The growth of the spread makes Meloni fear a financial crisis like in 2011 when the markets (and Parliament) distrusted the Berlusconi Government, paving the way for Monti's technical government - But Governor Visco wisely throws water...
The governor of Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco says it clearly: "The banking system is solid, but the risks associated with a deterioration in credit quality must not be overlooked"
If on the one hand the governor of the Bank of Italy sees a satisfactory banking system, on the other he urges the banks to remunerate deposits and extend mortgages, while he shines a light on the first difficulties in repaying loans
Uphill rescue for the insurance company. Generali, Poste Vita, Unipol, Intesa Sanpaolo Vita and Allianz reaffirm their willingness to intervene. But they want all banks to lend money for redemptions.
Ignazio Visco will read his last Final Thoughts on Wednesday and will leave the Bank of Italy in November. "He is a good economist with a straight back and has kept the reputation of the Bank of Italy high", comments Stefano Micossi, the former General Manager of Assonime…
The governor of the Bank of Italy intervenes in the tug-of-war between hawks and doves in the ECB over the rate hike. The Btp Italia exceeds the November issue
In inaugurating the Ugo La Malfa lectures, commissioned by the Foundation that bears the name of the great republican leader, the Governor of the Bank of Italy focused his attention on the current monetary policy of the ECB, recommending prudence
Harsh warning from the Governor of the Bank of Italy: rate hikes could have stronger repercussions on inflation when the economy has already experienced a marked slowdown with the risk of triggering or amplifying a recession"
As for ECB policy, the governor reiterates that "rates will rise only after the end of the securities purchase programme" - Bankitalia profit down
Speaking at the Forex Congress, the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Visco, highlighted the strong recovery of our economy and the decline in debt "beyond forecasts, arguing that a limited rise in market rates will have a moderate effect on the cost…
After a 2020 that marked the darkest year for the economy since the Second World War, the governor of the Bank of Italy in his final considerations outlines the path to follow to restart - "In 2021, GDP will be able to grow by 4%. …
The new issue of OAMagazine 2021, the quarterly newsletter of the OAM, is out. A guide to the activities of financial agents and credit brokers to offer everyone the opportunity to work better with those who access credit
On a proposal from Governor Visco, the Superior Council of the Bank of Italy has given the green light to the new General Manager: Luigi Federico Signorini takes the place of Daniele Franco, who has become Minister of the Economy - Signorini will also be the President…
The Governor of the Bank of Italy wisely invites us to keep our feet on the ground but the new government undoubtedly represents an important turning point compared to the first two governments of the legislature - Recovery with reforms for growth and…
The Governor of the Bank of Italy warns banks against the new wave of NPLs - Covid and US uncertainties weaken the stock exchanges, even if Piazza Affari closes in substantial parity - Boom by Saras but also by Pirelli,…
In his speech at Forex in Brescia, the Governor of the Bank of Italy raises the virus alarm for the economy and urges the Government to adopt a medium-long term economic policy that overcomes current weaknesses - But the banks will have to change…
Speaking at the Catholic University of Milan, the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, urged the political forces to deal with the technological transition, especially in its employment effects on the weakest workers
From Friday 22 November, the new Financial Education portal of the Bank of Italy, "The economy for all", has been online to help citizens make their daily financial decisions. An individual and concrete experience of in-depth analysis to manage one's own resources responsibly.
Speaking at the centenary meeting of ABI, the governor of the Bank of Italy noted the improvements in the Italian banking system: "Impaired exposures have more than halved since 2015" - On the ECB: "Further measures will be needed" - Il Minister Tria: "Economy…
the Governor of the Bank of Italy highlights the weakness of the Government's budgetary policy and calls for a real tax reform, which has been missing since the 80s - Defense of Supervision and also throws a dig at Gentiloni for the slowness in…
Speaking at Bocconi to present his latest book "Difficult Years", the Governor mitigates the controversy over the appointments of the Bank of Italy but keeps the point: "There is an uncertain view of responsibilities" but it is clear that "we have to give an account" About of…
After Italy's economic debacle and its international isolation, the deputy premier grillino goes on the attack on the Bank of Italy ("We need a turning point") and opposes the renewal of the deputy director Signorini, despite the support of minister Tria (" You Five Stars are crazy")…
At the Forex Congress, the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, highlights the "large downside risks" of the growth estimates of the Italian economy both for internal reasons - above all for the uncertainty of the budgetary policy - and for the unknown factors …
In his new book "Difficult years - From the financial crisis to the new challenges for the economy" the Governor of the Bank of Italy revisits the crisis years of this century and addresses the challenges that lie ahead of us concluding with an "almost epilogue"…
In presenting the first volume of Luigi Einaudi's writings, edited by Pierluigi Ciocca, the Governor of the Bank of Italy - in addition to emphasizing the importance of rescuing the banks - fired at zero against the "daunting myth" of sovereignty and…
Bankitalia has developed a new pan-European instant payment system for the Eurosystem available to all banks that wish to join - Secure transactions in less than 10 seconds at a cost of 0,2 cents - Here's what TIPS are
Minister Tria bets on the multiplier effect of public investments on GDP, but their real weight on growth remains uncertain: the doubts of Governor Visco and former Mister Spending Review Cottarelli - From the Monetary Fund to the ECB and the think…
The Governor of the Bank of Italy shares the opportunity to focus on investments for the development of the economy but warns the Government against excessive use of the public deficit to finance the requests of the Five Stars and the League on the manoeuvre…
In a cycle of events dedicated to financial education, the Governor explains that not everything is decided in Frankfurt and that the transfer of monetary sovereignty to the ECB does not mean that the Bank of Italy has no say because, at the…
In his Final Considerations, the Governor of the Bank of Italy bluntly rejects an economic policy based on the expansion of the public deficit and the cancellation of the reforms envisaged in the Lega-Cinque stelle program contract and puts defense first...
"What is happening on the markets is serious and without justification": thus the Governor stigmatizes the storm on the stock market and on government bonds - "Italy's destiny is that of Europe" he explains in his Final Considerations - "The economy gets stronger,…
Together with the 2017 Annual Report, the Governor presents the first Final Considerations of his second term - There is great expectation for what he will say about the political earthquake that has shaken our country in recent days, especially…
Also considering the taxes to be paid, Via Nazionale will turn over 4,9 billion euros to the State - The coupon intended for private Participants amounts to 218 million. The governor: "The expansionary policy of the ECB has led to an increase in the securities portfolio and…
From the United Kingdom to the United States, the populist wave is putting the independence of central banks to the test - What will happen in Italy after the electoral success of the Five Stars and the League who would like to put the Supervision of the Bank of Italy under…
The risk, overshadowed by the Governor of the Bank of Italy at Forex, that the EU decides to place a ceiling on government bonds in banks' portfolios is starting to worry the market and bank stocks are paying the price at…
Thanks to the drop in costs and adjustments but also to the increase in revenues (especially from commissions) the four most profitable Italian banks - Unicredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, Banco Bpm and Ubi - generated in 2017 a total profit exceeding…
First speech by the Governor in his new mandate at Assiom Forex. Don't frustrate the economic moment. Budgetary flexibility, but without high deficits. And banks must do more to reduce costs and problem loans and to ensure greater…
The Governor rejected the criticisms before the Commission of Inquiry into Banking Crises: "On supervision by law, I can only speak with the Minister of Economy. For my part, there was no temptation to answer Renzi, but he asked the question…
Soon the Council of Ministers, then the President of the Republic will confirm Visco for another six years through a special decree.
The Superior Council of the Bank of Italy, convened for tomorrow morning at 8.30, will have to examine the Premier's proposal and in turn provide a non-binding opinion. Once done, the Council of Ministers will meet for the final decision…
Matteo Renzi's hard line wins - 13 days after the expiry of his mandate as Governor, Visco's confirmation fails - The motion against Visco presented by the Democratic Party was approved with 213 yeses: "We needed more prevention...
The Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, in the press conference on the Council of Ministers on the maneuver, confirmed that there was no mention of the appointments in the Bank of Italy but the confirmation of Ignazio Visco now seems certain and it is probable that…
The confirmation or otherwise of the Governor of the Bank of Italy, expiring at the end of October, falls at a very delicate political and institutional moment due to the approaching elections and the many questions concerning the future of the entire system remain on the table...
The parliamentary commission of inquiry into the banking system is not even a distant relative of the prestigious commissions of the past but, set up a few months before the elections, it risks only becoming an absurd "people's court", pushed by the transversal party of populism, for…
Speaking at the CL Meetind in Rimini, the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, argued that "the recovery is there but it is cyclical: reforms and innovation are needed to make it structural" - The Governor also said that immigration …
On the occasion of the meeting of 31 May, it is desirable that Governor Ignazio Visco pronounce, in his "Final considerations", clear and definitive words on the impossibility of leaving the euro without the simultaneous exit from Europe which would cause uncontrollable economic instability and financial
The governor, in presenting the budget, noted that there are still 4 groups that are not yet above the 3% ceiling introduced in 2014 by the Letta government.
The warning launched in Federcasse by Governor Visco at the Bank of Italy meeting is shaking up the world of cooperative credit: ways out and plans to create new alternative groups are growing - The secondary legislation of…
the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, rejects the citizen's income proposed by the 5 Star Movement without appeal: "A universal minimum income of 500 euros per citizen for 12 months is worth 20% of GDP: it is unthinkable and…
After Governor Ignazio Visco's declarations on the need to revise the European bail-in directive by exploiting the review clause, Brussels clarifies that there is no planned change to the rules approved in 2014, thanks also to the votes of…
ASSIOM FOREX - In his first speech of the year, the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco reassured the Italian banking system and once again called for changes to the bail in. "The bad bank is fine but now the banks improve the ability to…
Deep irritation of the Presidency of the Republic for the press indiscretions on the intervention of the Head of State on the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, to block his prsemntata intention to resign after the appointment of the Canton as arbitrator in the case…
The governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco also intervened from Trieste on the matter of the bank rescue: "We are sure we have done the best" - EU sources today opened up the possibility of a Consob arbitration.
PROMETEIA 40 YEAR ANNIVERSARY - According to the Governor of the Bank of Italy, the recovery is still weak and should not be read as an indication that the growth difficulties of the Italian economy have been resolved - The priority is to have everyone participate in the progress…
PROMETEIA 40 YEARS ANNIVERSARY - According to the Governor of Bank of Italy, the trends "already underway and those that may derive from technological advances require a long transition towards a new organization of the economy and society".
"In a context that is still fragile, terrorist attacks certainly add their negative weight on confidence and increase the level of uncertainty": thus the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, speaking precisely in Paris at an OECD conference.
Wide-ranging speech by the Bank of Italy governor at the Savings Day - On the Popolare di Spoleto affair "I have no doubts about the correctness of the supervision. We have countered the cases of bad management, the decisive role of the Bank is not always recognized ...
Economic scenarios, budget maneuvers, taxes and banks will be at the center of the traditional interventions of the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, and of the Minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan at the main ceremony in Rome of the Savings Day in which they will speak…
The Prosecutor of Spoleto has registered, as a due act, the governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, in the list of suspects in the investigation for fraud, corruption and abuse of official documents in relation to the sale of Banca Popolare di Spoleto at the Bank of…
The governor of the Bank of Italy launches an attack, albeit implicit, on Germany, speaking of the Greek crisis: "A country with an economy based on exports and a large surplus is at least as guilty as a country that does the opposite"
According to the governor of the Bank of Italy we are facing a long transition. And it excludes "strong risks for financial assets" linked to the quantitative easing implemented by the ECB
BANCA D'ITALIA MEETING - There is a recovery but, warns Visco, reforms cannot be slowed down - Harsh criticism of the European management of the crisis and the Bundesbank's short-sightedness on Qe - Guaranteeing the solidity of the banks but "without…
BANKITALIA ANNUAL MEETING/ANNEX - "Positive signs at work, but there is the risk that the recovery will not create jobs" - "Italian companies lagging behind in innovation" - "Urgent transposition of the EU directive on banking crises" - "Eurozone: recovery accelerates, but increase investments" -…
Emergency Greece and bad bank will certainly be at the center of the final considerations of the Governor Ignazio Visco in the assembly of participants this morning which this year is held in advance of the traditional deadline of May 31st - Also awaited the judgments of…
The governor of the Bank of Italy urges the World Bank and the Monetary Fund in Washington to take on the problem: "More efforts are needed to make resources available where other financial institutions do not operate"
For the Governor, the problems that led to high inflation in the XNUMXs are not very different from those of today, which however involve the risk of deflation
Pierluigi Ciocca, former deputy general manager of the Bank of Italy, presented the "History of IRI" at the Accademia dei Lincei: an opportunity to take stock but without nostalgia - As the governor explained, Visco is not from an entrepreneurial state that today we have…
The passage of the major cooperative banks under the supervision of the ECB makes their transformation into joint stock companies, envisaged by the Renzi reform, more urgent in order to adapt their governance and their ability to resort to the capital market according to a…
According to the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, speaking at the Assiom-Forex congress, the growth of the Italian GDP will be higher than 2015% in 0,5 and will reach 1,5% in 2016 - Green light for the bad bank as long as it doesn't help...
The president of Intesa, Giovanni Bazoli, reiterated his yes to the reform of the large cooperative banks under the Renzi government at the Assiom-Forex Congress. 2The per capita vote - he said - is incompatible with the quotation on the Stock Exchange "-A…
The governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco underlines that the Jobs Act is moving in the right direction in a labor market whose mechanisms "must be adapted to the new technological and competitive context".
The governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco pulls himself out of the race for the Quirinale - On quantitative easing Visco replies to Weidmann and says that the ECB's plan will make it less expensive to implement the reforms
For the number one of Bank of Italy, the ECB's plan "shows determination" and "will work in practice".
According to the number one of the Bank of Italy, crime has caused Italy to lose 16 billion in foreign investments - A turning point is essential
Via Nazionale promotes the maneuver but sees risks for pensions if the news on liquidations is stabilized. Call for spending cuts to avoid the safeguard clause on the VAT increase which would bring the tax to a "very high" level
In a European context that has returned to weakening more than expected, "we are not in deflation, but we cannot ignore the concrete risk" and the government's decision to make "the process of rebalancing the public finances more gradual" is "appropriate" -…
The XNUMXth Savings Day celebrated today will not be like the previous ones because the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, and the Minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan speak to bankers worried about the effects of the stress tests and to…
GOVERNOR VISCO'S READING OF THE MILL - "Much could be gained from the pooling by the Member States of the European Union of large sections of our public budgets, from infrastructure investments to research and defence" in order to strive towards the Union…
From today to tomorrow, two days of celebration in Bologna for the sixtieth birthday of the publishing house "il Mulino", which has contributed in no small way to animating the cultural debate and forming the Italian ruling class - The event will be concluded…
Mario Draghi will reveal the details of the ECB's purchases of Abs and in the meantime the governor Visco warns the Bundesbank: "Our efforts are oriented towards the well-being of individuals and not to abstract parameters or formulas" - Even the Merkel-France clash ...
From the unions to the minority of the Democratic Party, from the "Corriere della sera" to Scalfari, from the bishops to pieces of the judiciary, bureaucracy and entrepreneurship to Della Valle, the crossfire against Renzi is growing day by day even if the polls…
The publishing house celebrates its sixtieth anniversary with a packed calendar of events that will occupy Bologna for two days, which will be closed by a lectio magistralis by the Governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco - No less than 24 meetings with…
According to the governor, it is necessary that economic policies "support aggregate demand by stimulating investment" - The economic context "is more favorable to private investment" - "Investment in infrastructure must once again occupy a high place on the political agenda ”.
“We need to grow more”. These are the words of the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, as he leaves the Marriot Hotel where the Eurofi conferences are held.
According to the governor, "a substantial strengthening of the European recovery that goes in the direction of a definitive exit from the crisis cannot be achieved with isolated actions of individual economic policy authorities. In particular, monetary policy alone cannot…
SPEECH BY IGNAZIO VISCO AT THE ABI'S MEETING - Bankitalia "is about to expand the range of loans that can be used to guarantee refinancing with the Eurosystem, with methods such as to encourage credit to small and medium-sized enterprises" - "Thanks to the measures of the ECB …
Progress between 2 and 3,5% for banks after the "final considerations" of the governor of the Bank of Italy and the sweet judgments of Moody's: Piazza Affari benefits (+0,57%) which is the second best stock exchange of Europe - Stands out…
Ghizzoni (Unicredit): "Reforms that can no longer be postponed" - Galateri di Genola (Generali): "Programs from Confindustria and Bankitalia that can restore hope" - Abete (Bnl): "Good clarification on shares of Via Nazionale" - Guzzetti: "I agree the passage on banks and foundations: no…
BANCA d'ITALIA MEETING - The heart of the report by the governor of the Bank of Italy lies in the demonstration that it is possible to reconcile more productivity with more jobs and that this passes through an increase in national investments (public, but also…
BANCA d'ITALIA MEETING - According to the governor Ignazio Visco, the recovery is still weak but a comprehensive reform plan is needed to fuel confidence and the country's development - Jab at the banks on governance - More support for…
BANKITALIA MEETING - Waiting for the final considerations of the governor Ignazio Visco - The latest forecasts on the Italian economy after the disappointment of the first quarter GDP but also the proposals on the economic policy of the Renzi government and on the new strategy of Europe…
Ignazio Visco's sacrosanct rebuke to entrepreneurs and trade unions, united in the anti-historic axis of conservation, is a sign of change in the country in line with the first moves of the Renzi government - The battle of renewal is only just beginning but…
According to the Governor of the Bank of Italy, "snares and snares, understood as bureaucratic, corporate, entrepreneurial and union legislative rigidities, are always the main obstacle to the development of our country" - As for the current economic situation, "the signs of awakening We see…
According to what was stated by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, in a Lectio Magistralis at the Collegio Borromeo in Pavia, "renewed signs of interest are emerging for the Italian markets, including that of government bonds" - To reduce public debt…
On the other hand, Visco also underlined that some comforting signs can be glimpsed on the front of the "deceleration of the growth of non-performing loans and a reduction in the entry rates of non-performing loans" - As for the imminent capital increases of various institutions of…
"It is essential to separate non-performing loans from the rest - said Visco in Australia -. Even an internal division is enough. The important thing is to clarify. I am thinking of possible projects not for a single bank but for groups of banks. Not for…
The Financial Times writes that Letta is against the project, but the denial comes from Palazzo Chigi - Meanwhile, the new record of non-performing loans crammed into the balance sheets of Italian banks arrives: bad debts are still growing at…
From the Presidency of the Council they let it be known that "Enrico Letta has never expressed opposition to the hypothesis of a bad bank" - The Financial Times denied, which had spoken of the Prime Minister's fears in relation to a possible downgrading of the country from…
Consumption gives new impetus to China which fires up the stock exchanges - Buffet and Soros celebrate - During the week, the IMF, Beige Book and Yellen will shine the spotlight on the US and world economy - In Italy the bad bank divides Visco, which is…
In his speech at the annual Assiom-Forex conference, the governor of the Bank of Italy asked politics for a commitment "to make the institutional and regulatory context more favorable to business activity, by simplifying the regulatory framework and increasing the quality of services public".