Tabacci: "I defended Conte, but Draghi is super"

INTERVIEW WITH BRUNO TABACCI, leader of the Democratic Center and Undersecretary to the Prime Minister in the Draghi government - "I would do everything I did again, but I refuse to approach those responsible for the Democratic Center" - "With Draghi, Italy has an opportunity today perhaps …
Conte resigned, consultations starting Wednesday

The expected resignation of the premier arrived in the morning, now the ball passes into the hands of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. We are working for a Conte ter but several hypotheses are open: the group of managers is born in the Senate, which…
Pd and Cinque Stelle, small steps towards a common home?

From the government alliance, unthinkable until a few months ago, Five Stars and the Democratic Party have moved on to regional alliances: will the next step be a common list of policies or even a merger between the two parties? Who will drive it and who…
Totogoverno: Conte bis, now it's about

The secretary of the Democratic Party, Zingaretti, while insisting on the turnover of people, seems less opposed to the confirmation of Conte at the helm of the new government but everything is still in the balance. But it is. Mattarella demands concrete indications by 19 pm
Conte to Lega and M5S: "Loyal collaboration or I resign"

"You can't work in the midst of a thousand controversies: either there is loyal collaboration or you don't go ahead and I don't want to get by: I'm waiting for a quick response on the possibility of continuing" - Salvini replies Secca: "We want to go ahead and…
Consob, Paolo Savona towards the presidency

The current minister of European affairs is in pole position for the appointment to the presidency of the Authority that supervises the stock exchange and financial markets: Conte and Mattarella like him and he would remove the embarrassing candidacy of the pro-grillino Minenna from the table
Tap: it goes on, a revolt against the 5 Stars breaks out

"We have not found elements of illegitimacy and interrupting the construction would entail unsustainable costs", said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte commenting on the green light from Environment Minister Costa - The works will resume immediately but in the meantime Salento's wrath explodes, betrayed by the…
Giuseppe Conte plays Don Quixote

Giuseppe Conte is the name of the dancer of the La Scala corps de ballet who in recent weeks has been representing Don Quixote in China, also seen by Minister Tria: a homonym with the premier that makes you smile and which seems like a metaphor...
Prime Minister Conte or the triumph of nothing

In the press conference on the government's activity, the Prime Minister disappointed everyone by not being able to go beyond completely trivial words: "We will evaluate", "we will verify", "we will summarize". But when you have nothing to say, silence is golden…
Bag in red with Conte's debut. The spread goes up

Nervous day for Piazza Affari which widens the losses and closes with -1,18%. The Bund-Btp differential returns to 239 points. The banks pay the highest price. Stm and tech stocks driven by US records go against the trend -…
Conte: "Europe is our home, but we have to change"

The Prime Minister in his programmatic statements to the Senate: "We confirm the alliance with the USA, but we open up to Russia" - "The Italian public debt is sustainable, but it must be reduced by focusing on growth" - From health care to the taxman through justice and…