Fincantieri-Saint Nazaire, acquisition facing bankruptcy

The operation is hanging by a thread: by 31 December Brussels is waiting for the documentation required to give the go-ahead to the Italian-French marriage, still on hold despite the agreement reached in 2018, due to doubts about competition. Fincantieri: "We can't do more".
Stock exchange: Fincantieri still in rally

The recovery of the title continues after the 2018 accounts better than expected - A few weeks before the meeting that will have to renew the top management, Fabrizio Palermo, number one of Cdp, expressed a positive opinion on Giuseppe Bono, CEO of Fincantieri
Fincantieri, new cruise ship for Carnival

The "Carnival Panorama", a new cruise ship built by the Italian naval company, launched at the Marghera shipyard - Since 1990, Fincantieri has built 87 cruise ships (of which 64 since 2002) and another 53 units are under construction.

Quiet morning on the European price lists, all positive parties. The only exception is Milan, which is feeling the effects of the tensions on the debt market with the yield on BTPs rising to 3,2 and then falling again. Rates on the rise at the Ctz auction. Leap of Fincantieri, the car goes up…
Genoa, the CDP will lead the reconstruction

It is not yet clear whether the Cassa depositi e prestiti will enter the capital of Autostrade but the Government wants it to become the director of the reconstruction of the Morandi bridge and the restoration of houses and streets of the Ligurian capital hit by the…
Costamagna: "The CDP is going but we are here on loan"

From Fincantieri to Saipem, from Ilva to Alitalia and Open Fiber, the president Claudio Costamagna proudly traces the balance of all the games played by Cassa depositi e prestiti but warns: "We are perfectly in line with the ambitions of the plan…