The Cgil reports an increase in the retirement age from 2027 based on the INPS applications which however denies: "the certifications will be drawn up based on the currently published tables". Let's clarify a bit
INPS has published the January 2025 pension pay slip with information on adjustments, deductions and the final revaluation index for the year 2024. Here are the details
Giancarlo Giorgetti finds himself in the spotlight for his courageous statements on spending cuts, revealing the challenges of the budget maneuver. With the Fornero reform in the restart phase, the revaluation of pensions becomes a battlefield…
The Fornero Reform has been the subject of harsh and absurd criticism, especially from Matteo Salvini's League, which has fueled propaganda against it. But was it really as the leader of the League said? Here's how it went between propaganda...
The idea of the centre-right is an extension of Option Donna, a reform without excessively compromising the public finances: retire at 58-59, however losing up to 30%
The falling birth rate causes incoming generations to be unable to compensate for those leaving work: the problems of the pension system arise from here and the increase in the retirement age is increasingly a necessity
A clear message emerges from the accounts of the General State Accounting Office: changing the Fornero law substantially risks bringing chaos back to the pension budget
The INPS clarifies that the 2023-2024 retirement age will remain at 67 because, with Covid, life expectancy has decreased - Here are the requirements also for early retirement
Despite the failure of Quota 100, the public debate still focuses on the advance of pensions, continuing to ignore the stone guest: the generation of thirty and forty year olds, who will be entitled to hunger checks. What happened to the idea of…
The Government has not yet defined the line it will take on social security, but from the recent meeting with the unions two possible hypotheses can be glimpsed for when Quota 100 will end at the end of the year
The INPS final balance of 2018 reveals that, compared to the previous year, seniority pensions have grown compared to old-age pensions and that - unlike what government propaganda says - Italians have continued to go into…
To circumvent the obstacle of 62 years for "ancien regime" retirees, the Government has blocked the ex Fornero rules for early retirement at the values envisaged in 2018, suspending the automatic adjustment to life expectancy trends with penalizing effects on female workers...
According to the Parliamentary Budget Office, the pension allowance provided for by the rules announced by the Government for those who choose to leave work early will be 5-8% lower than that provided for by the Fornero law - But whoever cries now, sheds tears from…
The Prime Minister has summoned the CEOs of the major public companies to Palazzo Chigi today to push them to invest and hire - Conte wants to know from them how many hires they will make following the Fornero counter-reform and if...
The general rules on the 100 quota now seem to be certain - 7 billion will be available in the maneuver, but the limits set for access are very stringent - Here is the news
The somersaults of the deputy prime minister grillino never end: first he threatens not to pay contributions to the European Union and then he promises to reconsider if Brussels helps us more on migrants and basic income - But the goal is over…
The Government seems oriented towards introducing a superbonus to encourage those who have acquired the right to a pension to remain in work, but past experience reveals that it would favor men, workers in industry and in the North and above all…
The Public Budget Office, a parliamentary body that is responsible for monitoring the impact that laws have on state accounts, has prepared a report that analyzed the main results of the labor reforms approved in recent years, by the…
After the measures to safeguard the redundancies and the parallel measures for pension advances, there is no more space to lighten the Fornero reform except to rethink the entire pension system: it is the 2018 Report of the accounting judiciary that says it
The Observatory of the former Mister Spending Review, Carlo Cottarelli, has quantified item by item the expenditure of the measures proposed by the Lega and Cinque Stelle in their government contract: we arrive at a sum that exceeds 100 billion euros -…
Changing the Fornero law on old-age pensions by leveraging the so-called Quota 100 and effectively lowering the retirement age, as Lega and Cinque Stelle hypothesize in government negotiations, could cost between 50 and 150 billion euros
A study by the International Monetary Fund sheds light on the Italian pension situation: spending in our country is the highest in Europe, equal to 16% of GDP. Here are the proposals from US economists who contributed to the published work…
FROM THE ADVISE ONLY BLOG - Pensions are among the hottest topics of the current pre-election political debate. As often happens, there are many words and very few data and too many falsehoods: here are the main hoaxes to demystify
From the site DIARY OF WORK - With the abolition of the Fornero law, supported in the electoral campaign by the Salvini league and the Five Stars, women risk not retiring anymore because they would not be able to mature the necessary requisites...
"If a sentence came from Strasbourg that overturned the Senate's decision, I could not hold back and would go to Palazzo Chigi", declared Berlusconi - Salvini to the Viminale
FROM THE "JOB DIARY" SITE by Massimo Mascini - The electoral campaign is a festival of lies and sailor promises on many issues (from the Jobs Act to pensions, from taxes to public spending) that directly affect businesses...
"There were talks and I made myself available" said the number one of the MEF - On the Fornero reform: "Reforms can always be improved, but abolishing them would be completely out of place".
The request of the Northern League leader Matteo Salvini passed at the Arcore summit. But no one says how much the proposed measure would cost: here are the accounts of the Accounting Department, exorbitant figures are at stake
The Chamber has renounced the grip on fixed-term employment contracts: making the rules stricter would not be enough to create more stable jobs. For at least two reasons, often forgotten
The deputy general manager in a hearing in the Senate: "Maintaining, preserving and defending the balance obtained with past pension reforms is an absolute priority. However, this does not mean that there cannot be adjustments in individual cases"
Companies will say goodbye to job vouchers, but there will be exceptions to the ban - The parliamentary majority is discussing the income ceiling to be imposed - It is possible that the new law will be able to avoid the referendum promoted by the CGIL
In 25 years the average age has risen from 38 to 44 and workers aged between 55 and 64 have doubled - Among the causes, demographic trends, the Fornero reform and youth exclusion…
INPS REPORT - The Fornero reform has cost 37 fewer jobs for young people - Slower start for subsidized part-time work - Boeri: "The Ape's goal is not to push as many people as possible out of the market…
Neither the Fornero law nor the Jobs Act apply to state layoffs - The sentence of the Cassation which confirms what has been repeatedly stated by the Government - The difference with respect to private employees lies in the different nature of…