The CDP and the birth of national champions

Courtesy of the author and the publisher, we are publishing an excerpt from the new book by Paolo Bricco, leading author of the Sole 24 Ore, on the "Cassa Depositi e Prestiti - History of a dynamic and patient capital. For 170 years", published by …
BlackRock and the sustainable finance revolution

With the recent move by BlackRock, big finance beats politicians on issues of sustainability: environmental, social, corporate. After Laurence Fink swerve, what will Donald Trump do? The media also have their responsibilities. Here because
Guido Roberto Vitale and the battles for a better Italy

Financier, innovator, convinced liberal-democrat, Guido Roberto Vitale will be greatly missed in this extremely dangerous political and economic phase. It is to be hoped that many will follow in his footsteps to keep up the modernization of the country