Telecom, Elliott fund wins: Vivendi defeated

For the US fund, among others, Fulvio Conti, who will be president, Alfredo Altavilla and Luigi Gubitosi join the board of directors - The vote of the CDP was decisive, which triggered Vivendi's reaction: "We are surprised" - Confirmation in the role of…
Bernabè on Cdp in Telecom: "Votes are counted"

The vice president of Telecom Italia pragmatically evaluates the entry of Cassa depositi e prestiti into the telephone company: "Let's see what will happen at the meeting" - But remember that, unlike what Cuccia claimed, votes are counted and not weighed: he wins…
Apple at the top pushes the Nasdaq to a new record

The Apple presents its accounts today but the Stock Exchange rewards it in advance, dragging all the high tech stocks and pushing the Nasdaq to a new record - Telecom Italia's board of directors tomorrow in view of Thursday's meeting which will sanction the…
Franco Bernabè new president of ICBPI

Franco Bernabè, one of the most famous Italian top managers and former president of Cartasì, has been appointed new president of the Central Institute of Italian Popular Banks (Icbpi) which aims to consolidate its leadership in the digital payments sector in Italy…

The top manager Franco Bernabè, former number one of Eni and Telecom, will be the new director of the Rome Quadriennale - He was appointed by the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini, to facilitate the integration between the Quadriennale, the complex…