Bologna and Pd vice-president of the Emilia-Romagna Region, speaks: "After Brexit, people seek shelter from populist and anti-system winds: this will also give a positive boost to the referendum…
The grotesque about-face of the Five Stars who, on the wings of the latest polls, defend the electoral law after branding it as a liberticide freezes Bersani and associates and makes it even more problematic to change the Italicum, unless Forza Italia resumes the…
A year and a half after the definitive approval of the new electoral law, the conference of group leaders of the Chamber surprisingly decided today that in September the Chamber will examine the motion presented by the Italian Left, relating to the possible unconstitutionality of…
Politically, the grillina victory in Rome is the most sensational result of the ballots but the real surprise is the turnaround in Turin where a historical figure of the Democratic Party like that of Fassino succumbs to the Appendino grillina despite having managed well:…
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's dry reply to Bersani and the Pd minorities who would like to question the electoral law to support the referendum: "There is no link between the referendum and Italicum and the new electoral law eliminates the mess...
El Pais headlines: "Bienvenidos a Italia" but Prime Minister Matteo Renzi responds to the Spanish media who compare the current situation to what has been seen in Italy over the last few years, recalling the innovations produced by our new electoral law: the Italicum has…
Beppe Grillo, as a consummate comedian, never ceases to amaze: after having thundered for a long time against electoral reform as a tool of the regime, he now reverses his positions and defends Italicum to the sword, considered a bulwark of democracy -…
INTERVIEW WITH ANNA FINOCCHIARO, Pd president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate - "The new text of the reform of the Senate is more balanced" and may be "the definitive one" but "the concern of the quorum for the election of the Head of State" remains…
Berlusconi's own goal is sensational as he rants grotesquely against Napolitano and doesn't notice that the former Head of State has reopened, with elegance and sobriety, the Italicum front, whose revision is also very close to Forza Italia's heart...
The tormented chapter of the electoral law closes: as expected, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, yesterday signed the Italicum which now enters the Official Gazette - The Quirinale had received the text two days ago after the…
With 334 yes and 61 no, the Montecitorio hall definitively approved the new electoral law: the Italicum - A very large part of the Pd, Ncd and Area Popolare voted in favour, Sc - Against the Pd minority - Not…
Final vote on the Italicum in the Chamber in the evening. The oppositions have asked for a secret vote and will leave the hall: the announcement of Fi, Lega, Sel and FdI. Even M5S outside the classroom but with a differentiated position. He counts on the internal opposition to the Democratic Party. Renzi:…
In view of today's final vote in the Chamber on the new electoral law, Prime Minister Renzi goes on the attack: "After so many debates, it's time to decide: they can send us home, but they can't stop us" - Either the Italicum becomes law or…
The Renzi government passed the first vote in the Chamber of Deputies on trust in Italicum by a large majority (352 yes out of a quorum of 280, 207 no and one abstention) - The Pd minority is divided - Tomorrow two more votes on…
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi explains in "La Stampa" the reasons for having recourse to trust on the electoral law: "The Italicum has already undergone dozens of changes, now it's time to decide" - De Gasperi's precedent and the openings on the reform…
With the first of three votes of confidence, today the final battle on the new electoral law on which the tussle was unleashed after the government's decision to resort to confidence in response…
After overcoming the preliminary rulings by a large majority, the Government decides to appeal to the trust on the Italicum in response to the request made by Forza Italia to vote on all the amendments by secret ballot - The announcement accepted by the protests of Montecitorio -…
The electoral reform has passed its first real test in the Chamber by a large majority, which rejected by secret ballot the two preliminary rulings on the constitutionality of the Italicum presented by the oppositions - The request for suspension advanced by…
First serious test for the Renzi government on the new electoral law today in the Montecitorio hall where two preliminary rulings on constitutionality put forward by Forza Italia which had instead approved the law in the Senate will be voted on - The Pd…
A crucial week for the outcome of the Italicum kicks off today in the Chamber of Deputies - Renzi is preparing to tame Pd dissidence with a flurry of votes of confidence to definitively bring home the new electoral law - The…
On the eve of a crucial week for the fate of the electoral reform, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi remains confident in the possibility of it being definitively approved by the Chamber but warns: "If the Italicum does not pass, the Government will fall" - Meanwhile Renzi…
This morning the oppositions deserted the session in the Constitutional Affairs commission of the Chamber, causing the amendments to lapse and paving the way for a provisional go-ahead for the reform of the electoral law - But the real battle is only postponed and…
In the duel between the opposition and the government on electoral reform, with substitutions and escapes on the Aventine Hill, there are many questions that still await answers: 10 from minorities (especially from the Democratic Party) and one from Renzi - But it remains astonishing that of…
After the doubts of M5S and the choice of Sel, Brunetta announces that FI will not vote for Italicum in the commission. Civic choice instead changes his mind and decides to stay. Tensions after the replacement of 10 members of the Pd minority in…
In view of the final sprint on the Italicum, the Democratic Party has decided to replace the 10 dissident members in the Constitutional Affairs commission of the Chamber - The names of Bersani, Bindi and Cuperlo stand out - Protests by minorities and reply by the Renzians: "We…
The Pd minority does not listen to reasons and threatens not to vote for Italicum if Prime Minister Renzi does not make any openings tomorrow - But, warns Pd parliamentarian Giampaolo Galli (ex Bankitalia9 if Italcum is skipped, the Government's mission with…
As President Napolitano said, the Italicum is a "compromise" but it would be "woeful to undo what has been painstakingly built" - Today the parliamentary balance makes it impossible to improve the new electoral law and therefore tertium non datur: either…
The former President of the Republic sides with Prime Minister Renzi, even if he recalls how wrong it was, according to him, to "hastily liquidate the Mattarellum", an electoral law "which worked excellently".
Bizarre swing of the Italian mood: first they accused the premier of running too fast and now of slowing down. Correct criticism but at the wrong address - It is not Renzi who is holding back the reforms but the tangle of lobbies, corporations, particularisms and bureaucracies that…
According to the Premier, it would be "a sensational mistake to reopen the discussion now" - "I place political trust in the Italicum, we will see about that in the Chamber" - "No to blackmail: blocking the electoral law now would be a blow to the government's credibility".
Faced with the internal minority that is asking for new changes to the electoral law, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wants a definitive clarification in the direction of the Pd on Monday and accelerates the immediate approval of the Italicum before the regional elections - Orfini: "Enough with the cases...
There is no going back on constitutional reforms: Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said it clearly yesterday at the meeting of parliamentarians of the Democratic Party in response to the criticisms of the former secretary Pierluigi Bersani - Renzi argued that it is not possible to change…
The Premier sets the benchmarks for the post-Quirinale government agenda: electoral reform and the application of the Jobs Act do not touch each other, just as the law does not change Severino - No discount for tax fraudsters…
It was in Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's plans and so it was: the new electoral law, the so-called Italicum, was approved in the Senate before the match for the new President of the Republic, which will formally begin on Friday.
Renzi aims to achieve a double objective: the approval by today of the new electoral law and the election of the new Head of State on Saturday - The yes by a large majority to the Finocchiaro amendment (barrier at 3% and bonus to the list that collects the…
The pact of the Nazarene between Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi dribbles, on the wings of Senator Esposito's "superkangaroo", the thousands of amendments of the oppositions of the right and left and paves the way for the approval of the Italicum, expected in the Senate between Tuesday…
With 170 votes in favour, 110 no and 2 abstentions, the Senate approved the so-called super-kangaroo presented by Senator Pd Esposito and supported by the majority. Thus eliminated about 44 modifications of the oppositions. The text towards final approval
The Chamber rejected the amendment by Miguel Gotor, senator of the Pd minority, who proposed to raise the quota of seats assigned with preferences to 70% - Renzi: "Let's not give up an inch".
The assembly of senators Pd approves the Renzi line on the reform of the electoral law with 71 votes in favor: yes to the blocked leaders - The minority of the party (29 senators in all) has decided not to participate in the vote.
In view of the meeting with Silvio Berlusconi on the electoral law and the Quirinale, Matteo Renzi sends a message on twitter that seems to represent a novelty and an opening compared to yesterday: "With Italicum, no more blocked lists, college ballots, preferences and the end of the…
The open clash between Renzi and the minority of the Democratic Party in the assembly of senators ("No to a party within a party") in view of the resumption of voting on the Italicum leaves no doubt that the battle of Palazzo Madama over the electoral law…
This was established by an amendment to the electoral law presented today in the Constitutional Affairs commission at Palazzo Madama by some senators of the Democratic Party: "It is a safeguard clause".
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi relaunches and shakes up the electoral reform and, in order to reassure those who fear early elections, proposes a safeguard clause which provides that the Italicum will enter into force only from 2016 January XNUMX - Napolitano…
For Forza Italia there were also Denis Verdini and Gianni Letta. With the premier, Lorenzo Guerini and Luca Lotti. Immediately after the meeting at Palazzo Chigi Matteo went to the Nazarene for the direction of the Pd on the electoral law and the Jobs act
Renzi accelerates to close the process in the Senate by 31 December, but Berlusconi maintains his positions on the majority premium and the barrier.
The future of the electoral law, on which the duration of the legislature depends, is at a crossroads: either there is a rapid relaunch with changes to the Italicum or everything is skipped and the scenario changes. This is the gist of the unsuccessful meeting between Renzi and…
From today's meeting between Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi on the new electoral law, the Italicum, "a broad will to proceed" with a revision of the thresholds emerged, while "I would be more cautious on preferences", said the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party Lorenzo Guerini.
Double appointment today for Prime Minister Renzi who met Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi at Palazzo Chigi in the morning to define the path of the Italicum and its possible changes - But no less important for the premier is…
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on the reforms: the electoral law (Italicum) can also be revised on preferences but the reform of the Senate must be approved first - Meanwhile, the majority collects the confirmation of the "kangaroo" that in Palazzo Madama, where the climate…
If the hall of Palazzo Madama approves the reform of the Senate and its ineligibility, the Italicum can be reviewed by opening the introduction of preferences and the adjustment of the thresholds and the majority premium: said Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who is …
Berlusconi wants to close immediately for the Italicum, and for this very reason tomorrow evening in all likelihood there will be a meeting with the premier at Palazzo Chigi, to lock down the reform including possible changes - But the leader of Forza Italia…
There were 365 votes in favour, 156 against, 40 abstentions - This concludes the first troubled parliamentary passage of the Italicum, which will reach the Senate today - Renzi comments on twitter: "Politics-defeatism 1 to 0. It is the sign…
Today the Chamber will approve the Italicum confirming the general structure of the law on the thresholds and on the majority bonus, without pefrenze and gender equality - The Renzi-Berlusconi agreement is holding, which will now go to the examination of the Senate - Dissent by Bindi And…
The negative verdict of the Chamber of Deputies came with 299 deputies against and 264 in favor - Passed the amendment on thresholds and majority premium instead - Renzi to his followers: "I ask you, as Pd, to close today on the electoral law, or...
The vote on the amendments to the electoral law proceeds, but runs into the first obstacle, that of gender equality - The current law provides for alternation on a regional basis, but without constraints on the order of the list - The proposed changes with…
After the Forza Italia summit at Palazzo Grazioli Silvio Berlusconi gave the go-ahead, but only for the Chamber of Deputies - The meeting of the Committee of Nine was moved to the afternoon, probable postponement of the work in the Chamber to tomorrow - Renzi:…
The electoral law arrives today in the Chamber: from 16 pm to vote - Prime Minister Matteo Renzi professes optimism, but the knot of the entry into force remains to be resolved: immediately, as the Berlusconians would like, or in 18 months, as he would like…
Three are the crucial issues of these weeks: electoral law, tax wedge and jobs act - Given the choice, it would be better for Renzi to bet everything on the labor reform, putting money immediately to expand the audience of beneficiaries of the unemployment benefit...
With the appointment of the Minister of Development at Confindustria quota and that of Labor at Coop quota, Renzi has proved to be dominated by the lobbies: now if he really wants to carry out the reforms, he must downsize the super-bureaucrats by rotating the heads of…
THE PRIORITIES - In accepting Napolitano's assignment to form the new government with reservations, Renzi said that first the programmatic contents will be studied in depth and only then the team will be formed - Four priorities for the next three months of…
The expected majority bonus is of dubious constitutionality, because it does not meet the criteria of reasonableness required by the Consulta - Then there is the question of the minor lists, for which prohibitive access thresholds are envisaged - In theory, then,…
The new electoral system proposed needs to be simplified in the rules to guarantee governance by favoring the parties that will be able to gather the greatest support - For each constituency, a party should advance candidacies equal to twice the available seats, leaving…