The Church and the ICI payable: that's the whole story

Clamorous ruling by the European Court: the Italian state will have to collect the ICI unpaid by the Church between 2006 and 2011. The appeal on the IMU rejected. The battle undertaken by the Montessori School of Rome for unfair competition. At stake are some…
For the Municipality of Rome, ICI has never died

While all of Italy tries to get out of the Tasi and Imu tunnel, those looking for online information on the Municipality of Rome and the F24 model risk coming across a curious explanation produced by the Campidoglio: "ICI PAYMENT".
EU: ok to Imu rules for the Church

The EU has recognized that the exemptions in favor of non-profit organizations (including the Church) do not violate EU rules - Almunia: "When they operate as commercial players, we must make sure they do not obtain undue advantages. The new Italian legislation on taxation…
Ft: Monti at the Vatican "a bold move"

"The caretaker government has demonstrated that nothing is sacrosanct in the debt crisis in Italy" - So writes the Rome correspondent of the Financial Times on Prime Minister Monti's willingness to tax Church buildings used for commercial use.
Slow down the real estate market in Italy

According to a report by Simona Costagli of Focus (Servizio Studi Bnl/Bnp Paribas) in the last year home sales have decreased throughout the peninsula, with the exception of Sicily and Sardinia - The decrease in property prices is slighter: -1,6, XNUMX%…
Maneuver, Ici-Imu: who will pay and who won't

The hypothesis of a single amendment that includes changes to the taxation of the first home and the stop of the indexation of pensions is making its way - The hypothesis is to raise the deductible, but there is the problem of the balances to be kept unchanged - A…
Pensions and ICI on the first home: the news in the pipeline

The social security reform will probably focus on the pro rata contribution for all treatments, in addition to accelerating the increase in the retirement age and the overcoming of seniority allowances - Ici, Imu or Irpef on first homes, but possible deductions - Monti today…