In 2023, the real disposable income of Italian families fell by more than six points compared to 2008, according to Eurostat. The gap with the EU is almost 17 percentage points. Positive signals, however, regarding employment, education and poverty…
In the 70s, income from work constituted more than half of all incomes, falling sharply in the following decades and then partially recovering in recent years. Here's how they have changed according to the Observatory of Italian public accounts
From 7 April it will be possible to submit the application to receive the 2021 emergency income - Here are the required requirements and all the instructions
According to a study by Via Nazionale, in the first half of 2020 incomes suffered the worst contraction in the last 20 years, while the savings rate increased by more than three times
The government has decided to grant an extra month to families entitled to emergency income - The extension came because so far there have been far fewer applications than expected
INPS explains that the application for emergency income must contain a valid Single Substitute Declaration, otherwise the request cannot be accepted - Here's what you need to know
To be entitled to emergency income, 4 requirements must be met - The amount varies according to the family - In the next few days it will be possible to apply to INPS - Beware of incompatibilities and deadlines
From emergency income to layoffs in derogation, from the postponement of tax obligations to moratoriums for latecomers, passing through the extension of the rental bonus: here are the measures being studied by the government
The government plans to extend the 600 euros (no longer a one-off) to 10 million people: in addition to VAT numbers, artisans and professionals, temporary and irregular workers would also be covered
The active residence income, promoted by the centre-right council of Molise, aims to combat the depopulation of the small villages of the region: 700 euros per month
A proposal from the Visentini Foundation, in contrast to the basic income, aims to lend a hand to the new generations: here's how much it costs and how it works
According to Eurostat, compared to the European average of 30 euros, the Mezzogiorno has an average of 18.900 euros of GDP per capita - Here is the ranking of the regions
According to a report by the World Bank, the level of income largely depends on factors that have nothing to do with personal abilities: for example, the place of birth, the socio-cultural level of the family to which one...
In the fourth quarter of 2017, the real per capita income of households in the OECD area rose by 0,3%, while per capita GDP grew by 0,5%. - Reverse trend for Italy: +0,8% for household per capita income, +0,3%…
In the European Union, 22 out of 28 countries have a legal minimum wage, which increased almost everywhere in 2017 - However, the distance between the two extremes of the ranking is sidereal: it ranges from almost 2 thousand euros in Luxembourg…
The richest remain notaries and pharmacists, who, however, have seen their revenues collapse over the past 10 years - Income in sharp decline also for engineers and architects, while the situation remains stable for lawyers - Revenues are improving…
Here is the fiscal calendar with all the deadlines to keep in mind on your 2018 tax return - Attention, the risk of confusion is high: some dates are the same for the pre-compiled 730 and Income form, but others are not.
FROM THE ADVISEONLY BLOG - Not only GDP and public debt: the next Italian government will also have to deal with a certain "Corrado Gini", responsible for having told us about income inequalities
According to MEF data, as many as 10 million Italians do not pay Irpef - The highest average income is that of self-employed workers, who double entrepreneurs with sole proprietorships - Still strong North/South differences - Local surtaxes in…
The repentance on the effects of new technologies on work and on society is becoming one of the prevailing moods among the founders of start-ups and among the inventors of Silicon Valley - The strange basic income proposed by the co-founder…
In the third quarter of 2017, the deficit/GDP ratio was 2,3%, the lowest level since 2007. Tax burden down, but social inequalities are not diminishing
In 2050, Italy will be the third oldest country in the OECD, behind only Japan and Spain. The disparity between young and old in terms of income received and employment is also growing. Between 2000 and 2016 the…
A committee of Italian experts has identified 12 "Indicators of fair and sustainable well-being" to evaluate the well-being of the population beyond the measurements relating to the gross domestic product - From inequalities to obesity.
The Ministry led by Calenda has ensured that the public utility works for the employees of the Ligurian Ilva plant affected by the social safety nets will be extended for another year. The economic coverage will be guaranteed with the residual funds in…
Up to a maximum of 485 euros per month for beneficiaries of the anti-poverty measure - The amount will vary from 190 to 485 euros per month, but there are very stringent access requirements - Applications to be submitted to the Municipality…
According to the Bank of Italy's annual report, household incomes have risen by 3 percentage points in the last three years, mainly thanks to the increase in employment - income inequality remains unchanged, but the risk of poverty…
FOCUS BNL - The economic crisis has accentuated social inequalities that often go hand in hand with poverty - The Government has included indicators on inequality in income distribution in the Def to implement suitable interventions to deal with it
Stock market, politicians' incomes, tax evasion squeeze, Marchionne and Ilva: FIRSTonline's compilation of the day.
The Speaker of the Chamber Laura Boldrini declares an income more than twice as low as that of her counterpart in the Senate Pietro Grasso - Beppe Grillo's declaration according to which the income of the former comedian from Genoa is…
The ING Bank Financial Welfare index shows greater confidence than in the past - Household satisfaction with their income returns to 2011 levels - Millennials are the most optimistic, while the self-employed have no…
FOCUS BNL - For the third consecutive year the Spanish economy, despite the absence of a government for almost a year, is growing more than those of all other European countries - The boost comes from consumption, thanks to the increase in incomes and…
Improved perception of disposable household income, which returns for the first time to pre-crisis levels, and satisfaction with the size of long-term debt - Slight setback in investments due to market volatility.
FOCUS BNL - The financial wealth of Italians has risen to 4.000 billion euros thanks to the good performance of the stock market in recent years, but families are struggling to set aside new savings because the crisis has decimated purchasing power…
FOCUS BNL - In recent years, inequality in the distribution of disposable income has grown in all advanced countries and in Italy it tends to reproduce itself among the generations more than elsewhere: educational qualifications, professions and property titles…
In the UK the most Scrooges, but Germany wins in the "family category". - In Italy the super-rich are 78 thousand, but the poor are more than 13 million.
FROM THE ATLAS OF PROMETEIA - In the period 1995-2014 Italian families experienced two different phases: one of moderate growth and one of sharp contraction of their economic well-being - Overall, income remained virtually unchanged for almost…
The Minister of Labor illustrated the details of the Italian way to minimum income - The ultimate goal is to involve all 4 million people living in poverty in Italy - Whoever receives the check will have the obligation to…
The Speaker of the Chamber seems to have forgotten her duties of institutional impartiality and speaks as the leader of SEL by breaking a spear in favor of the No in the referendum on the reform of the Senate - Then she increases the dose by supporting the income...
The savers, who will turn out to have been deceived by the 4 failed banks, will receive from the Fund set up by the Government with money from the banking system reimbursements of approximately 30% based on the income and age of the subordinated bonds reset - Determinants of the income ...
Prime Minister Renzi rejected the proposals made yesterday by the INPS president Boeri relating to the cut in the highest pensions and the establishment of a minimum income of 500 euros for the over 55s - Renzi explained that he does not think…
The figure was provided by the president of the institute, Giorgio Alleva, during the hearing before the Labor and Social Security Commission of the Senate. The expenditure would be destined for 2 million and 759 thousand families with an income below the poverty line…
INPS provides large low-income families with an allowance for the family nucleus. Every year, Istat sets the income limits for entitlement to the family unit allowance and the related amounts. With circular number 109, INPS has…
The most spectacular rise in the average annual income was that of dentists - Framers, haberdashery shop owners and shoe and clothing shops remain below the no-tax area threshold - Discotheques, night clubs,…
Russell Investments Analysis Emphasizes Investors Seeking High Returns at the Detriment of Related Risks and the Possibility of Generating Future Income - Thomas Schneider's analysis also offers four helpful considerations for…
The proposal for a basic income from the Northern League governor of Lombardy is surprising: he mimics Grillo and the maximalist left with a generalized welfare initiative that would pose many problems and unleash a thousand contradictions - Much more useful to rationalize and strengthen…
OECD REPORT - In our country, the richest 20% hold 61,6% of the wealth, while the poorest 20% hold only 0,4% - The poverty rate in our country is among the highest in the area…
FROM THE SITE MORNINGSTAR.IT - In May, the sentiment indices on government bonds move towards a neutral scenario, amidst uncertainty and anticipation of the Fed's moves - Still optimism on the stock market, especially in Europe - On an economic level,…
Costs and effects of the Boeri proposal - Instead of focusing on minimum income for those who have lost their jobs between the ages of 55 and 65, as suggested by INPS president Tito Boeri and as Minister Giuliano is also considering…
From today, April 15, the 730 pre-compiled forms are available on the Revenue Agency website - To access you need a Pin code - You can accept the new declarations as they are or modify them, working alone or delegating substitutes…
There is a lot of talk about basic income or guaranteed minimum income: this is what it is - Support for the less well-off must take into account the available resources: there is an experimental Boeri-Guerra project called Sia (support for…
INTERVIEW WITH GIAMPAOLO GALLI, deputy of the Democratic Party - "The perimeter of the citizen's income must be clarified: it is impossible to disconnect it from the loss of a job. The objective must instead be to include in the world of work and not to keep those who do not…
The aim is to grant all citizens the right to receive a minimum income of between 600 and 780 euros per month, as well as to delegate the government to introduce a minimum hourly wage of 9 euros gross.
According to the CsC, the first quarter of 2015 will close with a positive GDP of 0,2% which will rise to +0,5% over the year - "The global economic scenario looks better than three months ago" - Inflation only dates back to 2016…
TOWARDS THE EUROPEAN ELECTIONS - Those who preach an exit from the euro, such as the Lega and Beppe Grillo, forget to tell voters that with a devalued lira there will be more inflation and there will be a reduction in real incomes, from pensions to…
According to data on personal income tax returns published by the Treasury, 5% of taxpayers with the highest incomes hold 22,7% of total income - Self-employed workers have the highest average income, equal to 36.070 euros.
According to data released by the Institute of Statistics, the disposable income of Italian households fell by 1,9% on an annual basis in 2012 - The smallest decline is that recorded in the South, North-West and Central Italy - Compared to 2009 …
The use of the income meter is increasingly imminent in 730 and in the 2014 tax return - The income meter will reconstruct a citizen's ability to pay based on the expenses incurred and will apply starting from the tax period of…
The proposal of the Assoprevidenza working group: with the use of part of the accumulated individual amount, the Pension Fund can finance a temporary annuity for workers close to retirement but in difficulty.
REPORT OF THE ROSSELLI FOUNDATION on the Italian financial system - Banks need stability and greater profitability, cutting costs and accelerating innovation and internationalization without losing ties with the territory - New technologies also offer opportunities…
In the next Stability Law there will be room, on the basis of available resources, for the minimum income for Italians below the poverty line. This was announced by the Minister of Labour, Enrico Giovannini, who recalled how Italy is…
According to the association's analysts, this year the per capita disposable income is equal to 17.300 euros, a level almost similar to the 17.200 in 1988 - Meanwhile, the percentage weight of "compulsory" (i.e. non-deferable) expenses has constantly increased compared to the total …
For taxpayers for whom there will be a gap of at least 20% between declared income and income spent, the red flag will be triggered (the red flag of controls) - The tool guarantees the tax authorities more reliable controls and at the same…
Setting aside the presumptive calculation of expenses incurred based on Istat averages, we will work only on certain expenses - The critical threshold for the difference between declared income and actual expenditure has been set at 20%.
These operations "will be activated only after the attachment has been made with the employer or the pension institution and that, due to the credited withholdings, the income from salary or pension is equal to or greater than 5 thousand ...
On the other hand, households' propensity to save fell to 8,2% in 2012 - As for household disposable income in current values, it fell by 2,1% in 2012 as a whole - The investment rate of companies did not financials fell to 20,5%,…
The disposable income in real terms of Italian households fell by 5% from 2007 to 2011 - Debts are increasing, while the already low social mobility is still decreasing - As for young people, Italy is the European country…
Two analyzes by Bank of Italy raise the alarm on Italian households: "65% of households believe that their income is lower than necessary" - "The household savings rate is falling, while the percentage of negative savings is growing" - "The crisis …
According to Istat data, the average disposable income of Italians stood at 17,979 euros in 2011 - The differences between the macro-regions are enormous: they range from 20.800 euros in Northern to 13.4000 in Southern Italy -…
The criteria for calculating the ISEE have been rewritten with a decree - The big news comes on the house front: the indicator will in fact have to take into account the higher fiscal value of the properties produced with the introduction of the much hated Imu (which provides…
The Revenue Agency clarifies that the new instrument will not be used to control who receives only the pension - Everyone will be guaranteed a tolerance threshold of 12 euros in the gap between spending capacity and income...
According to the Statistical Institute, household disposable income in current values showed a drop of 1,9% on an annual basis - Consumer spending falls, -2,2% on the year - Profits and investments are reduced some companies don't…
The new instrument of the Revenue Agency can be based both on "accurate data", such as those obtainable from tax returns or bills, and on values obtainable from the tax register - Investments, health, housing, education and leisure: over 100 entries for…
Here are the results of the latest report on the social situation of the country - In the last 10 years the wealth of the middle class has dropped from 66% to 48% - Manufacturing and commerce in crisis, cooperatives in advance - Real estate sales halved compared to…
In October, personal expenses decreased by 0,2% compared to the previous month - As for personal income, their growth was less than 0,1% - Both figures are lower than analysts' expectations.
Fifth consecutive year of reduction - The credit crunch worsens, mortgages down until mid-2013 - Istat: hourly contractual wage index in October +0,2% compared to the previous month, +1,5% on an annual basis.
Befera: "The new income meter from January" - Over one hundred expenditure items taken as a reference - From today the redditest to reproduce a tax check is online - According to a simulation by the Revenue Agency, one in 5 families is…
US incomes rose 0,1%, but analysts expected a 0,2% increase - Consumption rose 0,5%, in line with analyst expectations
In all, at the moment there are just 276 parliamentarians, out of a total of 945 plus senators for life, who have had no qualms about putting their incomes online - And there are those who, in the name of transparency, think of…
Only 216 deputies have so far put their balance sheets online and made them completely transparent - And what about the others? -Monti and his government have given a big boost to transparency on…
Even the Greeks were paid more than us before the sting: according to Eurostat, which analyzed salaries in European companies with more than 10 employees, Italy is in the last positions among the countries of the Eurozone with 23.406 euros gross per year…
FOCUS BNL - In the third quarter of 2011 per capita income increased on an annual basis by 2,5% but due to the inflationary trend - Purchasing power remained unchanged compared to 2010 - After 7 years of consecutive declines the…
It is the transparency form desired by the Minister for Public Administration and Simplification, Filippo Patroni Griffi, who has also asked all administrations to promptly disclose the data relating to salaries exceeding 305 thousand euros per year.