Popular merger and Bcc reform: it's the Renzi effect

The go-ahead for the merger between Banco Popolare and Bpm and the approval of the CCB reform in the Chamber are two excellent news that arise from the Renzi government's determination to modernize and strengthen the banking system with reforms…
ECB on Bpm-Banco Popolare: game open

The ECB is still asking for changes to the merger plan between Bpm and Banco Popolare on the disposal of non-performing loans and governance but the absolute silence that the top management of the two banks dropped on yesterday's summit in Frankfurt…
Bpm-Banco Popolare today in the ECB

New meeting today in the ECB between the top management of Bpm and those of Banco Popolare on the proposed merger between the two cooperative banks, the first after the reform and the first also being examined by the European Supervisory Authority - After a long…