The Italian steel industry, second in Europe and eleventh globally, has achieved important sustainability goals, but faces several challenges. A study by Cdp proposes solutions to relaunch the sector, with particular attention to Acciaierie d'Italia in Taranto
The Apulian judiciary overturns the first-degree sentence against the Rivas but Minister Urso seems like a merchant at a fair who tries to see a halved factory, without a hot area and absolutely unable to maintain the current…
Edf, Edison, Ansaldo Energia, Ansaldo Nucleare and Federacciai sign an MoU for the construction of small modular reactors in Italy for the decarbonisation of the steel sector. The agreement aims to improve the country's competitiveness and energy security
The multinational ArcelorMittal is certainly the main culprit in the crisis of the former Ilva and the large steel plant in Taranto but the origin of the disaster bears the signature of the Conte 2 Government which in 2020 signed an unfortunate agreement with the Indians...
According to rumours, behind the industrial giant's move is the willingness to resume dialogue at the last minute. The executive hopes for a step backwards: "Negotiations are always open", but in the meantime it is moving forward with the commissionership
The history of the former Ilva of Taranto demonstrates that the interest of the Indian private partners was not that of development but of the neutralization of the plant. Now the government calls Italian private industrialists, unions and banks to a table to draw up…
“Without investments there is no future” said the president of Acciaierie d'Italia Franco Bernabé. Palazzo Chigi has called the unions for Wednesday 27 September in view of the 24-hour strike on Thursday
Meeting at the Turin Industrial Union with a delegation of Indian entrepreneurs and government officials to explore some issues relating to the secondary steel sector
The decline of the former Ilva of Taranto is there for all to see but Minister Urso does not yet have a recovery plan and above all he seems to be unaware that without new governance and a new guide to cancel the flop…
The new company is called Dri d'Italia and will build "pre-reduced" plants, a raw material used to power electric furnaces to reduce the use of coal in the steel industry - Bernabè president and Cao CEO
In a few days, the top manager Franco Bernabè, former number 1 of ENI and Telecom Italia, will assume the presidency of the former Ilva: for Italian taxpayers this is good news and a guarantee of professional rigor but because the troubled iron and steel group…
The request for suspension of the Tar ordinance accepted after the decision of the mayor of Taranto who ordered the stop to the plants - Giorgetti: "Now more time to find the solution"
Intesa Sanpaolo grants a 40 million euro loan to the Brescia-based company Feralpi Siderurgica to achieve specific targets linked to sustainability and the circular economy - The loan provides for an innovative combination of technological solutions at the…
The Lecco-based group has acquired 100% of the Venetian company producing welded pipes which it exports all over the world
Another 400 million euros of all citizens to burn in the Ilva of Taranto: it is the entrance ticket that the State will have to pay through Invitalia - But with what strategy and with what management skills? - You don't…
Fifty years ago the revolt in Reggio Calabria after the birth of the ordinary statute regions. From that wound a piece of Italian industrial history is triggered: from the steel center of Gioia Tauro which went bankrupt to the Port which instead works
The billion that the Mittals would be ready to pay to get rid of Taranto is not a completely far-fetched hypothesis because the Ilva case is unfortunately a jungle - To relaunch the largest steel plant in Europe, managers would be needed…
Dramatizing move by the French-Indian group which initiates the shutdown of the blast furnaces in Taranto and prepares the definitive closure of the plant for January - Unions on a war footing, government displaced
ArcelorMittal says it is ready to manage the Taranto plant until May, when the withdrawal request will be discussed in court, but 5 redundancies remain on the table - However, there is room for negotiation
The largest steel plant in Europe loses almost two million euros a day and the appointment of Morselli as new CEO seems to herald shock decisions
After Ilva of Taranto and Acciaierie di Piombino, Magona also becomes Indian: Sanjev Gupta bought it for 700 million - On Taranto, the shield of immunity cannot be forever but a reasonable solution can be found: just…
The Ministry of Development initiates the procedure that could lead to the cancellation of the tender "due to the critical issues that have arisen" but does not close the door and meets ArcelorMittal on the new commitments - Ok to the program agreement for the former Lucchini of Piombino
The WSA forecasts an increase in the use of steel in 2017-18, particularly in Germany, where the 2,1% growth can count on the competitive advantage of high technology, and in Italy (+6%). But you risk losing an important target market…
The tug of war over Ilva continues between Minister Calenda and the Governor of the Puglia Region, Emiliano: the fate of the most important steel plant in Europe is at stake. Gentiloni asks Emiliano and Melucci to withdraw the appeal to the Tar
The predictable ax of the European Commission on the Arcelor Mittal-Marcegaglia consortium puts the relaunch of Taranto in jeopardy while the stalemate of the former Lucchini steelworks and the change of ownership of Magona put Piombino to the test.
The final rush of the two consortiums for Ilva of Taranto and the technological innovations of Arvedi - Less optimism for Piombino: are the Algerians probing Acciaierie Venete? - The hypothesis of a liability action against the directors of Alitalia: what…
After the Algerians (in the steel of the former Lucchini) here are the sheikhs of Oman ready to land in Piombinoo
The survival of the Tuscan iron and steel plant inflames trade union, political and industrial clashes - Little money, scarce liquidity, insufficient capital but also internal political difficulties are holding back the relaunch plan of the Algerian Cevital - And now the Commissioner takes the field…
While the world iron and steel market is feeling the effects of Chinese production overcapacity and weak demand (consumption at -3% in 2015), production in Italy (-7% in 2015) records positive signals only from the automotive sector.
The huge sums paid by the Riva family for the environmental reclamation of Taranto and the industrial and financial solidity of the two competing consortiums (Arvedi-Jindal and Mittal-Marcegaglia) finally remove the specter of the closure of the most important Italian iron and steel pole and open…
From the J'accuse on Taranto to the silences on Piombino and from the race for improbable public aid to the vagueness of proposals never followed by facts: the balance sheet of Federacciai's strategy is disappointing, which gathers the Italian steel industry but fails to…
Renzi: "Ambitious project that boosts growth and jobs" - The president of Cevital, Issaad Rebrab: "We have a great project for Piombino, not only for the steel industry but for the creation of a logistics platform throughout the Mediterranean".
After the cases of Piombino, Trieste and Terni, the Italian steel industry faces the most difficult test bench with Ilva of Taranto where a return of the State is looming, acceptable if it is a temporary solution aimed at putting…
STEEL - The offers for the ex Lucchini plant in Piombino are ready but the "Bresciani" are completely absent and are paying for their individualism - The game is now played only between the Indians of Jindal and the Algerians of…
STEEL URGENCY - The interview with Corriere by the president of Federacciai, Antonio Gozzi, on the future of the Ilva plants in Taranto and Lucchini in Piombino is the sign of the surrender of Italian private entrepreneurs to the Indians and the State - The problems…
The Indian multinational would be willing to get its hands on the Piombino steel plant and on the Ilva of Taranto - Renzi: "Relaunching the steel industry is fundamental".
The hostility of the local union and the ambiguity of Commissioner Nardi prevented the take-off of the project of the president of Federacciai, Antonio Gozzi, which would have ensured a stable future for the Piombino steel plant without the unsustainable chimera of the blast furnace - C' it's only to be hoped...
The agreement for the redevelopment of the Piombino - Rossi industrial center (Tuscany Region) has been signed: "We have the hope and the determination to rebuild the area hot, within two to three years we want a new production of steel in Piombino"…
The book-interview by Ugo Calzoni with Franco Locatelli on the extraordinary entrepreneurial adventure of Luigi Lucchini and the Brescian steel industry has just been released - Testimonials and unpublished details on the rise and fall of the Lucchini group and on the…
The commissioner of Lucchini, Piero Nardi, has openly asked the Tunisian group Smc to put on the table the consistency of the funds for the purchase and management of the Piombino steel plants - A meeting has been called to evaluate the commitment of 3…
Infrastructure, construction, instrumental mechanics and energy: these are the leading sectors on which SACE is currently working in the Caucasus region (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia), on projects for a total value of 300 million euro.
The two companies will offer a complete package to rehabilitate the areas contaminated by the activities of the steel industry - Herambiente is a subsidiary of Hera, Gesteco is part of the Luci Group - They have signed a collaboration agreement for remediation interventions…
With the latest measures imposed by the Taranto prosecutor's office, the guard level has been exceeded in the dangerous tug of war between the judiciary and the other institutions of the state but no one - and even less the prosecutors of Taranto...
With the recent death of Lucchini and Marcegaglia and the sunset of Riva, the generation of pioneers who made the Italian steel industry the second in Europe ends: only Amenduni remains - It's time to face the "National steel question" and…
The first step of the Ilva commissioner must be the production recovery of the Taranto plant. The second is reclamation, but a misunderstanding needs to be clarified: the hot area, which is vital for the entire Italian steel industry, must be closed as claimed by the judiciary...
After the precautionary seizure and the resignation of the Ilva top management in front of the Taranto plant, there are very difficult paths: liquidation, nationalisation, receivership and sale to third parties - It is absurd that deciding the future of the steel industry…
The steel group, whose main plant is located in Piombino, has presented a request for extraordinary administration at the Court of Livorno and the Ministry of Economic Development.
The measures were taken by the Taranto prosecutor's office in the context of the two strands of investigation into the steel company - Ilva executives and public executives arrested accused of criminal association and complicity in environmental disaster - The entire production of the…
An ebook by Gianni Dragoni, correspondent of "Il Sole 24 Ore", on Riva and his iron and steel empire entitled "Ilva, the master of the ironworks" is coming out these days - The publisher is Chiarelettere - By kind permission of the author we publish The…
Tenaris' first quarter ends: revenues up 13% to 2,617 billion dollars - Operating profit increases by 32% to 566,2 million, +40% net profit - For 2012 Tenaris expects operating margins close to…