This is the hypothesis fielded by the Government during the summit with the unions held at the Ministry of Labor - It is also thought to reduce the coefficient for calculating contributions - No agreement on the adjustment of the retirement age to life expectancy.
Pensions, how much flexibility costs the State

The Parliamentary Budget Office has quantified the costs for the public coffers of early retirement: from 3 to 8 billion euros for the Damiano proposal, from 0,65 to 2,8 billion for the Boeri and much less for the Bee (the advance…
EU: Italy ok, check on debt in November

At the moment the EU believes that the criteria of the Stability and Growth Pact are respected: however, "for Italy - reads a document released at the end of the college of commissioners - the Commission will re-examine its assessment of the relevant factors at…
Pensions, flexibility is not a free lunch

FROM FORMICHE.NET - Undersecretary Nannicini explained that outgoing flexibility for pensions costs from 5 to 7 billion euros a year but the public accounts do not allow for an improvement in the working and social security conditions of young people…
Pensions and the paradox of "worn out" workers

There is a lot of talk about the flexibility of outgoing pensions without taking into account costs but no one remembers that the rules for the retirement of those who work in particularly disadvantaged conditions have become stricter - An article on QN
Flexibility for migrants penalizes Italy

Considering only the increase in public spending in 2016 does not take into account the leap that occurred previously for Italy's budget which since the early 2000s is, together with Spain, the one among the European countries that has seen…

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