Tim, here comes the new board. But the game isn't over

The inauguration of the board elected by the assembly leaves many questions open. The first concerns the duration of the presence of the Elliott Fund which would be ready to exit in the short term. The position of Cdp would be strengthened and the knot on the role remains open…

The Government's decision on the Golden power requires Tim, Sparkle and Telsy to entrust a member of the board of directors of each of the three companies with responsibility for corporate activities that concern national security - The appointee must be acceptable…

Pursuant to Article 2 of Law 56 of 2012, the Government will now be able to impose prescriptions and conditions, as the telecommunications network has been officially defined as a strategic asset - Sparkle is at the heart of the matter - Telecom stock down…

Waiting for today's Board of Directors which should choose the new CEO: Genish in pole position - The technical committee of Palazzo Chigi must evaluate the application of the golden power on the telephone company - Gentiloni: "We only ask for compliance with the rules"
Tim, Cassese: golden power can't fire

In a pro-veritate opinion written for Vivendi, the former councilor of the Constitutional Court Sabino Cassese and the jurist Andrea Zoppini argue that there are no conditions for the Government to trigger the golden power on Tim because there was no…