Italy and business: will the Fourth Capitalism save us?

We publish the final part of the Lectio Magistralis by Professor Franco Amatori, economic historian at Bocconi, held in recent days in the online conference promoted by the Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani and the Gramsci Foundation on "The Italian company and its context"
Italy, the EU and the three post-Covid challenges

Prodi, De Bortoli and the Emilian industrialists at the seminar promoted by the University of Parma and organized by Franco Mosconi - Italy and Europe must deal with the new globalization, the state-market relationship and the urgency of a new industrial policy

According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, speaking at the World Economic Forum, globalization must be corrected, but not erased, because "pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. No one would emerge victorious from a trade war".

The new American president will not build the walls he proposed during his electoral campaign, but, to appease the anger of the middle class that brought him to the White House, he will curb globalization and unleash distrust between the United States and the…
Brazil, the new Far West, is looking for work

In the South American country, which is booming, companies are tearing their employees out of their hands - Opportunities also for Italian companies looking for outlet markets and production facilities - Brazil should grow this year and next at the same pace…

After having examined Chinese penetration strategies in Africa, this second intervention focuses on those of "approach" to Europe. Which are more complex and articulated, but respond to similar objectives: acquire qualified presence, alliances and international respect in the area where…