Recovery Fund, Regions in management but to do what?

President Bonaccini's proposal to reserve a role for the Regions in the direct management of Recovery funds is reasonable but among the various possible investments, those in knowledge deserve absolute priority with an eye to the Rhine model and in particular…
Bonomi: "Public investments Yes, state boss No"

Carlo Bonomi was elected, with 99,9% of the votes of the assembly of industrialists, the new president of Confindustria: "We will have to say no and repeat it energetically to 10, 100, 1000 Alitalia" - His will be a different Confindustria: Nordic, industrialist and very independent…
Public investment: panacea or dream book?

Minister Tria bets on the multiplier effect of public investments on GDP, but their real weight on growth remains uncertain: the doubts of Governor Visco and former Mister Spending Review Cottarelli - From the Monetary Fund to the ECB and the think…