At the top of Acri since 2000, Giuseppe Guzzetti was unanimously re-elected president of the Association of Foundations and Savings Banks for a new three-year term - The Council, the Banking Companies Committee, the Small and Medium-sized Foundations Committee and the Board of …
Acri-Assifero: 1st October European Foundation Day

European Foundation Day will be celebrated throughout Italy on Wednesday 1 October, an opportunity to learn more about these institutions (often ignored by the general public) which together with the world of volunteering and the third sector contribute to fueling and innovating the…
Guzzetti: Foundations do not betray their nature

The president of ACRI at the presentation of the Mediobanca Securities Report: "The Foundations of banking origin are demonstrating that they have interpreted the spirit of the Law from which they were born and are increasingly able to cover the role of anticipators in the solution…

Simultaneously with the reconfirmation of Giuseppe Guzzetti as President of Acri for a second three-year period, the Assembly also unanimously approved the new Charter of Foundations, a governance coordination tool with voluntary but binding adhesion.