The minibots: a nightmarish trick

The bizarre idea of ​​the Northern League Borghi to use bots in small denominations as a means of payment and make them almost a second currency in place of the euro further weakens Italy's credibility and could create serious problems on the markets
Micossi: "TAV, a one-way cost-benefit analysis"

To justify the No to the Tav, the ministerial commission performs such daring acrobatics in the cost-benefit analysis that they catch the eye even of those who are not experts on the subject - Here are all the critical points raised by an independent economist like Stefano…
Salvini and Diciotti: how many hypocrisies

After so much violent justicialism, now the M5S is turning around. And Salvini would do well to reflect on his arrogant reactions and his vocation for arbitrariness. He would have made a better impression if he had used the same arguments for Diciotti that he then has…
Carige and the clumsy grillino bailout of the banks

Yet another about-face by the grillini who, after Ilva, Tav, Tap and Terzo Valico, have to go back on everything even on the banks by committing public money to save Carige while Salvini hypothesizes double standards for small shareholders - The right observations…
Creeping Italexit or Italy excluded from Europe?

VIDEO - With the ongoing challenge launched by the Lega-Cinque Stelle government to Europe, it cannot be ruled out that in the end the EU member states will force Italy to self-isolate and leave the euro - Italy would have everything to lose but not…
Renewables: the race is on, billions of investments at stake

At the annual meeting of Elettricità Futura, businesses and politicians come to terms with the new European objectives. EU strategies can increase the business of Italian groups but clear signals from the government are needed. And there are no decrees. Simon's speeches…
The new government and all the risks of leading Italy astray

Instead of waking us up in the Garden of Eden, the recipes of the so-called Government of Change risk bringing Italy to hell: the reason will be analyzed in the conference "From the yellow-green contract to the risks for the economy" on 12 June in Rome ( 16pm, Piazza Capranica 72).
Bag in red with Conte's debut. The spread goes up

Nervous day for Piazza Affari which widens the losses and closes with -1,18%. The Bund-Btp differential returns to 239 points. The banks pay the highest price. Stm and tech stocks driven by US records go against the trend -…

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